Just looking ahead at the week, I think it's going to be a pretty big one. The calendar is already chock full if that's any indication. So, even though starting my day out with a run almost always winds up being the most satisfying way to begin the day, it's probably best that today was already scheduled for a rest so I could use that time to take care of my own biz.
I did have a couple of things to share, though. First ... wasn't I
just talking about this very thing?!?!
Oh my gosh, it's like it was made just for meeeeee !! |
Yes, it's an ornament. Yes, it's October. And, yes, I already bought it. Soooooo ... there you go. I love it!! If you've not yet noted by the way I
look for money and see the sites run, it's the little things that please me the most!
This fabulous little nugget was put in its place of honor right before I got to work last night on another addition to Elly's wardrobe ...
The girl has more pieces in her wardrobe than I have running
shirts. Just sayin'. |
During the summer household shake up, the Elly Fashion-Creating Machine is positioned right next to my nook-o-running memorabilia:
Ahhh ... a most inspiring space for me! |
As I was working on her latest bandana, all I could think was how I couldn't wait to take her out to run so she could show it off! I don't even care if no one notices; I'll know how fabulous she looks!
"I know how fabulous I look, too, mommy.
Thanks for always supporting my verykeen
sense of style!" |
It still amazes me how many areas of my life are now touched by running. Actually, it feels like running kind of ties it all together. I kind of like that, though -- it keeps me a little more focused, a little more in tune with what I'm doing and why, a little more in touch in the health realm ... Yeah, it's a good thing!
For all of its great additions to my life, there are lots of things still to accomplish today, though, so it's time to get back at it. Tomorrow's morning run will be a very welcomed one after cramming today full of work and to-dos! AND, I turn 700 miles for the year tomorrow ...
that's worth getting out there and accomplishing!!
Start your day off just the way you need, and I'll see you after the morning run!
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