I walked downstairs to let Aaron know I was heading out to run when he looked at me, saw my clothes and surprisingly asked, "Are you running today?" He can be forgetful. OR is it that he had his own little flashback to when there was nothing getting me up and running the day after a race. In that regard, I can understand his confusion. But, those days are looooong gone. This morning, it was time to hit the road and keep up the training schedule!
Besides, I don't think Elly could have stood another day not getting to go out for an adventure! She was on her best behavior, too, including ignoring every dog we passed even if they, themselves, were pitching fits. Very excellent.
"Of course it was very excellent. I'm a
very excellent dog." |
I will fully admit to feeling yesterday's run as soon as I hit the pavement today, but that's what happens when I turn up the volume and actually put some speed into the effort. Everything shakes out and is loose by the end of the run, so why not go out and enjoy another one?
Today's was a great swing back into the norm! And, with normal comes adhering to the schedule which means tomorrow ... we rest!! I'm looking forward to starting a Monday with just a wee bit of down time! Start your Monday off the best way you can, and I'll see you then!
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