Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 22 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 61.3 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 43 Money Found For Food Bank: $8.93
A number of years ago when I was training for my first Half Marathon, my training schedule went right through the middle of the summer. And, that summer was hot. I did not yet know how to handle running, which was difficult enough all by itself, when it was 80 degrees at 5:45 a.m. plus whatever crazed humidity reading came along with that! The advice I was given at one of our local sporting goods stores was to "just cover the distance." I was told not to push it at all; just cover the distance. I was further assured that just that movement would add to the stockpile in my muscles and successfully drawn upon when the weather was more conducive to running without fear of heat stroke. The moral of that story is the running store dude was absolutely right, and I lost nothing in terms of strength and ability during the interim.
It is this wisdom upon which I drew this morning during my four mile, ummm ... forward-motion activity, as I'm still anxious for this leg to heal. Seriously, even Elly was like, "Oh, mommy, c'mon!" at the beginning of our outing. I think she was chilly. She got over her eager ways when we got to places that had grass. Grass = Excellent Sniffer Opportunities:
If I didn't already love her, I would just from looking at this. LOOK AT THOSE EARS!!! My heart be still ... |
If I wasn't already running with my head, that sidewalk jut put every bit of energy up there. From refraining from crying out of frustration to seeing just how far mind-over-matter can take you, my brain kicked into overdrive. And, in about a mile, it landed back on this:
No kidding, out of nowhere, my brain defaulted to the word RELENTLESS. That totally worked for me. It didn't get me going any faster, nor should it have (that would have been stupid). But, it kept me proud of just going. TA. DA.
Okay, there are two more very important things to share. First, while I feel good about moving forward, we all know I do enjoy the occasional dinking around. I was investigating something in a store window, and, when I turned back to continue the jog, I looked down and saw ...
Only after I picked up the quarter did I find the penny at the top of the pic. Elly was hiding it. She likes to play games. |
Second ... in the continuing saga of my conversation heart obsession, I find a need to update the bowl of hearts situation. You might remember I bought them primarily for decorative purposes as I didn't think anyone in the fam even liked them except, perhaps, Aaron. But, I have no real issue asking him to hold off on consuming them until after Valentine's Day. Anyway, I put them out on the table (so pretty!) and said nothing to anyone. Then, I noticed they seem to be disappearing. The cats? No ... they both sniffed and moved on. Aaron? I really didn't think so. Then, I discovered it's the same person who not only was with me when I bought them but also who agreed that they are gross. Apparently, they're not too gross ...
He discovered he likes the white ones. But, only the white ones. I suppose the supply depleted during his sampling! In the pic, he's digging for a white one to have me try. I tried ... I'll let him have 'em!
That wraps up a Friday! For the hurdles that are in my path right now, I really can't complain about the outcome. The miles are banked, money was found, Elly had a bang-up time sniffing all kinds of probably gross things ... what more can I ask for?
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And, while this run today was in no way a failure, it would have been very easy to decide it was. I've decided it wasn't. (Laura Cosgriff Fitness Facebook page pic) |
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