Not much about this Rest Day has gone the way I would have planned, but two things have ...
First, I beat PC#3 at in-the-pool HORSE. I totally rule.
Second, I have now aquired two items to add to my running ensemb (yes, that's "ensemble" without saying the "le" part):
Headbands that sparkle rock. |
I recently bought the purple one for PC#2, and
can you believe she won't let me
just take it, like,
forever??? Sheesh. So, I bucked up and bought myself one. I'd say
take that to her, but why ... she already has one. Anyway, one of these will be sported on tomorrow's run. I think I'm looking forward to that part of the run most of all!
Do what it takes to keep you motivated, and I'll see you after the morning run!
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