Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 122 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 587.6 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 283 Money Found For Food Bank: $39.17
Welllllll ... I did plan to take a rest today. But, as my plans for this morning kept getting rearranged late yesterday afternoon. Ah, we all know how that goes! Anyway, seeing as I was going to need to be up and out this morning, it just made sense to go ahead and run, too. My clogged-up, sinus-filled head didn't think it made any sense at all when I got up, but it's not very agreeable these days, so I didn't listen!
I also didn't take Elly today. She shouldn't go out for 3 days straight of 5 miles anyway, but she seemed to have a slight limp yesterday afternoon. I have a feeling she wasn't completely healed from her muscle tweak. She's been more than fine around the house and bounding up and down the stairs, but, apparently, the injury was deeper than that, and two days of that distance were enough to make her say, "Um ... not yet." Poor girl.
I wasn't sure how this morning's outing would go since I walked yesterday and am still stuffy today, but, I'm happy to report it went unexpectedly well! I ran all but one small stretch where there are meters based in grass (it takes a bit more inspection when the money can fall in the grass), and it felt good to do so unless you were my head which didn't really appreciate being out of bed much less running.
Besides finding some pennies, this was my favorite spotting:
Your guess is as good as mine. Unless you know why these are here and painted like that, then your guess is better. Either way, I dig 'em!
My least favorite moment was right after an inconsequential encounter with a guy who not only wasn't looking where he was walking, but he also kept veering from one space to another. I was running toward him, and any time I adjusted thinking I'd pass him on one side, he moved forcing me the other way. He didn't see me at all, and, when he did, he was most apologetic. And, this was taking place near a parking lot, so there was plenty of room for everyone, so none of that is my issue. No, that came along because while I was moving from side to side behind this unsuspecting man, it reminded me of when Ellen Degeneres has people video themselves dancing behind unsuspecting people which then made me think of the song, "Let's Dance" as sung by David Bowie which is a song I happen to hate but sang to myself for the next two miles because it got stuck in my brain.
You've been there.
Okay, that's 20 miles for the week, and I think that's all I need before starting up training on Saturday! OR, or I'm 2 miles short, and who cares because I still have miles on reserve to keep me ahead of my year-end goal. Either way, I'm resting tomorrow, so who cares.
With that, it's off to play with the youngest Crewer! I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Plans Are Meant To Be Changed, Right?!
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Split the Difference
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 121 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 582.6 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 283 Money Found For Food Bank: $39.12
So, by the time I went to bed last night, this sneezy-sinus-y-whatever-it-is thing got the best of me. Handing me a round of eyeball pressure and that more-annoying-than-painful (but still hurts) feeling all through my sinuses, I was ready for some sleep with a big question about what I would do this morning.
Thankfully, I woke up feeling much better but still worn. It's like I was somewhere in between completely fine and toppling into a full blown sinus battle. So, I went with that in-between theme for my outing. I had the choice to run or to walk, so, I split the difference down the middle and walked really fast! I figured I'd get in the miles and get a decent sweat on without pounding my head in the process, plus I should have plenty of energy to make it to evening. Ta and Da!
So, out Elly and I went on another cool morning (which is exactly what has messed with my head ... but, I'll take it!!)! And, just like yesterday, our middle mile was a rough one as she kept trying to insist we go an entirely different direction than the path we were on. This is how it looks:
The fast walk thing was a great move this morning. Sometimes, a break is needed, and it's okay! Besides, with Saturday as the official start to training, I should use the next few days to chill a little bit before kicking it up a notch.
I will continue the chill theme with a rest tomorrow! The rest could have started earlier today, but I had more than enough in me -- thanks to not overdoing it this morning! -- to take Pit Crew #3 on in a couple of games of our custom rules pool basketball!
Design your efforts the way you need, and I'll check in from Rest Day tomorrow!
So, by the time I went to bed last night, this sneezy-sinus-y-whatever-it-is thing got the best of me. Handing me a round of eyeball pressure and that more-annoying-than-painful (but still hurts) feeling all through my sinuses, I was ready for some sleep with a big question about what I would do this morning.
Thankfully, I woke up feeling much better but still worn. It's like I was somewhere in between completely fine and toppling into a full blown sinus battle. So, I went with that in-between theme for my outing. I had the choice to run or to walk, so, I split the difference down the middle and walked really fast! I figured I'd get in the miles and get a decent sweat on without pounding my head in the process, plus I should have plenty of energy to make it to evening. Ta and Da!
So, out Elly and I went on another cool morning (which is exactly what has messed with my head ... but, I'll take it!!)! And, just like yesterday, our middle mile was a rough one as she kept trying to insist we go an entirely different direction than the path we were on. This is how it looks:
Here she is with her sheepish look and passive attempt to steer us around. |
Down the road, she makes no bones about making her move. She keeps forgetting that she's strong, but I'm stronger. At least it only goes on for a mile ... |
I will continue the chill theme with a rest tomorrow! The rest could have started earlier today, but I had more than enough in me -- thanks to not overdoing it this morning! -- to take Pit Crew #3 on in a couple of games of our custom rules pool basketball!
I'm smiling because I had not yet lost at our game. Twice. |
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Oh, Bother
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 120 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 577.6 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 278 Money Found For Food Bank: $39.09
Okay, this is what was in my Facebook feed this morning:
And, my response to it was, "Excuse me, Run the Edge, but I respectfully disagree!" Personally, I had a few items on my just-don't-bother list including I was tired and, more importantly (or, at least different), I seem to have a wee touch of a cold. It's definitely a wee one, but it's indisputably there. And, at 6:30 in the morning when I'm not quite awake, I'm quite certain that running is the very antidote to getting better. I mean, why push it only to make this little Summer sneeze attack turn into a full-blown case of influenza, amiright ?! Because, that's how it works, right?: Cold leads into the most detrimental manifestation of influenza especially when antagonized by running a few miles, yes?!
I can only say it's probably a good thing that I come to my senses pretty quickly after actually getting myself out of the bed. Oh, the sneezes were there, but, really, it just wasn't that big of a deal today. So, out I went ... with the pooch!!
Having a foggy head plus this onset of bea-u-ti-ful weather worked to Elly's advantage today! She's not been out since tweaking her muscle a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure she has been fine for about a week, but the humid weather is not good for her. Good golly, she's contrary enough on the best of days (like, um, TODAY), I cannot imagine her in weather that actually validates her resistance to forward motion!
Anyway, I leashed up my pal, and off we went. I decided to run when I felt it and walked when my body called for it. Sometimes, if you're quiet enough to listen, your body will tell you what it needs to get going. This is a completely different situation than the one I recently saw on a hoarding show where the featured woman said her clothes talk to her, fyi.
I only really needed to walk a few spells in the first two miles; everything seemed to fall into place after that. For me. The Contrarian was a bit of a different story because just as soon as I found my groove, Elly totally lost hers for about a mile. In fairness, the first two miles are out-and-back, so, when we got back, she was ready to be finished. She caught on after another mile of negotiating the route back and forth with me ("Seriously, Elly ... this way ..."), and the last two miles were pretty easy breezy for all.
I found a good chunk of change collectively all over the place (27 cents sending the Food Bank total over the $39 mark!), and I saw something I've not seen in a very, very long time: There was a man talking on a pay phone. Whuuuuuuuut ?! I have passed that phone many times always with the assumption that it either no longer works or that no one uses it. As I passed today, I could only think, "There's one more spot to check for cha-ching!"
Of course, I have no picture. I thought it might be weird-rude-potentially inciting drama-creepy to just stand there and take a picture of a guy I don't even know. I could hear the conversation now:
Unsuspecting man: What the ...?!
Me: Don't mind me. I just like to blog about my running adventures.
Unsuspecting man: (meets my look with his own bewildered one)
Me: No. Really. That phone probably has more to do with what I write than the actual words about running. Say cheese!
I thought better of the whole thing and just kept going. But, seeing someone on a pay phone is most definitely not a common site!
Ah, but this one is:
Tomorrow has another 5 on the calendar which will be easier than today because I know on the other side of it is a Rest Day! Sometimes, getting to Rest Day is my biggest inspiration!
Use whatever works to inspire yourself, and I'll see you after the morning run!
Okay, this is what was in my Facebook feed this morning:
And, my response to it was, "Excuse me, Run the Edge, but I respectfully disagree!" Personally, I had a few items on my just-don't-bother list including I was tired and, more importantly (or, at least different), I seem to have a wee touch of a cold. It's definitely a wee one, but it's indisputably there. And, at 6:30 in the morning when I'm not quite awake, I'm quite certain that running is the very antidote to getting better. I mean, why push it only to make this little Summer sneeze attack turn into a full-blown case of influenza, amiright ?! Because, that's how it works, right?: Cold leads into the most detrimental manifestation of influenza especially when antagonized by running a few miles, yes?!
