This year, I got smart and figured out just how much cooking for Thanksgiving I could do the day before rather than the day of. Yeah, it takes a while to figure out the system! So, with the turkey bathing in its brine and the house smelling all kinds of warm and cozy with pumpkin pie, Kentucky Derby pie tartlets and green bean casserole, it just makes sense to also think about running, right? (um ... no ...) But, whether it makes sense or not, we took a kitchen break and headed to packet pick-up for tomorrow's run!
The store hosting the pick-up is teeny-tiny, so all four of us being in line made no sense. Therefore, Aaron received the honors of being in charge:
Large and in charge. That's my man! |
He sailed through the pick-up line like a champ:
Shirts, bibs and timing chips for all! |
Here are the fruits of his labor:
I do love that they have printed Thanksgiving Day on them, but I'm skeptical
of the screen print holding up on these. They're kind of slick like the old school
printing that cracked and peeled. I don't have high hopes for their duration, but
time will tell. |
And, look who was in line behind us?!
There's Melanie!! You remember her from September's 10K!
From her own description, you might not recognize her
tomorrow given her bundle-up plans ... yes, it's supposed to
be mighty cold!! AWESOME FOR RUNNING (says I)!! |
By the way, we happened to park by a candy shop, so we had to go in and wander. They have great chocolate, but I really wanted to scope their usually awesome Christmas ornaments. Nothing caught my eye this year, but this caught everyone's:
Samples two days in a row. I'm detecting
a trend ... perhaps they'll have samples of
the age-group winners' pies tomorrow?
Aaron might not go the route if they do ... |
That tray was full when we got there. I went to the bathroom, and this is what was there when I returned. We did
not do
Besides everyone getting their cold-weather clothes out for the morning, we're good to go with the exception of one last detail Pit Crew #2 and I need to make tonight! (Yay arts & crafts!) I'll show you that and all of the fun from the morning run tomorrow! 'See you then!
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