You know well there have been multiple curve balls of life thrown my way, and I've tried to both work them out and power through them depending on the day. And the problem. And my mood. No matter how you slice it, I'm a girl of perseverence, so, through it all, the run has continued. I'm just thankful that enough stars have aligned giving me (hopefully!) a full week before the next Half to just breathe again!!
All of that being said (particularly the part about feeling so much like myself again), I'm actually totally looking forward to the morning run!! It's a long one, so looking forward to it is a major key of its success -- especially when speed isn't! I'm even considering getting up way earlier than I have since April's Half to get out there and get it done because we have such a busy Saturday planned, and I'm not even crabby about the idea of getting up super early! THAT is a miracle! (The next thing you know, I'll be saying I'm super excited to spend time stretching before hopping on the treadmill ... Wait ... that's going way too far ...)

Okay, one more thing on this Rest Day where I was cleaning out a bin of stuff while watching an episode of Hoarders. It's like it was an in-action tutorial. JUST KIDDING ... before I go on, I must note that one of the reasons the show fascinates me is because I really kind of get it. I have very strong hold-onto urges, but then I can't handle the space issues that presents. ANYWAY ... I was in the middle of watching the featured woman dig through a pile of stuff when she discovered a long-lost article of clothing for which she's been looking. While she was reveling in the find, one of the crew members there to help with the clean-up looked down and exclaimed, "Ooo ... I found a quarter!"
I don't think that needs anything additional said by me!
We'll round out Friday with a funny ...
... and, I'll see you after my many miles tomorrow!
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