I can only say it's probably a good thing that I come to my senses pretty quickly after actually getting myself out of the bed. Oh, the sneezes were there, but, really, it just wasn't that big of a deal today. So, out I went ... with the pooch!!
Having a foggy head plus this onset of bea-u-ti-ful weather worked to Elly's advantage today! She's not been out since tweaking her muscle a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure she has been fine for about a week, but the humid weather is not good for her. Good golly, she's contrary enough on the best of days (like, um, TODAY), I cannot imagine her in weather that actually validates her resistance to forward motion!
Anyway, I leashed up my pal, and off we went. I decided to run when I felt it and walked when my body called for it. Sometimes, if you're quiet enough to listen, your body will tell you what it needs to get going. This is a completely different situation than the one I recently saw on a hoarding show where the featured woman said her clothes talk to her, fyi.
I only really needed to walk a few spells in the first two miles; everything seemed to fall into place after that. For me. The Contrarian was a bit of a different story because just as soon as I found my groove, Elly totally lost hers for about a mile. In fairness, the first two miles are out-and-back, so, when we got back, she was ready to be finished. She caught on after another mile of negotiating the route back and forth with me ("Seriously, Elly ... this way ..."), and the last two miles were pretty easy breezy for all.
I found a good chunk of change collectively all over the place (27 cents sending the Food Bank total over the $39 mark!), and I saw something I've not seen in a very, very long time: There was a man talking on a pay phone. Whuuuuuuuut ?! I have passed that phone many times always with the assumption that it either no longer works or that no one uses it. As I passed today, I could only think, "There's one more spot to check for cha-ching!"
Of course, I have no picture. I thought it might be weird-rude-potentially inciting drama-creepy to just stand there and take a picture of a guy I don't even know. I could hear the conversation now:
Unsuspecting man: What the ...?!
Me: Don't mind me. I just like to blog about my running adventures.
Unsuspecting man: (meets my look with his own bewildered one)
Me: No. Really. That phone probably has more to do with what I write than the actual words about running. Say cheese!
I thought better of the whole thing and just kept going. But, seeing someone on a pay phone is most definitely not a common site!
Ah, but this one is:
She makes it very difficult to be annoyed with her contrary ways when she's that darned cute! |
Use whatever works to inspire yourself, and I'll see you after the morning run!
Monday, July 28, 2014
Behind the Words
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 119 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 572.6 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 273 Money Found For Food Bank: $38.82
Welcome to MONDAY!!! I hope yours started off exactly the way you wanted OR that you made the way it started exactly what you need! I did the latter ... with a run!
I had the good fortune of excellent running weather this morning. It was the kind that was cool enough to not require bringing water along (although I did anyway) and that didn't suck the very life out of you just by being out in it. In fact, there was even a nice, little breeze going on that I thoroughly enjoyed even though it punctuated the fact that I didn't get my hair back very well, so it kept getting in my way:
It was a great run today. Oh, and I can't wait for a few weeks from now when I'm toward the end of my Half training schedule and I've been away from these 5-miler days long enough to whine because there are two 5-mile runs at the end of the that schedule. That will be the day of, "How soon we forget ..."
One thing in this whole running gig I've not forgotten is the very person, named Ed, who encouraged me to run my very first Half. The story of 5 years ago goes like this:
Ed (who is a runner and knew I was embarking on my own adventures): Hey, you should really think about running this Half I've run for years.
Me: You are out of your mind.
Ed (looking at me like, "Um, I'm really not"): Why not? There's no reason you can't.
And, I remember stopping and thinking about it long enough to at least consider. And, soon enough, I considered it done. At least 'done' enough to work toward!
ANYWAY, I hadn't seen him in a couple of years until I ran into him today. After a quick catch-up, he said, "Yeah, I'm still running, but that's only because I finally gave in and stopped worrying about beating my time."
Now, granted, he was talking about his own Personal Record and not that he was trying to beat the field. But, I still stood there stunned. Never in my wildest dreams did it cross my mind he really concerned himself with time. He is older than I, he has a knee (or two) issue, and he just keeps going along doing his own thing. I couldn't really even wrap my brain around the idea that he cared about time. I said to him, "Okay, you need to get that one of the inspirations I had to not worry about time was you !" I think the look on his face conveyed he realized, on this topic, he might be a better teacher than student of his own advice!
He also mentioned that he has his eye on running in the October Half for which I've already signed up, so, of course, I had to get all rah-rah at him to do it! I reminded him of the flat course we've been promised (fingers crossed!), that it sounds like a fun one, and that he should just keep going! Look, one of my running inspirations can't turn tables on me; I had to be in his face a little bit!
As we parted, I not only hoped he would be in the starting gates in October, but I was also thankful I heard what he intended for me to hear those years ago and not what he was telling himself. I appreciate his heart of a teacher although I was sad today to learn he was battling with himself. Who needs a battle especially with yourself?!
To that end, let me remind you of my foundation: Your deal, your way. Make whatever it is you're taking on work for you in a way that fosters forward motion instead of creating an eventual stopping point. I don't even want to compete with myself. I just want to keep going ...
And, to that end, I keep it going tomorrow! I'll see you after the morning run!
Welcome to MONDAY!!! I hope yours started off exactly the way you wanted OR that you made the way it started exactly what you need! I did the latter ... with a run!
I had the good fortune of excellent running weather this morning. It was the kind that was cool enough to not require bringing water along (although I did anyway) and that didn't suck the very life out of you just by being out in it. In fact, there was even a nice, little breeze going on that I thoroughly enjoyed even though it punctuated the fact that I didn't get my hair back very well, so it kept getting in my way:
And, not until today did I notice there's an actual right-side-up orientation to that headband. Who knew? You're not going to today ... my hair's in the way of that, too! |
One thing in this whole running gig I've not forgotten is the very person, named Ed, who encouraged me to run my very first Half. The story of 5 years ago goes like this:
Ed (who is a runner and knew I was embarking on my own adventures): Hey, you should really think about running this Half I've run for years.
Me: You are out of your mind.
Ed (looking at me like, "Um, I'm really not"): Why not? There's no reason you can't.
And, I remember stopping and thinking about it long enough to at least consider. And, soon enough, I considered it done. At least 'done' enough to work toward!
ANYWAY, I hadn't seen him in a couple of years until I ran into him today. After a quick catch-up, he said, "Yeah, I'm still running, but that's only because I finally gave in and stopped worrying about beating my time."
Now, granted, he was talking about his own Personal Record and not that he was trying to beat the field. But, I still stood there stunned. Never in my wildest dreams did it cross my mind he really concerned himself with time. He is older than I, he has a knee (or two) issue, and he just keeps going along doing his own thing. I couldn't really even wrap my brain around the idea that he cared about time. I said to him, "Okay, you need to get that one of the inspirations I had to not worry about time was you !" I think the look on his face conveyed he realized, on this topic, he might be a better teacher than student of his own advice!
He also mentioned that he has his eye on running in the October Half for which I've already signed up, so, of course, I had to get all rah-rah at him to do it! I reminded him of the flat course we've been promised (fingers crossed!), that it sounds like a fun one, and that he should just keep going! Look, one of my running inspirations can't turn tables on me; I had to be in his face a little bit!
As we parted, I not only hoped he would be in the starting gates in October, but I was also thankful I heard what he intended for me to hear those years ago and not what he was telling himself. I appreciate his heart of a teacher although I was sad today to learn he was battling with himself. Who needs a battle especially with yourself?!
To that end, let me remind you of my foundation: Your deal, your way. Make whatever it is you're taking on work for you in a way that fosters forward motion instead of creating an eventual stopping point. I don't even want to compete with myself. I just want to keep going ...
And, to that end, I keep it going tomorrow! I'll see you after the morning run!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
It's a Good Thing That Perseverance Pool Is Deep
It's almost time for the week to really kick in!! I hope your weekend was full of good stuff so you're ready to hit the ground running tomorrow (literally or figuratively!)!
I spent a chunk of time today working because I knew it would make not just tomorrow but the entire week go easier. Believe when I saw I did not want to work today. But, the payoff was good, so I did it.
The feeling mimicked the one I have most every morning when I plan to run: That feeling of I don't really want to. I'm pretty certain tomorrow will be no exception, but I'm also pretty certain I will pull from the same pool of perseverance I used today to get my work finished to make it happen. In fact, I know that's exactly from where I will draw my initial motivation! That particular pool gets tapped a lot because I'd really rather just spend my days playing ... just being real.
And, I know I'm not alone. We all have that pool, and we all get to decide when and how to use it!
