Aaron and I have a new game we created for when we watch TV. We call it, "The Unlikely Voice Of Reason," and it evolved by watching and applying it to the slew of reality television shows we watch. There's always someone cast as the purposeful villian or doofus (not necessarily an either-or proposition, really), right? But, if you watch, it's often that very person who chimes in with some one-liner that makes everyone stop and take note. Just when you thought that person had nothing but comic relief to contribute. (If you watched the finale
Bachelor Pad last night --
oh, yes, we love it! -- you heard why Kalon, the indisputable villian on Emily's
Bachelorette season, was awarded our Unlikely Voice Of Reason award when the cast was debating why so-and-so deserves the game's prize money over anyone else and how very undeserving someone else was when Kalon ... seemingly spoiled, entitled, arrogant Kalon ... says, essentially, 'I think we're all forgetting the definition of the word
deserve. None of us
deserve this money. It's a game." Delivered in the key of "Duh,"
that was an Unlikely Voice Of Reason winning moment!!)
Earlier in the day, I had a similar ear perk when listening to Jessica Simpson talk to Katie Couric about her weight loss efforts. I don't have any particular opinion about Jessica Simpson. She seems very every-day-gal to me. But, what she said was so simple yet poignant, so I wrote it down to share here.
Couric asked her, "What is the biggest lesson you've learned through this whole (weight loss) process?"
Simpson replied: "I think that the biggest lesson is to be kind to myself and to be gentle with myself and to keep reminding myself that it is a process and just cut myself some slack." (Jessica Simpson on the
Katie show, 9/10/12)
Okay, I know she's not reading my blog, but doesn't it sound like she does?! She just articulated the biggest message I (a) had to learn, and (b)
want more than anything to give to someone else!!!
Again, I have no particular opinion of Jessica Simpson. But, I did want to hug her right then and there! And, because I would never before had had reason to turn to her for specific motivation, I award her with one of our Unlikely Voice Of Reason awards! (I'm sure she'd be so proud!)
And, with that kind of advice, everyone wins!
I've also found a winning way to transition out of berry season (don't get me started ... makes me sad ...) and into Fall goodness for my morning oatmeal.
rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat ...
How cute is that little gala apple in my hand?! I usually hate
buying them this little because, please, that's not much of an
apple. BUT it's perfect to slice up half for my oatmeal and just
eat the other half. Deee-lish. |
It's not yet really apple season, so these don't have the big-time flavor punch that's just around the corner. But, they're still good. To be honest, I'm not so sure I would have thought to get these itty bitty guys if it weren't for McDonald's oatmeal with fruit, one of which features apples, raisins and walnuts. It's true. (Maybe I should make an Unlikely Place Of Healthy Food Inspiration award ...)
Diced apples, walnut and chia seeds ... woooooweeeee yum!! |
It's a wildly filling breakfast alongside scrambled egg (2 whites + 1 whole) and the
perfect way to start the day either right after a run or on a day when I'm not running at all! Whee!
Speaking of running, tomorrow, we're back at it. In fact, we're already to the weekday 4-milers. That snuck up on me big time!! It means we're getting close to
the day! So, I'm off to map a new route, and I'll see you after taking it on!
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