As predicted, yesterday's lack of desire to run this morning was nowhere to be found when I needed to put the rubber to the road. Okay, it wasn't
entirely gone as sleeping in sounded more awesome than running, but sleeping in
always sounds better than doing just about anything else, so I'm used to that particular sentiment! The lack of desire to which I'm referring is the one where my brain has decided that every part of running sucks, and I no longer want a part of it because it's totally in the way of my lounging around time. That feeling comes and goes. Often. Fortunately, having a schedule has given the run staying power!
And, what better reward could I have had this particular morning than another drop in temperature and humidity!! It felt awesome heading out the door, and because it was so fabulous, I got to bring Elly worry free!!
"This is so awesome! I am so awesome! I
love running with my awesome mommy!
It's awesome saying 'awesome'!" |
My hound partner joined me for the first four miles, and it was great! It was nice to know when she jumped in the grass today it was to relieve her biological needs and not relieving herself of weather-induced stress!! She visited the grassy spots often this morning, though (must have also been excited about the weather), and during such a visit, I spied with my little eye:
A spider home covered in dew ... pretty! |
I studied this for a moment or two, even though Elly was all ready to resume, because it was really quite pretty.
If Elly can jack around, so can I! |
A quick stop at a red light presented us with today's WOD:
Elly took it upon herself to watch for
traffic while I studied the sites. |
Queen Anne's Lace: Like a firework. But, not. |
It was a very nice run with the pup, indeed. We even scored some cash before wrapping it up!
I even found another one a few more feet away! Whee!! |
Soon after this moment, I dropped off the dog, and I picked up the girl!
There she is all springy in her step! |
Today was another 5-miler for her (in much better weather conditions and with a mom not quite as depleted
as her last 5-mile go!)! It's been an experience doing these runs together with my running the mileage difference before picking her up to join me. You see, on any normal run, it takes me the first mile or two to get my groove and settle in to my normal pace (which is awesome on 2-mile days! Just when things fall into place, I'm finished! Ha!). I have figured out that the break I have from picking her up, in between my run and our run -- even though the break is less than 5 minutes -- starts my get-into-gear process
all over. Yup, those first miles are the same as always for settling back in. It's like I'm starting fresh. But, not. I was glad to figure this out and be able to explain it to PC#2 this morning because, suffice it to say, I'm holding the girl up during that time!!
Once getting my groove, though, we had a really good run! Most of the route had sidewalks too narrow to run together, but as most of the third mile was up hill, well, it worked out just fine to not be side by side as up hill is like a no-talking zone!
Today's was a before-I-knew-it ending, and who doesn't like that?! (It's
way better than a, "Holy crap, is this
ever going to end?" run!) I also got confirmation that the training I gave PC#2 is just right for her, too. Seriously, she's so at ease running that I sometimes think I'm totally holding her back (which was part of the original agreement, but still) and/or she's not enjoying it as much as she could because it's not much of a challenge. Evidently, it's right on track; she told me at the end of these five that it felt just right -- not too tired, but glad to be finished. That's
exactly what I aim for for myself and when I know I'm on track. Hooray for confirmation!!
I made our stopping point at a store to redeem our Coke Rewards coupons!! (They expire tomorrow, and you
know this penny-picker-upper is not letting a free Diet Coke go to waste!) That stopping point also required the Pit Crew to pick us up, so we went in and rehydrated while we waited:
Did you know that when someone flushes
a toilet in a store, it can drop the water
pressure at the drinking fountain? I totally
know that. |
Just waiting for the boys! |
When the boys arrived (as always with cold water bottles!!), we browsed the beverage choices (well, PC#2 browsed; like
I needed to do so .. whatever!) until Aaron mentioned the gas station across the street might have a better selection. So, off we went!
Cha-ching ! Free beverages!! |
That walk to the gas station was actually rather notable. When we started, PC#2 said she was going to suggest walking, but she thought I might say no because I was too tired from the longer run. That's when I was able to remind her that part of my master running plan is to do it in such a way that none of us are paying for it for the rest of the day -- myself or anyone! That's just not for me and not the point of what I do. Running is a
piece of my day, not
all of my day! And, my way has totally worked for me for a long time (making it so I want to
keep doing it!), so I'll be sticking to it!
Next week's long duo run is the Virtual Firework run!! But, long before then is tomorrow's Rest Day, so I'll see you then!
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