So, whether I bound out of bed (ha! Like that will happen) or drag myself out, the morning will start with a run! It's the last week of the 22-mile total until after the Half which means it's almost time to let the training begin! Here's to pouring myself into a week of no particular rules except to make it happen! Start your Monday off just right, and I'll check in after the morning run!
I spent a chunk of time today working because I knew it would make not just tomorrow but the entire week go easier. Believe when I saw I did not want to work today. But, the payoff was good, so I did it.
The feeling mimicked the one I have most every morning when I plan to run: That feeling of I don't really want to. I'm pretty certain tomorrow will be no exception, but I'm also pretty certain I will pull from the same pool of perseverance I used today to get my work finished to make it happen. In fact, I know that's exactly from where I will draw my initial motivation! That particular pool gets tapped a lot because I'd really rather just spend my days playing ... just being real.
And, I know I'm not alone. We all have that pool, and we all get to decide when and how to use it!
So, whether I bound out of bed (ha! Like that will happen) or drag myself out, the morning will start with a run! It's the last week of the 22-mile total until after the Half which means it's almost time to let the training begin! Here's to pouring myself into a week of no particular rules except to make it happen! Start your Monday off just right, and I'll check in after the morning run!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Brilliantly Simple
And, the verdict for this morning was ... SLEEP!!
I was awake around 6:30 a.m. (not that I had any plans to do anything at that point including getting out of bed). It's at that time that I had my internal debate, as it was, and made my decision. I based it on the fact that my legs were talking to me -- which is very different from when they're screaming, but, either way, if they're saying anything, it's usually not very nice. Taking that cue, I reflected on the many, many, MANY times I read how important it is to rest and not overdo, and I went back to sleep. Yeahhhhhh !!
That's right! Two Rest Days in a row ... whee!! I still had something I wanted to share! So, two years ago, I shared the recipe for S'mores Oatmeal Bites that I found on the Runner's World Facebook page. They have been a consistent favorite around here when I make them, but the problem, sometimes, is actually making them because it's difficult to mush the marshmallow and other ingredients together in such a way that there's enough marshmallow to make it all the way to the end. And, then you're just left with a little heap of dry ingredients. Who wants that?
Well, check out Pit Crew #2 with the rescue!! She was in the kitchen last night making them to take to a gathering ...
... when she came up with the brilliant idea of putting adding the marshmallow a little at a time instead of all at once. The all-at-once method seemed to make getting to the middle of it impossible no matter how much we mushed, stirred and/or begged. Her gradual adding did the trick to make the bites not easier but resulting in the perfect consistency with every one that she rolled.
So simple, so brilliant!
These are such a great bite of sweet without undoing your whole day! And, now that you have an even easier way to make them, give 'em a go!! PC#2's about to give-'em-a-go on out the door ... she might have another batch to make when she comes home!
May your Saturday be an easy-breezy one, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!
I was awake around 6:30 a.m. (not that I had any plans to do anything at that point including getting out of bed). It's at that time that I had my internal debate, as it was, and made my decision. I based it on the fact that my legs were talking to me -- which is very different from when they're screaming, but, either way, if they're saying anything, it's usually not very nice. Taking that cue, I reflected on the many, many, MANY times I read how important it is to rest and not overdo, and I went back to sleep. Yeahhhhhh !!
That's right! Two Rest Days in a row ... whee!! I still had something I wanted to share! So, two years ago, I shared the recipe for S'mores Oatmeal Bites that I found on the Runner's World Facebook page. They have been a consistent favorite around here when I make them, but the problem, sometimes, is actually making them because it's difficult to mush the marshmallow and other ingredients together in such a way that there's enough marshmallow to make it all the way to the end. And, then you're just left with a little heap of dry ingredients. Who wants that?
Well, check out Pit Crew #2 with the rescue!! She was in the kitchen last night making them to take to a gathering ...
... when she came up with the brilliant idea of putting adding the marshmallow a little at a time instead of all at once. The all-at-once method seemed to make getting to the middle of it impossible no matter how much we mushed, stirred and/or begged. Her gradual adding did the trick to make the bites not easier but resulting in the perfect consistency with every one that she rolled.
So simple, so brilliant!
These are such a great bite of sweet without undoing your whole day! And, now that you have an even easier way to make them, give 'em a go!! PC#2's about to give-'em-a-go on out the door ... she might have another batch to make when she comes home!
May your Saturday be an easy-breezy one, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!
Friday, July 25, 2014
Ahead Of the Game
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 118 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 567.6 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 273 Money Found For Food Bank: $38.72
In case you didn't feel the vibe ... IT'S FRIDAY!!! And, that calls for a sigh of satisfaction ... ahhhhh ...!
I hope yours started off great!! Mine started with a surprise in the weather because the return of heat and humidity didn't start until after I ran!! WAHOO!! Stepping out into a cool breeze and breathable air was the perfect way to start today's run! And, so was finding a bright, shiny penny within the first 100 yards. Boo.Yah.
Okay, so with today's run, I completed the week's mileage goal a day in advance! I ran the numbers more than once yesterday to realize it, so I admit I spent almost the entire run today thinking to myself, "I don't have to run tomorrow!" It's not that I don't like it; it's that having two days off in a row sounds really, really appealing! Of course, that's nothing new, but I digress.
So, I put in today's 5, scooped up 22 cents and enjoyed some beautiful weather. I can't ask for much more than that! And, tomorrow? I'm not making a decision about tomorrow until tomorrow. If I get up and feel like getting out there, I will. If I sleep later or just aren't feeling it, I won't! Such flexibility doesn't come along often, so I'm enjoying it while it's in front of me!
Speaking of 'in front of,' check this out:
I know that has nothing to do with running. But, Elly has everything to do with it, so there you go.
I'll check in tomorrow with the morning's decision! Start your weekend off just the way you want, and I'll see you then!
I had to stop and take a pic of these!! Bring on the color bonanza! |
I hope yours started off great!! Mine started with a surprise in the weather because the return of heat and humidity didn't start until after I ran!! WAHOO!! Stepping out into a cool breeze and breathable air was the perfect way to start today's run! And, so was finding a bright, shiny penny within the first 100 yards. Boo.Yah.
This little critter was a speed demon! I figured if you adjusted for size and stride, he's probably outrunning me! |
Okay, so with today's run, I completed the week's mileage goal a day in advance! I ran the numbers more than once yesterday to realize it, so I admit I spent almost the entire run today thinking to myself, "I don't have to run tomorrow!" It's not that I don't like it; it's that having two days off in a row sounds really, really appealing! Of course, that's nothing new, but I digress.
So, I put in today's 5, scooped up 22 cents and enjoyed some beautiful weather. I can't ask for much more than that! And, tomorrow? I'm not making a decision about tomorrow until tomorrow. If I get up and feel like getting out there, I will. If I sleep later or just aren't feeling it, I won't! Such flexibility doesn't come along often, so I'm enjoying it while it's in front of me!
Speaking of 'in front of,' check this out:
Lizzy decided to supervise Elly's dinner tonight. |
Elly looks like she's snarling, but she's just chewing. She's probably also saying bad words to Lizzy. I'll never know. |
I'll check in tomorrow with the morning's decision! Start your weekend off just the way you want, and I'll see you then!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
And, a very happy Thursday to you!! I hope yours started off just right!! Mine started by sleeping in! WAHOO!! Sometimes, that seems to backfire, like I'm starting the day off behind. But, today was entirely a different story. I needed the sleep, and I hit the jackpot with an extra 2 and a half hours! YEAHHHH SUMMER!!
Clearly, it's a Rest Day, and I decided it's the perfect day to share something from the kitchen compliments of Pit Crew #2 (and her love of The Food Network and recipe research)! On Sunday, PC#2 pulled out a recipe she's been itching to make us, got the ingredients with Aaron, and went to work solo in the kitchen (and part of a duo at the grill!) with something all four of us loved! And, that's not an easy feat!!
The outcome looked like this:
And, here's how she got there ...
$50,000 Chinese Chicken Burgers (full recipe here)
2 pounds ground chicken
2 T soy sauce
2 T sugar
1 T sesame oil
6 cloves garlic
1 T lemon grass, fresh & minced
5 green tops scallions, chopped
Here is her first go at making burger patties:
And, here's the first stab at the grill:
They grilled the patties for about 7 minutes a side (up to an internal 165 degrees is the key to avoid food poisoning), and they were wonderful !!!
I'm not a huge fan of the white meat of the chicken unless it's made into something. I know it's good for you, blah blah blah, but it's not tasty enough for me to eat by itself. Believe when I say this burger more than did the trick to dress up the chicken! The only thing I would, personally, add is a little bit of salt, but I think that could easily be added to taste after they're cooked.
