Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 350.9 (running: 290.1 walking: 24.2; biking: 36.2) Elly's miles: 157.3 Money Found For Food Bank: $50.93
So, that was a week.
It all started last Monday morning with my planned, and lovely, morning run. The temperature was perfect. I saw lots of Spring ...
... and evidence from those ready for Summer:
It wasn't my strongest outing, but it was good.
Elly was at the vet getting her teeth cleaned. Or, so I thought. I came home to a message from the vet in charge of her procedure letting me know they still hadn't taken care of it because they were concerned about her weight loss in the past year. Annoyed she'd been there more than two hours with nothing yet done, I called back to investigate. The vet explained her concerns are over the percentage of weight she's lost and didn't seem satisfied with my explanation that she has spent the last year using her meal time to stare down Lizzy rather than go about her eating business which has resulted in her not eating as much as usual. That she still jumps for her leash, has maintained her hound energy and otherwise acts normal was not enough, and the vet went on to explain how putting Elly under for the cleaning could aggravate any unknown, underlying health problems. The vet's words told me it was my choice (proceed with the cleaning or do tests), but her tone most assuredly let me know there was a right and a
wrong decision. She went on to use her fancy, 5-syllable veterinary words that I didn't ask for to make her case. So, I told her that her words meant nothing to me, and that she could call my husband.
Sometimes, I do reach my fill. Elly's more than fine, by the way, and her teeth sparkle!
While Elly sparkled by Monday evening, I went dull. Very dull. By 10 p.m., I was best friends with the bathroom for the duration of the night, all night. The short of the story is I was down for the count for the next two days straight. I had a reprieve on Thursday that I thought meant I was on the mend. I even took Elly for a very short stroll ...
"Uh, mommy. You're not quite right." |
Jeez, had I just looked in the mirror, I would have realized the storm had not yet passed. And, there it was. It seems Thursday was just getting me strong enough to handle Friday and the last hurrah of what Aaron and I are positive was salmonella poisoning. I am completely certain it was from my Monday morning egg white breakfast
that I made myself. I can see in my mind's eye that one, little section that wasn't quite done. It was merely a couple of hours after breakfast that everything inside felt unsettled getting me ready for an evening upheaval like I've never experienced. DAMN THE HEALTHY FOOD!! Okay, I'm kidding about that part. Perhaps, I need to pay more attention to my culinary skills, though ...
Even on Thursday, when I'd finally had a little water and an entire orange, I felt weak. Two days of no food, little water and internal evacuation will do that to someone. Up until this morning ...
this very morning ... I was walking rather timidly given the assault my core had been through. I felt very much like I'd just had a baby. I felt worse than any time I've ever finished a Half Marathon. I need to tuck this away for my next Half to realize during the run, "Yes, yes I have experienced worse than
And, that is where the week went.
What that did is throw my entire outlook out the window for the upcoming week. And, actually, that's not so bad. I'm moving forward with the only expectation that I do the best I can, and that will be 100% better than anything I accomplished last week! (There was a 'last week'?)
I'm not yet ready to run, but I will take a walk tomorrow if weather permits. As during many times in life for many reasons, it's time to just start all over and build rather than try to jump into the middle and expect to have traction!
Here's to a solid, fresh start!