Sunday, June 11, 2017


Meet Chance.
He's happy to be home.

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I have a theory about the creatures around us. I developed it when the kids were really little, and I'd watch them "experiment" with bugs. They were so, very intrigued by them that those little bugs would get poked and prodded and manhandled beyond their little bug capabilities to survive sometimes. It was through these interactions that I taught the kids life things. None was necessarily profound, but those moments served as a way for the kids to learn something about other living things without actually hurting someone. It was then I thanked God for those very creatures that often annoy. This certainly isn't the reason for the existence of bugs we learn in our science classes, but I don't find their purposes to be mutually exclusive. So, I embrace both.

Since then, I started to look at all creatures in new ways. And, when we got Elly, there was no doubt in my mind that she was with us for big reasons. Like I stated yesterday, she literally changed the trajectory of my health and well being. She also is the one whose pace I followed to train to run beyond 5 miles. I even remember the run where I realized her role. I'd just been talking to God saying (whining), "I don't get why I don't know what to do to get better!" which is the same moment when I looked down and saw Elly plodding along happy as a clam to just be going. She'd go for as long as I let her, and she was perfectly pleased to do so no matter how long it took. In that moment, I realized I'd been given the very trainer I needed.

I'm in a slice of my life right now where I'm investing a lot of my time and energy into things I cannot change for the better. And, some of those things involve considerable, impending loss. It's a very difficult emotional place to be. I have been praying about it a lot, though, and I recently came to the peaceful conclusion that it would be okay to start investing in something that has wonderful potential to change for the better. I realized my heart has the capacity to welcome it, and I have it in me to handle it. I talked to Aaron about it, and he, too, was on board. 

We found him last night, and he won my heart immediately.

And, we named him Chance.
Aaron and I found him at the Humane Society yesterday evening, and I immediately fell in love with him. He's 13 months old possessing a wonderful case of being an unspecified Pound Hound. He's chock full of energy, and he exhausted me today introducing him to Elly and the kitties and to his new surroundings. This is a transition that could have been terrible, and it went pretty okay! We have a long way to go, but it was a good start! He is lightening fast when running around the backyard, and we're working on walking on the leash. Currently, he's exhausting in that regard, but he has already shown promise. Seeing the investment build, for as completely whipped as I am here at the end of the day, is worth the work!

He'll be worth it. He already is.

Welcome to the family, Chance!❤

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