The link above also includes the story behind the recipe, suggestions for sauces and another recipe for its suggested side, rainbow slaw.
Five days later, and I think I've craved having one of these every day! That was the best indicator that I had to share it! And, it's good for you! Bonus!
Tomorrow the roads and I have a date in the morning, so I'll check in after the morning run! In the meantime, perhaps I should get to the store and get more ground chicken ...!!
Clearly, it's a Rest Day, and I decided it's the perfect day to share something from the kitchen compliments of Pit Crew #2 (and her love of The Food Network and recipe research)! On Sunday, PC#2 pulled out a recipe she's been itching to make us, got the ingredients with Aaron, and went to work solo in the kitchen (and part of a duo at the grill!) with something all four of us loved! And, that's not an easy feat!!
The outcome looked like this:
And, here's how she got there ...
$50,000 Chinese Chicken Burgers (full recipe here)
2 pounds ground chicken
2 T soy sauce
2 T sugar
1 T sesame oil
6 cloves garlic
1 T lemon grass, fresh & minced
5 green tops scallions, chopped
Here is her first go at making burger patties:
The recipe says it makes 6 burgers, but PC#2 made 8, and they were the perfect size for everyone to have 2. |
I couldn't help but wonder if Aaron was so eager to work with her at the grill because he knew she would clean it. hahahaha! |
They grilled the patties for about 7 minutes a side (up to an internal 165 degrees is the key to avoid food poisoning), and they were wonderful !!!
I ate mine sans bun but with my toppings on the side. I stab a piece of pickle and a piece of tomato on my fork, then add meat before dipping in ketchup. Buns just get in my way. |
And, there's our girl, master chef! |
And, there's a disappointed dog knowing she's not getting anything. |
The link above also includes the story behind the recipe, suggestions for sauces and another recipe for its suggested side, rainbow slaw.
Five days later, and I think I've craved having one of these every day! That was the best indicator that I had to share it! And, it's good for you! Bonus!
Tomorrow the roads and I have a date in the morning, so I'll check in after the morning run! In the meantime, perhaps I should get to the store and get more ground chicken ...!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Key To Success: Distraction.
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 117 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 562.6 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 273 Money Found For Food Bank: $38.50
Yesterday's leg theme was on fire. Today's is feels like Jell-Oooooo. Ouchie, mama, I just got up a second ago and was all, Hey, I'm a baby giraffe! The end of the story is I took advantage of an out-of-nowhere desire (that one being key) to run almost two miles farther today than my scheduled five. I did have an incentive with the massive amount of parking meters I would pass by doing so, so, it was kind of a no-brainer since I had the time to take it on. It totally paid off, too. See?!
See, it all adds up because I not only go to target-rich environments, but I also do things like wait on sidewalks until it's safe to step into the street to retrieve such little gems ...
And, water I needed again this morning because the sun was beating down early!
Okay, so, as usual, I was distracted by just about everything around me (like these ...)
... which also means I wasn't -- as usual -- entirely focused on running itself. That worked well for today because not only did I go longer for some random reason, but, I was kind of over it before I started today. I've grown accustomed to this 5-day running gig and even to the idea of all of those days being in the ballpark of five miles. But, that doesn't mean I don't look forward to Wednesday's run being finished so I can not run on Thursday (that's TOMORROW).
This schedule continues for two more weeks! After that, the miles change up, and the running schedule is four days! Right now, I'm looking forward to that!!
Do what you need to keep yourself motivated! Remember, when you do something your way, that means you get to decide what makes it fun! Rest Days are fun for me, so I'll check in from there tomorrow!
Yesterday's leg theme was on fire. Today's is feels like Jell-Oooooo. Ouchie, mama, I just got up a second ago and was all, Hey, I'm a baby giraffe! The end of the story is I took advantage of an out-of-nowhere desire (that one being key) to run almost two miles farther today than my scheduled five. I did have an incentive with the massive amount of parking meters I would pass by doing so, so, it was kind of a no-brainer since I had the time to take it on. It totally paid off, too. See?!
93 cents, baby. Booyah !! |
And, water I needed again this morning because the sun was beating down early!
That's a dog for you ... so happy to be with its owner that the weather almost doesn't matter ... |
Smelled so good I could actually taste it as I ran by!! That meant picture on the way back! |
This schedule continues for two more weeks! After that, the miles change up, and the running schedule is four days! Right now, I'm looking forward to that!!
Do what you need to keep yourself motivated! Remember, when you do something your way, that means you get to decide what makes it fun! Rest Days are fun for me, so I'll check in from there tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 116 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 555.9 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 273 Money Found For Food Bank: $37.57
* It's like this ... I totally forgot to title yesterday's entry. And, clearly, I was not inspired to do so. However, it will be easier to find later with a title, so it got the most appropriate one I could think of ... And, now, on with our story ...
Just now, I was thinking about my run while I was working. No, not because it was such a super-star performance. It's because my legs are on fire. Truthfully, they felt that way when I got up, so, what's better than to put 5 miles on 'em, huh?!
As usual, about a mile into the run, everything loosened up. And, as usual, a few hours post-run, they're screaming at me. I don't think it's just the running, though. I think it's the combination of running, sudden hot weather (which sucks the life out of your muscles) and this custom-rules basketball game we play in the pool. All I'm saying is just because it's more refreshing to run around and jumpand sometimes get hit in the face in the pool, it's not much less demanding on the body especially when, sometimes, you get really lucky with a big jump to swish a long shot (Do you hear the crowd? They're going WILD!).
I love playing, and it's certainly hard to say no to my boy when he's so excited to play with me and all of us. So, I'll take the screaming thighs and accommodate when needed. That happened this morning when I took two walk breaks on my route in an effort to not let the humidity, temperature and run itself fatigue me so early in the morning. While I took a sip of water, I even told myself, "This was a smart move. Good one."
And, that's when four teenage boys ran (like, really ran, not jogging run like I do) past me. My bet was they were conditioning for the upcoming Cross Country season. I couldn't help but laugh at the dichotomy right there on the corner. As I noticed them pass, I could only think, "Okay, I get it, I'm old!" And, while I don't feel old, I'm easily twice their ages, and it made me laugh. I also thought about how, at their ages, I couldn't run as long as I do now, though, and then I felt fantastic.
When I started up again, I looked forward and saw them way in the distance. See?
I look at that pic and just smile. I don't expect anyone else to do so, but I do.
And, as I sit here with my burning legs and my lingering recovery from the toll this weather really does take on your body, I have Oprah's Master Class on in the background where she features a celebrity who discusses his or her life lessons (I'm a total sucker for just about any kind of biography). The intro to the show has sound bites from past guests, and this one could not have been more perfect for exactly how I was feeling the moment I heard it:
It looked like Jane Fonda said that; it was difficult to tell given the graphics. No matter who, though, that was brilliant.
My run today* was far from perfect. But, it most certainly was a big piece of completing exactly who I want to be today, exactly the way I wanted to do it.
* today ... every day ... to-may-toe ... tuh-mah-toe ...
And, tomorrow? It's another running day! No matter how it happens, it will happen! I'll check in after; see you then!
* It's like this ... I totally forgot to title yesterday's entry. And, clearly, I was not inspired to do so. However, it will be easier to find later with a title, so it got the most appropriate one I could think of ... And, now, on with our story ...
'Loved the three colors of flowers on this whatever it is when I saw it today! |
As usual, about a mile into the run, everything loosened up. And, as usual, a few hours post-run, they're screaming at me. I don't think it's just the running, though. I think it's the combination of running, sudden hot weather (which sucks the life out of your muscles) and this custom-rules basketball game we play in the pool. All I'm saying is just because it's more refreshing to run around and jump
I love playing, and it's certainly hard to say no to my boy when he's so excited to play with me and all of us. So, I'll take the screaming thighs and accommodate when needed. That happened this morning when I took two walk breaks on my route in an effort to not let the humidity, temperature and run itself fatigue me so early in the morning. While I took a sip of water, I even told myself, "This was a smart move. Good one."
And, that's when four teenage boys ran (like, really ran, not jogging run like I do) past me. My bet was they were conditioning for the upcoming Cross Country season. I couldn't help but laugh at the dichotomy right there on the corner. As I noticed them pass, I could only think, "Okay, I get it, I'm old!" And, while I don't feel old, I'm easily twice their ages, and it made me laugh. I also thought about how, at their ages, I couldn't run as long as I do now, though, and then I felt fantastic.
When I started up again, I looked forward and saw them way in the distance. See?
I look at that pic and just smile. I don't expect anyone else to do so, but I do.
