Saturday, December 30, 2017

Our Gift

It's time to wrap this up. I tried in the Summer to do so. And, I tried once since then. I still think about doing so every morning I'm out exercising Chance, but I seem to forget, convenient or not, by the time I'm home. But, now, it's time.

We lost our sweet Elly in June.
Besides the running, Elly was hands-down the sweetest creature ever. She embodied peace in our household. She was loyal. She loved, and she loved to be loved. She gave everything she had to all of us. Always.

Perhaps I've not finished this until now because there aren't even enough good words to capture everything she was to us. My heart knows how it still feels, but my brain has difficulty producing worthy words.

As a tribute to our girl, Pit Crew #2 created this blanket for me:
It tells such a wonderful story of a beautiful life.

Adopting Chance at the time we did was really a testament to how much Elly gave to us. The very idea of losing that was more than I cared to bear. And, continuing to learn about who he is sparks a number thoughts about Elly I'd either forgotten or not really realized. For instance, because of his seemingly ridiculous fear of bicycles when we first got him made me remember how afraid Elly was of dried leaves as they blew or crunched on the street. And, his anxious nature made me realize how assertive she was -- a characteristic not ever really noted as she was nothing but sweet and submissive to the four of us.

Remembering is good.

Elly was love. I treasure every memory. What a gift to have had her.

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