With no threat of rain this morning (that I knew of -- I only based that on looking outside to see if it was there, not if it was coming), I was up and at it to get in the miles! Elly was right there in front of me every step of the way while I got ready not knowing she was not joining me. She even parked herself in front of me while I was stretching (that's
right !) to make sure I knew where she was:
"Mommy, I'm right here." |
Yeah, you also notice I'm still wearing pants to run! It was 44 degrees this morning on this 5th day of May. I don't even have words about that, so I'll move on!
After doing the rounds of hugs and kisses see-you-at-the-bagel-shop, onward I went! In no time, I saw those sure signs of Spring even if we're not feeling it:
An unfortunate sign for this little robin,
but a sign nonetheless. |
I got a little treat after coming up the hill in the second mile:
"I may be a little treat, but I will eat you if I have to. Leave me
and my hill in peace." |
Later in my fourth mile, I ran up and along a man walking his very chipper beagle. The man and I had a little chat (because I love when people are that friendly when we're all out and about) where I told him my childhood beagle's name was Tippy, and I learned his beagle's name was Chase. Chase was super cute but had nothing on Elly. Or Snoopy. Snoopy's the best beagle ever. Just sayin.'
Okay, not long after, I was closing in on my sixth mile. I was thinking about how this run felt like I was on cruise control, and that's a great feeling. It made me think back to how many runs were something to just get through instead of something to enjoy. And, then I got a side cramp, and that kind of sucked. And, then, just as that subsided, I heard a car honking. It was the kind of honk people do to say hello, so I turned to look. Guess who?
Um, I think you're a little early ... |
While lovely to see them, I still had 3 miles to go. And, while I know I've communicated my pace has picked up lately, their heading to the bagel shop at this point was giving me lightening-speed credit I do not possess. Aaron and I exchanged the predictable, "I'm pretty sure this isn't what we said" and "Whoops, seems I misunderstood" looks (you decide) before they went to spend (spend, kill, same-same) some newfound time while I wrapped up my run.
Those last three miles are a fun stretch. There's a hill I don't care for, but given (a) it used to be a huge struggle where it's now an annoyance, and (b) the air was cool enough that it was easier to run, but once it's behind me, the rest of the stretch is pretty easy. Continuing with the animal kingdom sightings, I saw a whole flock of geese. Here's a representative:
Hey, batter batter, suuhh-wing, Batt-ahhh !! |
I don't know if it was the quick stop talking to the fam or stopping for this picture or stopping to snag some change a few times OR if it was a combination of all of that, but the last two miles of this run kind of sucked. I felt more tired for them than I did for the first 7, and I think I was just ready to finish. I didn't feel defeated or anything. It just was. And, that was okay.
I had about three-tenths of a mile built in for a cool-down walk where I was tending to wiping sweat away from my eyes and keeping my runner's nose under control. See?
No judging -- no one looks awesome
keeping a runny nose under control. |
It was then I kept hearing my nose make excellent sounds. It was almost musical. Totally cracked me up ...
Seriously, this was a good time while it
lasted! Very symphonic. |
As soon as I got to the bagel shop, the Crew came out to greet me. Hooray!
I do so love them! They love me, too, but they were ready for
me to get on with my cool down because they were hungry! |
After more hugging and kissing and my changing from my really stinky clothes, it was breakfast and game time! Ahhhh ...
I can't ask for much more than hanging out with the fam; it's the perfect way to wrap up a run!
That's the 9-miler in the books! AND, I found 9 cents plus a BB ... outstanding!! My fingers are crossed for a week easier than last and a leg chilling out after almost a week of Icy Hot love! Tomorrow's another run! Elly and I will see you after!
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