And, as I sit here with my burning legs and my lingering recovery from the toll this weather really does take on your body, I have Oprah's Master Class on in the background where she features a celebrity who discusses his or her life lessons (I'm a total sucker for just about any kind of biography). The intro to the show has sound bites from past guests, and this one could not have been more perfect for exactly how I was feeling the moment I heard it:
"We are not meant to be perfect. We are meant to be whole."
It looked like Jane Fonda said that; it was difficult to tell given the graphics. No matter who, though, that was brilliant.
My run today* was far from perfect. But, it most certainly was a big piece of completing exactly who I want to be today, exactly the way I wanted to do it.
* today ... every day ... to-may-toe ... tuh-mah-toe ...
And, tomorrow? It's another running day! No matter how it happens, it will happen! I'll check in after; see you then!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Old But New. Or, Is It New But Old. Anyway, I Ran Today ...
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 115 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 550.9 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 273 Money Found For Food Bank: $37.28
Hey, new week! Here we goooooooooooooo !! I hope yours starts out just the way you want!! Mine did but didn't as I came home to news that a friend's mom had a heart attack yesterday, and while things seem okay, please pray if you pray (no worries that you don't know who; God knows where to send 'em!), put out the good vibes, whatever you do that blesses others, I'd love if you directed some toward my friend's family! Thanks!!
Before that news, I did hit the road bright and early this morning, and I did so solo as the dog girl needs her rest and the human girl had plans! So, I realigned my morning routine to a new time and a new-but-old route. It was a refreshing change, and, as I noted to Pit Crew #3 when I finished, it's funny how much faster I can go without the pooch. I had my estimated end time, but I blew it away because I wasn't stopping for someone to sniff every corner or mark some random spot.
Oh, and by "blew it away," I mean I was on my slowest race pace which is precisely where I want to be in those few moments I care during actual training. Being at this pace translates even better in an official race. And, even though my next race isn't for 2 months, I do like that my pace can eek out without my really trying. That just tells me it's in there somewhere!
Before I ever had an inclination that things were physically clicking along so well, I had a great run seeing all sorts of things like this ...
... and, my favorite ally cats had kitties!! Look close!
That mama cat is all, "I'm gonna knock you out if you come any closer," while her kitten is playing and having a grand time. Of course, I kept my distance, so I pulled the pic in as much as possible on the computer. Fuzzy kitty picture is better than no picture at all!
I also spied 46 cents along the route which was suh-weeeeeet!! This one was thankful for the rescue:
Anyway, you could feel it getting warmer out with every step, and that's just how this week is forecast to go! It won't stop me, though. Ohhhh, there's a good chance it will slow me, but it won't stop me!
These next two weeks continue the summer madness schedule contributing to my end-of-the-year goal before I start the official training schedule for October's Half!! I remember planning all of this out and thinking the first weekend in August, which is the start of the Half schedule, was so-very-far away ... and, it's almost here!! Well, I'll focus on these two weeks and enjoying them before making that shift! Have a great start to your week, and I'll check in after the morning run!
Hey, new week! Here we goooooooooooooo !! I hope yours starts out just the way you want!! Mine did but didn't as I came home to news that a friend's mom had a heart attack yesterday, and while things seem okay, please pray if you pray (no worries that you don't know who; God knows where to send 'em!), put out the good vibes, whatever you do that blesses others, I'd love if you directed some toward my friend's family! Thanks!!
I wore my paw print headband just for Elly; do you think she cared? NO! |
Oh, and by "blew it away," I mean I was on my slowest race pace which is precisely where I want to be in those few moments I care during actual training. Being at this pace translates even better in an official race. And, even though my next race isn't for 2 months, I do like that my pace can eek out without my really trying. That just tells me it's in there somewhere!
Before I ever had an inclination that things were physically clicking along so well, I had a great run seeing all sorts of things like this ...
... and, my favorite ally cats had kitties!! Look close!
That mama cat is all, "I'm gonna knock you out if you come any closer," while her kitten is playing and having a grand time. Of course, I kept my distance, so I pulled the pic in as much as possible on the computer. Fuzzy kitty picture is better than no picture at all!
I also spied 46 cents along the route which was suh-weeeeeet!! This one was thankful for the rescue:
Anyway, you could feel it getting warmer out with every step, and that's just how this week is forecast to go! It won't stop me, though. Ohhhh, there's a good chance it will slow me, but it won't stop me!
These next two weeks continue the summer madness schedule contributing to my end-of-the-year goal before I start the official training schedule for October's Half!! I remember planning all of this out and thinking the first weekend in August, which is the start of the Half schedule, was so-very-far away ... and, it's almost here!! Well, I'll focus on these two weeks and enjoying them before making that shift! Have a great start to your week, and I'll check in after the morning run!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Break Free
My thoughts today have hardly anything to do with running. Even though I'm certain there are pieces that can be extracted and tied into it, pointing to what thoughts linger in the recesses of my brain, but I'll leave that for you to either apply or dismiss to your own efforts.
So, this morning, Aaron and I were in our garden because I requested his help untangling and wrangling our tomato plants. I have that problem every year when there's a sudden tomato vine growth spurt, and everything goes higgly piggly. After more than a decade of this, you would think I would come up with a preventative measure for this problem. But, I digress ...
Okay, so I knew what I needed, and I had the supplies to do so. But, I most definitely needed Aaron's height to make the job go faster as he can reach to the roof eave without a ladder, and I most certainly cannot. That part of the process is always easy as our jobs are very clearly defined: You're tall, so, do the tall stuff. Easy.
The attention required toward the vines near the ground is also generally easy because I just get down to business and do it myself. Today, after surveying the situation, Aaron had a really good idea, and I could totally picture the outcome of what he intended. It was the in between part that brings me to the real reason of today's story ...
I think one of the most difficult lessons for we humans to learn (and master ... gulp ...) is that there is more than one way to accomplish something. (I'd say that whole "there's more than one way to skin a cat" thing, but it grosses me out. And, my cats don't appreciate the sentiment.) It's even more difficult to accept that not only is there more than one way, but it's also very possible-if-not-probable that our way isn't necessarily the better way, it's just different. And, I had to remind myself of this over and over and over as I watched Aaron approach the tomato situation.
I am not ashamed to admit that, at the onset while he was untangling the mess of vines, I had a few thoughts, "He's totally doing it wrong and is going to break all of the vines" in my head. I would be completely ashamed if I had to admit that I never got over it and micromanaged him right out of the garden (it's like I've done it before ...).
It was at that moment when I kept my mouth shut and my brain on that I realized I'd actually grown enough to not insist (or flip out) when the process wasn't what I envisioned. I then realized I'm really good about supporting outcomes in one of two scenarios: I didn't have to be a part of the process, therefore, all I see is the measurable outcome, OR the process went in a way that makes sense to me, so, the outcome is predictably good. It's when the path to get there makes me somehow uncomfortable that the end game is nothing to be jazzed about because I'm all wound up from the process. (It's that whole cat thing that I tended to ignore because it's so gross.)
As Aaron worked with the unruly tomato vines, I decided to tell myself the following, in this order: "(a) He likes tomatoes way more than I, so of course he's going to take care of the plants; (b) he can do it, or I'm going to have to, so who really cares how it happens as long as it happens, and (c) if I distract myself by pulling weeds, I'll eventually have the tomatoes taken care of and a spot that has no weeds. Oh, and I won't have said something bossy and stupid in the process."
So, I pulled weeds. And, our tomato plants are in grand shape complete with a makeshift hammock for their resting pleasure. Our harvest promises to be bountiful, and the rest of our day had a sunny outlook because I chose not to be abitch micromanager and open my mind up to there being more than one way to do something successfully.
Isn't it that locked-down mindset that often gets in our own way? I know it did for me and running*. It was a major roadblock, pun intended, when I started because I figured there was a prescribed way to "be" or how to run (especially with regard to speed and what was "acceptable"). I was totally on board with what it "meant" to be a runner, and as long as I held on to that, then I wasn't one of them. But, that measurable end wasn't a productive one for me.
We all know I choose not to ascribe to any way of running than my own way. And, that is why it has worked for so long.
* Apparently, I also chose not to ascribe to my own introduction where I said I had no inclination to tie today's lesson into running. See what I did there? I broke my own directive. I can't help it because my brain is perpetually in motion thinking new thoughts.
What's stuck in your head that is keeping you from doing something you want to do or is otherwise holding you back? It's worth stepping back for a moment and giving it some thought. Maybe there's nothing. But, being a human, I'm betting there's something ...
With that, we round out Sunday and look forward to the week ahead! Monday starts out with a run for me, so I'll be checking in after!
So, this morning, Aaron and I were in our garden because I requested his help untangling and wrangling our tomato plants. I have that problem every year when there's a sudden tomato vine growth spurt, and everything goes higgly piggly. After more than a decade of this, you would think I would come up with a preventative measure for this problem. But, I digress ...
