It's hard to really say how today's run went when I spent the entire duration fighting the crazy humidity! I knew from the minute I walked out the door that this run was going to be a tough one compliments of the never-ending-energy-suck known as warm, humid air.
That is a bummer! Running can be enough of a challenge; do we really need to add a sudden humidity wrath??
I spent a great deal of my time entertaining myself trying to come up with an analogy for the experience. I was pretty pumped about coming up with one because analogies were always my best standardized test section. They always helped bump up the ol' score. ("Wow, good thing this girl can think and reason because she seems to be purposely ignoring the rules of addition and subtraction.") So, I gave it my best shot: Humidity is to Running as ... as ... as ... Okay, try it again ... Humidity is to Running as ... as ... Okay, clearly, that's where I got stuck. So, I played a different game. I think you'll recognize it:
I'll take Things That Suck for $500, Alex.
The answer is: Running Condition.
What is: In Humidity?
That is correct!
Seriously, it was that thick. But, I shall move on.
Amidst the air through which I was swimming, I looked up and saw these little guys:
Doesn't it look like they're just having a little Saturday morning
gab fest? Perhaps sharing a coffee and swapping stories? |
And, on the other side:
Aww, they're having fun, too! |
The next thing I knew, there were only four over there:
These four chased off the fifth. And, I didn't like them anymore. |
As I went on, I saw up ahead what I thought might be a little excitement:
A fire truck with lights flashing! What's up??? |
I was a bit disappointed that I came upon a fire fighter just standing by the truck and two others sitting on the front bumper. But, no kidding, something smelled like smoke in the area. Confused and hot and not wanting to stare at the firemen, I kept going. (Do you see the two people in the bike lane on the right? Those are friends of mine! As we passed, I gave them a good,
"Haaaaaayyyyyy!!!" because, as you know, I think it's funny.)
Right after I saw my pals, I hit Mile 4 which was the beginning of my own
Holy Hill. It's not nearly as long, but it's pretty painful every time I do it. Some day, I will cruise up without complaint. I used to not be able to do it at all, so progressing to just complaining is a major step in the right direction! I was very glad to make it up the hill without being delirious from the experience because it was beneficial to have my eyes wide open to avoid this:
The cones helped considerably since I don't tend to pay very
good attention of what is right in front of me (the money's usually
to the side, you know), but I sure hope the cones stay if the
asphalt is permanent because that is not a smooth running
surface, and I can totally foresee a stumble and tumble! |
I'm not going to pretend like the last part of this run was easy. I was hot, I had soaked all of my clothes with sweat, and it was yucky. So, for about 100 yards of Mile 5, I took a water walk ...
No shame in taking care of yourself. A
handful of steps while drinking some water
is so very worthwhile! |
... and, that did my body, mind and spirt some gooooood!!
A mere 100 yards later, I'm ready to rock!
Or, at least, I'm ready to be finished, and
that means I have to get on going again! |
It wasn't another quarter mile before I started feeling like I could chug all of the water you put in front of me, though:
You know how a dog will run along and lick the grass when
its full of dew? I was strongly considering sucking the rain
water off of these trees as I passed. But, I thought that might
be taking things a bit too far. Especially when there was a
man taking a walk on the other side of the street. |
I quickly strategized the water I had left versus the water I wanted for the cool-down walk home:
It's only up to my finger, but I'm closing
in on the home stretch ... |
With fewer than two miles to go, I figured I could save the rest of my water 'til I finished. The slosh in the bottle taunted me along the way, but I stayed strong. I rule!
My perseverance was rewarded all in the last mile!
Okay, I just do not get where these come from. But, I'm glad
to find them! Let's hear it for another cha-ching for the Food
Bank and another don't-have-many-of-that-color BBs! |
With treasures in my water bottle pocket and all 7 miles completed, I began my cool down home by slamming the rest of that water in my bottle. That was a fun experience as I squeezed the bottle to get the last of it which blew a big
whoosh of air into my mouth and almost made me throw up. Awesome way to wrap it up, huh?!
At home, I double-fisted the water replenish while Aaron and I chatted in the a/c:
I say Ahhhh and Ahhhh again! |
It took no time 'til I realized just how repulsive I smelled. I could hardly stand myself:
Just gotta whiff. Groo-dyyyyy ... |
You know who could stand me, though? You guessed it:
One of Aaron's new, favorite things to do is to stick the camera
RIGHT in your face ... Elly is not immune from his pursuit! |
The countdown miles are starting to come off in bigger chunks!! Fabulous! Now if the temperature would drop in bigger chunks, things would be supreme! 'Guess I'll be taking that as it comes, but what's coming up next is Rest Day! That's tomorrow, and I'll see you then!
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