Happy Monday, and a great start to the week to you!! I hope you launched your week in a great way!! Over here, Pit Crew #2 blew off the idea of running with me, and I blew off Elly because the temperature was too hot. It would have been a full-circle morning if Elly had participated, but she's just a pooch.
In truth, I really did not feel like going running today, but that wasn't enough reason not to. So, out I went! And, check out what I saw as soon as I stepped out the door:
Look close! |
There were a lot of these along the way today, too ...
Again, no messages in them. So, I kept going.
Along the enter route today, I kept thinking about that saying, "If I can do it, anyone can." I was thinking of it in general, and not personal to me, but it still bugged me because I hate that statement. ("If she can do it, so can I," "If they can do it, so can you," ... Hate 'em. All of 'em.) I can't stand the sentiment because it immediately dismisses the work that person put in. It's as though that person has some deficit others don't; that somehow, that person starts off behind the 8 ball. Maybe they do, and maybe they don't. But, who is to judge? I just don't like it.
I'm not exactly sure why that dominated my thought process this morning -- perhaps because I started the whole gig off by hushing the, "I just don't feel like it" voice in my head for the first half mile!
Five miles and 8 cents later, I wrapped it up to take on what was in front of me on this Monday! The week will be a little off schedule, but it has promise to not be as higgly-piggly as the last couple of weeks, so I'm looking forward to it! Have a great start to your week (because you can), and I'll check in after the morning run!
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