My little garden gnome... |
The attention required toward the vines near the ground is also generally easy because I just get down to business and do it myself. Today, after surveying the situation, Aaron had a really good idea, and I could totally picture the outcome of what he intended. It was the in between part that brings me to the real reason of today's story ...
I think one of the most difficult lessons for we humans to learn (and master ... gulp ...) is that there is more than one way to accomplish something. (I'd say that whole "there's more than one way to skin a cat" thing, but it grosses me out. And, my cats don't appreciate the sentiment.) It's even more difficult to accept that not only is there more than one way, but it's also very possible-if-not-probable that our way isn't necessarily the better way, it's just different. And, I had to remind myself of this over and over and over as I watched Aaron approach the tomato situation.
I am not ashamed to admit that, at the onset while he was untangling the mess of vines, I had a few thoughts, "He's totally doing it wrong and is going to break all of the vines" in my head. I would be completely ashamed if I had to admit that I never got over it and micromanaged him right out of the garden (it's like I've done it before ...).
It was at that moment when I kept my mouth shut and my brain on that I realized I'd actually grown enough to not insist (or flip out) when the process wasn't what I envisioned. I then realized I'm really good about supporting outcomes in one of two scenarios: I didn't have to be a part of the process, therefore, all I see is the measurable outcome, OR the process went in a way that makes sense to me, so, the outcome is predictably good. It's when the path to get there makes me somehow uncomfortable that the end game is nothing to be jazzed about because I'm all wound up from the process. (It's that whole cat thing that I tended to ignore because it's so gross.)
As Aaron worked with the unruly tomato vines, I decided to tell myself the following, in this order: "(a) He likes tomatoes way more than I, so of course he's going to take care of the plants; (b) he can do it, or I'm going to have to, so who really cares how it happens as long as it happens, and (c) if I distract myself by pulling weeds, I'll eventually have the tomatoes taken care of and a spot that has no weeds. Oh, and I won't have said something bossy and stupid in the process."
So, I pulled weeds. And, our tomato plants are in grand shape complete with a makeshift hammock for their resting pleasure. Our harvest promises to be bountiful, and the rest of our day had a sunny outlook because I chose not to be a
Isn't it that locked-down mindset that often gets in our own way? I know it did for me and running*. It was a major roadblock, pun intended, when I started because I figured there was a prescribed way to "be" or how to run (especially with regard to speed and what was "acceptable"). I was totally on board with what it "meant" to be a runner, and as long as I held on to that, then I wasn't one of them. But, that measurable end wasn't a productive one for me.
We all know I choose not to ascribe to any way of running than my own way. And, that is why it has worked for so long.
* Apparently, I also chose not to ascribe to my own introduction where I said I had no inclination to tie today's lesson into running. See what I did there? I broke my own directive. I can't help it because my brain is perpetually in motion thinking new thoughts.
What's stuck in your head that is keeping you from doing something you want to do or is otherwise holding you back? It's worth stepping back for a moment and giving it some thought. Maybe there's nothing. But, being a human, I'm betting there's something ...
With that, we round out Sunday and look forward to the week ahead! Monday starts out with a run for me, so I'll be checking in after!
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Much Better!
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 114 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 545.9 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 273 Money Found For Food Bank: $36.82
I am thrilled to report that Elly is doing MUCH BETTER today!! She has gone from gingerly walking the stairs to trotting them, and that's the best indicator as to how she's doing! Hooray!! I'm still not taking her for the week as I don't want to aggravate whatever she pulled, nor do I want to prolong its healing. It's about to heat up anyway, so this incident was actually great timing on her part if it had to happen!
So, while she reluctantly rested, I reluctantly ran. (HA!) I actually wanted to run, but I was still quite sleepy at my target 'go' time (that's what staying up too late will do ...). Anyway, four and a half miles and 19 cents later, I met up with my favorite dude so he could drive me back home. But, not before we shared a Diet Coke and a smile!
That was an excellent way to start the weekend and wrap up the week's running! It's most definitely time to rest tomorrow! Take it as easy as possible during your weekend, and I'll check in tomorrow!
I am thrilled to report that Elly is doing MUCH BETTER today!! She has gone from gingerly walking the stairs to trotting them, and that's the best indicator as to how she's doing! Hooray!! I'm still not taking her for the week as I don't want to aggravate whatever she pulled, nor do I want to prolong its healing. It's about to heat up anyway, so this incident was actually great timing on her part if it had to happen!
So, while she reluctantly rested, I reluctantly ran. (HA!) I actually wanted to run, but I was still quite sleepy at my target 'go' time (that's what staying up too late will do ...). Anyway, four and a half miles and 19 cents later, I met up with my favorite dude so he could drive me back home. But, not before we shared a Diet Coke and a smile!
That was an excellent way to start the weekend and wrap up the week's running! It's most definitely time to rest tomorrow! Take it as easy as possible during your weekend, and I'll check in tomorrow!
Friday, July 18, 2014
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 113 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 541.4 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 273 Money Found For Food Bank: $36.63
Happy, happy Friday!! Well, not so happy for all ... check this out ...
So, as planned, Pit Crew #2 and I got up to get out and run this morning. We even managed to get up and out at our target time even though we had serious issues getting out of our beds! Anyway, you can guess Elly was all ready to go as well, and, we took off.
Now, yesterday was my virtual running partner extraordinaire's birthday, and I told her I was running for her today to celebrate! I spent our first two miles not only chatting with PC#2 (as we both worked on waking up) but also how to signal to Mary Kate, in picture form, that we were thinking of her!
Yeah, you're not going to see that because the run took an unfortunate turn. No, not for me. And, not for PC#2. Elly got her first running injury!!!
All I know is that PC#2 and I were about to enter a parking lot when we saw a large delivery truck maneuvering in front of a store (don't be afraid: there is no truck vs. canine report to be told! WHEW!). We stopped for a minute to make sure we didn't step in its path, and, after figuring out where it was going versus where we wanted to, PC#2 and I started back up.
The minute I started moving, the truck started backing up which not only made its noises more pronounced, but the back-up beeper started. At the very same time, I heard Elly let out a little yelp, and I assumed it was in response to the sudden truck noises. We all know how much she hates big trucks, so, it made sense until about 100 yards later when I looked back at her, and she appeared to be limping. Upon further investigation, I confirmed she was!! One of her back legs was most definitely hurting her!
I had no idea what happened, and I can only guessed she tweaked a muscle. But, I did know the running pace was over, and we would be walking the rest of the way home.
As the day has gone on, Elly is taking it easy, but she will be fine in a few days. Stairs are fine, she just needs to walk them one at a time. She's not moving fast, but she's moving without wincing. WHEW!! And, as PC#2 noted, she can now participate in her very favorite activity as though it's doctor's orders: Resting!
So, that was the Friday adventure! Happy Birthday, Mary Kate!! I planned for PC#2 and I to give you an M and a K in sign language ... so, close your eyes and picture it! We meant well!
Up and coming! Elly just got herself a week off, PC#2's schedule is about to shift for a bit, so she'll be ditching me next week, and I plan to shake things up with some different routes! But, that's next week -- there's one more run tomorrow morning, and I'll check in after! Have a great slide into your weekend!
Happy, happy Friday!! Well, not so happy for all ... check this out ...
So, as planned, Pit Crew #2 and I got up to get out and run this morning. We even managed to get up and out at our target time even though we had serious issues getting out of our beds! Anyway, you can guess Elly was all ready to go as well, and, we took off.
Now, yesterday was my virtual running partner extraordinaire's birthday, and I told her I was running for her today to celebrate! I spent our first two miles not only chatting with PC#2 (as we both worked on waking up) but also how to signal to Mary Kate, in picture form, that we were thinking of her!
Yeah, you're not going to see that because the run took an unfortunate turn. No, not for me. And, not for PC#2. Elly got her first running injury!!!
All I know is that PC#2 and I were about to enter a parking lot when we saw a large delivery truck maneuvering in front of a store (don't be afraid: there is no truck vs. canine report to be told! WHEW!). We stopped for a minute to make sure we didn't step in its path, and, after figuring out where it was going versus where we wanted to, PC#2 and I started back up.
The minute I started moving, the truck started backing up which not only made its noises more pronounced, but the back-up beeper started. At the very same time, I heard Elly let out a little yelp, and I assumed it was in response to the sudden truck noises. We all know how much she hates big trucks, so, it made sense until about 100 yards later when I looked back at her, and she appeared to be limping. Upon further investigation, I confirmed she was!! One of her back legs was most definitely hurting her!
I had no idea what happened, and I can only guessed she tweaked a muscle. But, I did know the running pace was over, and we would be walking the rest of the way home.
