Saturday, May 7, 2016

Catching Up!

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 342.9 (running: 286 walking: 20.2; biking: 36.2) Elly's miles: 149.6  Money Found For Food Bank: $49.32

HELLO, SATURDAY!! I didn't run today. I garage saled. Yahoo! It's a neighborhood garage sale situation, and, believe when I say I would have been taking my life into my own hands had I tried to run. As I said to Aaron while we were out and about, "I'm not sure why this garage sale is also license to drive like an idiot." Just sayin'. We scored some fun prizes including this:
Cute, right?
Aaron spied it. He saw it was a dollar and said I had to have it!
It's seriously delightful. Until it is used for its intended purpose:
That's when it becomes hideous! Snoopy is super scary. The kind of thing nightmares are made of. (Great way to scare the hell out of your cat, though. Ask me how I know.) I told Aaron I wouldn't pay full price for scary Snoopy. He (easily) got it for 50 cents.

So, I had to share that. I also want to share that Elly and I had a great run yesterday morning!
Yay for our morning outings!!
I never got around to jotting anything down about it. Writing the same day as it actually happened is not exactly reflective of my current life patterns! And, I've grown to embrace that fact. Well, embrace is probably too strong of a word, but, it's close. At least I'm not fighting it as though I have total control over the happenings in my day! (Remember when I said I had a great plan to tackle the week and get things under better control? When I count to three, join me in a big BWA-HA-HAAAA!!)

It's all good. It's all necessary at this time in my life to shift and transition and grow and all of that other stuff that's required for long-term happiness but is a big pain in the ass along the way.

Speaking of good stuff, Elly and I came across these on our run:
I'm thankful for the time to run. It's good for me physically as well as a way to maintain sanity! It's peaceful. It's a good way to start the day! I need to write down a schedule for the next few weeks, though, so I keep myself ready to drop into any of my upcoming virtual 10Ks at any point. Mary Kate is joining us for the Suck It Up, Buttercup run, and that's awesome motivation to keep on keepin' on!

Yeah, I'm a bit all over the place right now. But, so is my life, so, why not let that bleed into running, too? As long as I can keep it going during the week, I'm not too worried about what it looks like!

Here's to doing the best you can do and being proud of it! Now, let's take a deep breath and keep going ...!

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