It's a big day! Today marks going over the $4 mark in money I've found running!! WaHoo!! See?!
Twen-ty-nine-cents!!! |
I'm so glad to have my go-to not-yet-open drive-thru to scope for money because the Food Bank is sure to benefit even better than last year! Yeah!!! I will also report that using tweezers to pull money from a pavement crack is actually less effective than using my fingers. Yup, I totally know that now. In case you ever needed to know yourself.
The other thing I know is that when you put your oatmeal in the microwave for the same amount of time as is used for the
popcorn-in-a-lunch-bag*, you totally mess up your oatmeal:
Nice. And, you can even see the popcorn and bag behind it.
They're totally mocking the oatmeal telling it it can't take
the heat. Literally. |
* Wait, what? You haven't tried popcorn done this way? Holy smokes, stop reading and GO TRY!! It totally works and is so very delish!! I'll wait ...
go make some corn!)
I remade my oatmeal because I was very anxious to have some with these!
To my surprise, I found these at the grocery store last night at
an affordable price. Since when do we get affordable blueberries
in February? Nevermind ... I'll just take 'em! They're delicious,
too, by the way! None of that out-of-season disappointment
going on over here! |
Good run, good meals, good day! Elly thinks so, too:
"What I think is that I'd like some of that
popcorn, mommy, so let's get that
arranged. Now." |
Tomorrow's a short one! I'm looking forward to it and will see you after!
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