As the day has gone on, Elly is taking it easy, but she will be fine in a few days. Stairs are fine, she just needs to walk them one at a time. She's not moving fast, but she's moving without wincing. WHEW!! And, as PC#2 noted, she can now participate in her very favorite activity as though it's doctor's orders: Resting!
So, that was the Friday adventure! Happy Birthday, Mary Kate!! I planned for PC#2 and I to give you an M and a K in sign language ... so, close your eyes and picture it! We meant well!
Up and coming! Elly just got herself a week off, PC#2's schedule is about to shift for a bit, so she'll be ditching me next week, and I plan to shake things up with some different routes! But, that's next week -- there's one more run tomorrow morning, and I'll check in after! Have a great slide into your weekend!
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Turn It Around
![]() |
This'll make more sense in a minute ...! |
My affliction? Here it is: A bombardment of people not listening and right-fighting. (No, not my people ... others in the world.) And, I find nothing more exhausting in the whole world than having to navigate my way through that particular brand of time wasting. I swear I would be less exhausted running a marathon than dealing with that. I know how I feel after a Half, so, I'm mentally double that feeling, and, yep ... still betting I'd feel better after 26.2 miles than 20 minutes of being told (unproductively, I might add) how wrong I was about something I wasn't even discussing. Nice.
(Upon relaying the theme of the story to Pit Crew #3 later in the day, I wrapped up my synopsis with, "The basic focus of their side was to prove they were right at all costs even though we weren't talking about the same thing. And, you know how much I love that." to which he immediately and sincerely responded, "Oh, I know, Mom. I knowwwww ..." Smart boy.)
And, later, I encountered another crazy-defensive individual (again defending a topic rather than focusing on a productive solution), and it just wiped me out. Defensiveness makes me sad because it's such a waste. of. time.
The day was not a total wash, though, because not only did PC #2 get her braces off, but, to celebrate, I took both kids to the store to score the kinds of treats one couldn't eat and the other didn't have access to for a couple of years:
Those aren't just gummy worms. No, they're gummy octopus! |
Just like with anything, the bad stuff turns around. Bad days, bad runs, bad conversations ... it takes work, and it takes a decision to do so, but it can turn around!
I hope your day is calm and peaceful, and I'll check in after we're back at the morning run tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Sweet, Sweet Weather!!
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 112 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 536.4 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 268 Money Found For Food Bank: $36.32
Okay, for real, I don't know what's up with this weather, but I. Will. Take. It!! It was 61 degrees when we headed out!!! Not only does it make for amazing morning running, but it also keeps everyone away from the pool ... PRIVATE POOL, BABY!!! (Remarkably, the water was warm. I knew you'd want to know.)
Anyway, there was no need to convince Pit Crew #2 to come with me today; she was all about it seeing as we all slept with our windows open last night! She's getting a little leery of my trumped-up enthusiasm on those crazy hot-n-humid mornings, but there was no need to try to bait and switch her today!
Seriously, it was a-maz-ing out!! The only real issue, if you will, was Elly's thorough enjoyment to the point that Madame Interval Trainer was righteously on my nerves with her stop-go-stop-go methodology by the end of our five miles! But, if that's the only issue ... Oh, wait ... there was one more when there were mowers coming at us on a sidewalk, but Elly had to stop and use the grassy facilities. She was taking her time then, too, so standing there with her leash felt nothing short of a game of chicken.
I can see it now: "Why did you get smashed by two mowers that you could probably outrun?" "Because my dog was taking her sweet time doing her biz and wouldn't hurry up." SPLAT.
Other than that? All was sweet, and we all made it home safe and sound and with 3 more pennies in my pocket for the Food Bank:
Oh, speaking of the Food Bank, you might recall that Aaron and I pledged all money we find to be donated to the Food Bank as well. I have a place in my purse for it when we find it out and about, and I dug it out to put it in the jar today. Check out what's been hiding in there!
I don't know how much is there, but that's about a week and a half of money we've picked up! CHA-CHING!
Okay, tomorrow I can't run because I have something else to do, but I'll be checking in anyway! Have a great start to your mid-week, and I'll see you tomorrow!
Okay, for real, I don't know what's up with this weather, but I. Will. Take. It!! It was 61 degrees when we headed out!!! Not only does it make for amazing morning running, but it also keeps everyone away from the pool ... PRIVATE POOL, BABY!!! (Remarkably, the water was warm. I knew you'd want to know.)
Anyway, there was no need to convince Pit Crew #2 to come with me today; she was all about it seeing as we all slept with our windows open last night! She's getting a little leery of my trumped-up enthusiasm on those crazy hot-n-humid mornings, but there was no need to try to bait and switch her today!
Seriously, it was a-maz-ing out!! The only real issue, if you will, was Elly's thorough enjoyment to the point that Madame Interval Trainer was righteously on my nerves with her stop-go-stop-go methodology by the end of our five miles! But, if that's the only issue ... Oh, wait ... there was one more when there were mowers coming at us on a sidewalk, but Elly had to stop and use the grassy facilities. She was taking her time then, too, so standing there with her leash felt nothing short of a game of chicken.
Those are the mowers once we were past and they were in their positions. I didn't take a picture while everyone was holding ground. I'm not that stupid ... |
Other than that? All was sweet, and we all made it home safe and sound and with 3 more pennies in my pocket for the Food Bank:
Oh, speaking of the Food Bank, you might recall that Aaron and I pledged all money we find to be donated to the Food Bank as well. I have a place in my purse for it when we find it out and about, and I dug it out to put it in the jar today. Check out what's been hiding in there!
I don't know how much is there, but that's about a week and a half of money we've picked up! CHA-CHING!
Okay, tomorrow I can't run because I have something else to do, but I'll be checking in anyway! Have a great start to your mid-week, and I'll see you tomorrow!
Monday, July 14, 2014
The Will Is Strong
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 111 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 531.4 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 263 Money Found For Food Bank: $36.29
Happy Monday, and a great start to the week to you!! I hope you launched your week in a great way!! Over here, Pit Crew #2 blew off the idea of running with me, and I blew off Elly because the temperature was too hot. It would have been a full-circle morning if Elly had participated, but she's just a pooch.
In truth, I really did not feel like going running today, but that wasn't enough reason not to. So, out I went! And, check out what I saw as soon as I stepped out the door:
I was kind of hoping there'd be a message in there a la Charlotte's Web to the effect of, "Goooo back to beeeeeeeed ..." but, there was nothing. So, off I went.
There were a lot of these along the way today, too ...
Again, no messages in them. So, I kept going.
Along the enter route today, I kept thinking about that saying, "If I can do it, anyone can." I was thinking of it in general, and not personal to me, but it still bugged me because I hate that statement. ("If she can do it, so can I," "If they can do it, so can you," ... Hate 'em. All of 'em.) I can't stand the sentiment because it immediately dismisses the work that person put in. It's as though that person has some deficit others don't; that somehow, that person starts off behind the 8 ball. Maybe they do, and maybe they don't. But, who is to judge? I just don't like it.
More often than not, it's not a matter of 'can' but a matter of 'will'. That was certainly the case for me even during all of those years I didn't understand what was going on in my science classes ... oh, wait ... same concept, different topic ... Let me start again: The matter of 'can' vs. 'will' came in to play all of those years I said I couldn't run/wasn't a runner. Interestingly, many of those years were the same ones as when I was playing a whole lotta soccer. Hmmm ... I probably shouldn't have been saying, "I can't run," those days and, rather, "I really just don't want to." THAT was more accurate!
I'm not exactly sure why that dominated my thought process this morning -- perhaps because I started the whole gig off by hushing the, "I just don't feel like it" voice in my head for the first half mile!
Five miles and 8 cents later, I wrapped it up to take on what was in front of me on this Monday! The week will be a little off schedule, but it has promise to not be as higgly-piggly as the last couple of weeks, so I'm looking forward to it! Have a great start to your week (because you can), and I'll check in after the morning run!
Happy Monday, and a great start to the week to you!! I hope you launched your week in a great way!! Over here, Pit Crew #2 blew off the idea of running with me, and I blew off Elly because the temperature was too hot. It would have been a full-circle morning if Elly had participated, but she's just a pooch.
In truth, I really did not feel like going running today, but that wasn't enough reason not to. So, out I went! And, check out what I saw as soon as I stepped out the door:
Look close! |
There were a lot of these along the way today, too ...
Again, no messages in them. So, I kept going.
