As usual on race day, the whole fam was up and at 'em bright and early. Wait. It wasn't bright at all. In fact, it was dark. Nevertheless, we were up, out the door and to the event in plenty of lollygag time! The moon was even still out! There it is!
And, there we are!
My favorite Crew ... all supportive and chilly in the very cool morning air!! |
Remember I mentioned I recently learned of a friend running today's 10K? She's the one! She just started running in June ... how cool is that?!
The Half Marathon started a half hour earlier than the 10K, so we had plenty of hanging around time. We wound up having extra hanging around time with a slight delay in the start of the Half. And, why was that? Check it out as the administrative snafus of two years ago that made me not want to do this event again didn't just re-emerge, they simply did not disappoint:
And, what is going on up there you ask? Check it out -- this picture is taken from the start corral. Just after running over the timing mat, runners need to turn right to be on course. However, these porta potties were positioned just right so the very.long.line. of potty goers extended past and cut off the ability to turn on to the route. Look, it was either poor planning, or it was a coup designed by the 10Kers in line. You decide.
Fortunately, it being an event on a relatively small scale, the line went down quickly, and the Half began. The fam and I stood and cheered for every runner 'til the last was out of the chute. It was at this time we actually heard the tunes being provided for our pre-race pleasure. And, it was confusing. Here's the thing ... I actually loved most of the music. Journey's "Faithfully" and Toto's "Africa"? I'm a big fan. But, at a race? A race with a specific musical theme? Is it just me? I think not. Melanie and I weren't the only ones in the crowd mentioning our concern about dozing off before heading out. And, the choice of Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" doesn't really evoke internal motivation at a distance run. Especially in a run where they're not closing off traffic. Just sayin'.
Soon enough, it was time for the 10Kers to get set. We went our separate ways ... one to the corral, three to picture-taking position.
One last pic before heading to our posts! |
You know how I love my pre-race shoe pictures! Lavendar kicks were right in front of me?! |
And, these?! YUM! |
I took this one because Melanie is in it. I'll let that be a Where's Waldo moment for you! |
As the start clock counted down from 10, this girl decided to pour it on and leave everything out on the route. That's what a girl's to do!
With that, I was off and took off faster than I ever have for any run. I know you're not supposed to do that, but I had enough confidence in reevaluating and slowing it down if need be without berating myself for doing so, so I figured I'd just go for it. That mental component was key and very much my former nemesis, so having faith that I could pull back without emotional consequence allowed me to just go-go-GO!
There I am in the red on the left ... not yet in focus. Kind of like how I was feeling when we arrived under the moon ... |
Today's only pain of this hill came from the blaring sun rising behind it. There's no picture of that; it would only be white anyway! It was no fun at all going directly into that sun especially with eager racers to my sides and uneven brick under the feet, so I used the unpleasantness to motivate me to just go faster!
Almost all of the streets and trails of this run were very familiar from past races. It was strange but fabulous to have such a full memory bank on which to draw as I ran. To be honest, I've struggled at some point on every part of this run where I've been before, and it was nice to rerun when I felt positive and strong and, further, felt I had not a thing in the world to prove even to myself. Indeed, I've come a very long way!
I haven't come so far that I don't have some fleeting snarks in my head. For instance, there I was running down this hill approaching Mile 2 ...
I've always wanted to run down this hill. It's big, and it looks like fun (and, it was). The very dead deer at the bottom of the hill was not fun at all. |
By the way, it was right before this down hill that I came upon an intersection where I had a very big decision to make: Look up, and don't scope for money OR give in and do what it is you do. You see, given the broken windshield all over the place, there was obviously a recent collision. And, when there's a collision, there's often change in the vacinity. Yes, I know these things. I almost immediately saw a penny and was trying to convince myself of my GO! St. Louis found-money strategy (make a mental tally instead of picking it up, and put that much in the Food Bank fund myself) when I saw a quarter and a dime, and I decided not to resist.
How cool is it that this 36 cents took the Food Bank change tally to $13.10?! |
I also couldn't help visiting the ghosts of past races when we hit the trail:
Selfies: Not yet banned in America! Good thing I am not racing in Hong Kong ... |
I had no idea of my time along the way, but it was quite inspiring to wave to the Crew waiting for me just before the finish then look at the finish line clock to see I was about to smoke my best 10K time.
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Just keep going just keeps paying off! |
Best medal EVER!! That itself was worth the entry fee!! |
THIS they got TOTALLY RIGHT in my book!!! |
Hooray, chilly Crew!! I wouldn't want to do this without you!!! |
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I did it ... she did it ... |
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We totally did it! |
And, of course, I cannot forget to acknowledge and give the love to my trainer ... who was left behind ...
"Uncool to leave me behind, mommy. What gives?" |
"Seriously. Explain. I'm all ears." |
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