Along the enter route today, I kept thinking about that saying, "If I can do it, anyone can." I was thinking of it in general, and not personal to me, but it still bugged me because I hate that statement. ("If she can do it, so can I," "If they can do it, so can you," ... Hate 'em. All of 'em.) I can't stand the sentiment because it immediately dismisses the work that person put in. It's as though that person has some deficit others don't; that somehow, that person starts off behind the 8 ball. Maybe they do, and maybe they don't. But, who is to judge? I just don't like it.
I'm not exactly sure why that dominated my thought process this morning -- perhaps because I started the whole gig off by hushing the, "I just don't feel like it" voice in my head for the first half mile!
Five miles and 8 cents later, I wrapped it up to take on what was in front of me on this Monday! The week will be a little off schedule, but it has promise to not be as higgly-piggly as the last couple of weeks, so I'm looking forward to it! Have a great start to your week (because you can), and I'll check in after the morning run!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Beauty, the Beholder and All Of That Jazz
Happy Sunday!! I hope yours has been a great one!! We just got ready to go to the pool only to hear thunder. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh !!! Totally blows!! But, I won't dwell on that ...
Okay, I have two things to show you. By my assessment only (duh), one of them is cool, and one of them is not. Let's first go with not ... So, I still get emails from the Rock-n-Roll series after running one of the races two years ago. I like hearing about the runs in the series and drooling over medals I won't be earning, so I choose to not unsubscribe. ANYWAY, I just got the message unveiling the medal for the race I would have done this Fall had my schedule allowed. 'Want to see it anyway? I know you do:
Now, don't get me wrong -- I love my country and am proud to be an American and all of that, but that is one yucky medal. I mean, the eagle has sunglasses on. That's not a proud eagle, it's a dorky* one. (I mean, really, our country has a mighty strong symbol, and it totally got cheesed up!) But, no one asked me. And, really, my opinion doesn't matter no matter what, but it really doesn't matter when I'm not getting one anyway.
* I seriously can't wait to see if the Cowbell theme medal is awesome or dorky, by the way ... I think it would be pretty funny if the Rock-n-Roll theme, which could be pretty bad ass, gets the cheesy medal and the doo-dee-doo cowbell theme comes up with something hard core!
Okay, now here's what's cool: Even though we just got thundered out of pool time, and even though the day was much more packed with to-do's than I really knew was coming our way, the day started out just right. No, not with a run, but with some sitting-and-chatting time with Aaron on our front step while we sipped a Diet Coke. I mean, how much better does it get?
Oh, AND! Look what we watched in my flowers:
I'd say 'neato mosquito', but that isn't right ... Ha!
Check out how caked with pollen it is!! It's like any distance runner at lunch after a big race, just sayin' ...!!
Okay, it's onward to enjoy the rest of the weekend over here!! Do the same on your end, and I'll see you after the morning run!
Okay, I have two things to show you. By my assessment only (duh), one of them is cool, and one of them is not. Let's first go with not ... So, I still get emails from the Rock-n-Roll series after running one of the races two years ago. I like hearing about the runs in the series and drooling over medals I won't be earning, so I choose to not unsubscribe. ANYWAY, I just got the message unveiling the medal for the race I would have done this Fall had my schedule allowed. 'Want to see it anyway? I know you do:
Now, don't get me wrong -- I love my country and am proud to be an American and all of that, but that is one yucky medal. I mean, the eagle has sunglasses on. That's not a proud eagle, it's a dorky* one. (I mean, really, our country has a mighty strong symbol, and it totally got cheesed up!) But, no one asked me. And, really, my opinion doesn't matter no matter what, but it really doesn't matter when I'm not getting one anyway.
* I seriously can't wait to see if the Cowbell theme medal is awesome or dorky, by the way ... I think it would be pretty funny if the Rock-n-Roll theme, which could be pretty bad ass, gets the cheesy medal and the doo-dee-doo cowbell theme comes up with something hard core!
Okay, now here's what's cool: Even though we just got thundered out of pool time, and even though the day was much more packed with to-do's than I really knew was coming our way, the day started out just right. No, not with a run, but with some sitting-and-chatting time with Aaron on our front step while we sipped a Diet Coke. I mean, how much better does it get?
Oh, AND! Look what we watched in my flowers:
I'd say 'neato mosquito', but that isn't right ... Ha!
Check out how caked with pollen it is!! It's like any distance runner at lunch after a big race, just sayin' ...!!
Okay, it's onward to enjoy the rest of the weekend over here!! Do the same on your end, and I'll see you after the morning run!
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Energy Surge
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 110 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 526.4 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 263 Money Found For Food Bank: $36.21
Hey, remember when we were all so annoyed with the lingering cold that we thought this was both funny and so awful it made us want to punch someone? ...
I know, I know, I was a part of the chorus ready for Winter to finally end even though I knew that particular complaint would come back to bite me one day. That one day would be this morning when I stepped outside. You know that feeling you have when you're not as much hot as you are certain you are melting? Yeah, that's the one. Ewwwww ...
To enhance that special feeling, just a couple of hours before I ran, we had some rain.
Yeahhhhh, buddy! That'll crank up the humidity! I'm glad I didn't plan on taking Elly with me anyway because this weather would not have been good for her!
While she lazed around at home, I saw a dude running with his dog. Wait ... what I saw was a dude wanting to run (I could tell by both physique and marathon shirt he wore), but he had his dog with him, and she looked like the love child of a bulldog and a pot-bellied pig, and she was just fabulous! I was waiting at a stop light, and, as he passed, her owner said, "She's not really built for running. Or walking!" At that moment, only a mile into the four and a half I planned, I didn't feel much more able than that dog!
However. That's also the same moment two other women out running together, also waiting at the light, crossed the street with me. We'd already been chatting about upcoming races we had our eyes on, and I guess that's why I decided I needed to actually run the hill in front of me and not walk most of it like I planned upon walking out the door.Thanks for foiling my plans, ladies! Part of that desire came from totally feeding off the energy of others the same as what happens at every, single race I enter. The other part of it was -- admittedly -- an ego boost. If I'd really, really needed to walk, I would have.* But, I used their presence to challenge myself which is something I need during the summer, non-training months when I can excuse my way of trying very hard!
I'm very happy to report a great success cruising on up that hill! The ego burst was worth the leg-and-lung burn. Just bein' real.
* There was a day when there was nothing that was going to allow me to be seen walking when I was supposed to be out running. NOTHING. Anymore? Whatever, if I need to walk, I WALK!
The run as a whole was humid and thick but really good! And, 12 more cents goes into the Food Bank stash!! What a deal!
I do enjoy the Saturday runs, and I am really happy with my weekly mileage, but I'm totally ready for a break by Saturday! (Let's do some math: I cover 24.5 miles in 5 days; marathoners can cover 26.2 miles in a couple of hours. Something doesn't compute ...!) So, tomorrow?! REST!! I can't wait!! Keep enjoying your weekend, and I'll check in tomorrow!
Hey, remember when we were all so annoyed with the lingering cold that we thought this was both funny and so awful it made us want to punch someone? ...
I know, I know, I was a part of the chorus ready for Winter to finally end even though I knew that particular complaint would come back to bite me one day. That one day would be this morning when I stepped outside. You know that feeling you have when you're not as much hot as you are certain you are melting? Yeah, that's the one. Ewwwww ...
To enhance that special feeling, just a couple of hours before I ran, we had some rain.
That was the only hole in the clouds ... I was thankful they stuck around during my run to keep the sun from amplifying the humidity! |
While she lazed around at home, I saw a dude running with his dog. Wait ... what I saw was a dude wanting to run (I could tell by both physique and marathon shirt he wore), but he had his dog with him, and she looked like the love child of a bulldog and a pot-bellied pig, and she was just fabulous! I was waiting at a stop light, and, as he passed, her owner said, "She's not really built for running. Or walking!" At that moment, only a mile into the four and a half I planned, I didn't feel much more able than that dog!
However. That's also the same moment two other women out running together, also waiting at the light, crossed the street with me. We'd already been chatting about upcoming races we had our eyes on, and I guess that's why I decided I needed to actually run the hill in front of me and not walk most of it like I planned upon walking out the door.
I'm very happy to report a great success cruising on up that hill! The ego burst was worth the leg-and-lung burn. Just bein' real.
* There was a day when there was nothing that was going to allow me to be seen walking when I was supposed to be out running. NOTHING. Anymore? Whatever, if I need to walk, I WALK!
The run as a whole was humid and thick but really good! And, 12 more cents goes into the Food Bank stash!! What a deal!
I do enjoy the Saturday runs, and I am really happy with my weekly mileage, but I'm totally ready for a break by Saturday! (Let's do some math: I cover 24.5 miles in 5 days; marathoners can cover 26.2 miles in a couple of hours. Something doesn't compute ...!) So, tomorrow?! REST!! I can't wait!! Keep enjoying your weekend, and I'll check in tomorrow!
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