Okay, I'm in a way better mood today than I was yesterday, so don't be afraid ...
Two things today: First, I have to mention that the Food Bank stash from the money we're finding walking around is off to a GREAT start ... in 8 days, we've already dropped 44 cents in there! My running one is off to the expected start as finding money while running is usually a slow-go in the November-December time frame. I have no idea why, but it always has been. But, just like with my actual running, slow is still a go!
Second: I made a Very Important Purchase today! Check it out:
It's my Jingle Bell Run shirt! I always wear a Snoopy t-shirt (and bundle under as needed), and this one just screamed to me when I was walking through the store! You can see why. And, if you can't, that's cool because it's my shirt.
Not one bit of Rest Day has been restful as there has been oodles of shopping and cleaning to do for company! But, no complaints! I'll certainly take crazy busy over yesterday's super crabby! Off to continue the pursuit of a clean abode! See you tomorrow!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
And, Some Runs Are Bleh
Some days are better than others as are some runs. While there was nothing wrong with today's run, I wasn't particularly feeling it, either. I kind of just wanted to get it done and move on with my day.
We all have those days and feel that way sometimes, don't we? I hate 'em. I much prefer to feel the spring in my step and the motivation to take on whatever I'm doing with gusto. And, I really like it when I feel that way on a run. Bleh runs make me feel crummy.
These are the days where the bigger picture must prevail. I have more official runs coming up that I want to do. And, I still want to be running when I'm much older. So, that means, I have to keep going today.
There's a quote out there that's been attributed to many people, so I really don't know who gets first dibs. But, I will say, it's a good one, and it's one I need to keep in mind on days like today:
You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
I know it was great to get out there and to finish no matter how I really felt. It was just one run of many. These happen sometimes.
In the meantime, I have a puppy who is perpetually proud of herself:
It's on to a duo of Rest Days starting tomorrow! It's time to regroup! See you then.
We all have those days and feel that way sometimes, don't we? I hate 'em. I much prefer to feel the spring in my step and the motivation to take on whatever I'm doing with gusto. And, I really like it when I feel that way on a run. Bleh runs make me feel crummy.
These are the days where the bigger picture must prevail. I have more official runs coming up that I want to do. And, I still want to be running when I'm much older. So, that means, I have to keep going today.
There's a quote out there that's been attributed to many people, so I really don't know who gets first dibs. But, I will say, it's a good one, and it's one I need to keep in mind on days like today:
You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
I know it was great to get out there and to finish no matter how I really felt. It was just one run of many. These happen sometimes.
In the meantime, I have a puppy who is perpetually proud of herself:
"Let's not make this complicated, mommy. We go, we stop. Then I nap. Easy." |
"I would appreciate assistance getting my leash out from under my very properly raised paw, though ... that's complicated for me ..." |
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Excitement She Wrote
Today's moment of excitement came toward the end when we were crossing a store's entrance/exit, and a car came screaming up to where one normally slows down to see if it's safe to slip into the traffic flow. Elly and I saw the car in just enough time to safely stop (which is exactly what we do at that point on the route). The driver of the car looked at us very calm, cool and collected like, "What up, I was totally stopping." At least he was driving where one would expect unlike yard van. And, at least both stories had good endings.
But, let's back it up to the beginning because it was a run full of excitment for Elly. Here's a quiz for you. Seeing what was in one of the following pictures totally took Elly back. Which one is it?
Choice A:
Choice B:
Or, Choice C:
I'm certain you answered correctly. It was, indeed, Choice C. She was sniffing along minding her own business when her head jerked up and she skidoo-ed to the side! I love when that happens over something like an inflatable yard decoration. It happens every year starting around Halloween; never gets old.
I also love that those home owners have a Beware of Dog sign in their door given their decor. Just sayin'.
It wasn't long after the tour through wild kindgom came to an end that I spied this:
I heard someone say on the Today show this morning that the chances of winning the $500 million lottery tonight has similar odds to lining up pennies from something like California to Michigan then going along that line and picking up and flipping over the singular penny in the line marked with an X. Not only was this penny not in such a line, but there was also no X on it. The Food Bank will still like it, though, so there you go. Winnings.
By the way, did I mention it was quite cold this morning?
That's okay, though, because I had myself a warm puppy ...
Tomorrow's another day to get out there and get it done! Until then, enjoy your evening! I know I will because it's Survivor night ... which has nothing to do with running but everything to do with awesome!! Wahoo!!
But, let's back it up to the beginning because it was a run full of excitment for Elly. Here's a quiz for you. Seeing what was in one of the following pictures totally took Elly back. Which one is it?
Choice A:
Was it the Cujo twins (even though Cujo wasn't a German Shephard, it was the only name going through my mind here)? |
Was it the kitty lurking under the tree all stealth-like? |
It couldn't have been Scoob, could it? |
I also love that those home owners have a Beware of Dog sign in their door given their decor. Just sayin'.
It wasn't long after the tour through wild kindgom came to an end that I spied this:
I caught a last-minute glimpse of it compliments of the perfect reflection from the sun. Excellent how that works. |
By the way, did I mention it was quite cold this morning?
That's okay, though, because I had myself a warm puppy ...
Tomorrow's another day to get out there and get it done! Until then, enjoy your evening! I know I will because it's Survivor night ... which has nothing to do with running but everything to do with awesome!! Wahoo!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tired. That's All.
Pretty cool how a picture is worth a thousand words ...
![]() |
There was a caption contest for this on the "I Love To Run" Facebook page. I didn't enter. Therefore, I didn't win. |
Hmmm ... funny that that's exactly how I feel today, yet, I didn't run a step. Not sure how that's going to pan out tomorrow, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, right?! See you then, hopefully from an upright position!
Monday, November 26, 2012
The Would've Been Winner
On this morning's run, I couldn't help but think about the fact that there are people deep into their training for upcoming Half and Full Marathons. I'm talking, for the Half runners as I know nothing about training for a Full, that at this point, they're in the double-digit long run miles. Think about that for a minute -- they celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday, then they had to run many miles on the weekend -- Not the three miles I drug myself through yesterday nor the four I did today where I still feel those wonderful post-holiday residuals. Double digits.
I tip my hat to these people. And, I am thankful the big runs in which I participate fall pretty much in the middle of nothing on the calendar. Excellent!
Today's run felt pretty good all things considered. Elly was all kinds of excited to be out there today and stayed ahead of me the whole way. Clearly, she didn't have a holiday feast plus leftovers, just sayin'. It was 33 degrees and sunny which was perfect weather for running and finding a BB but not for money finding. Drat!
I did spy with my little eye this, though:
Our family plays the Slug Bug game full force which makes seeing one with no one around to punch is always a drag. Seriously, all four of us have that same, "Hey! Aw, crap!" emotion when we are by ourselves and see a VW Bug or a PT Cruiser because we added "PT Punch" to the game. We also made it so the classic Bug makes you immune from being on the receiving end of any punching for that round. We are awesome. Oh, we're also the only four allowed to play to ensure there is no misunderstanding between friends. Just seemed wise.
Well, I would have been the big winner here had everyone been with me. But, with only Elly for company -- who is not a participant -- I just enjoyed the rest of the run.
It's funny the things you think about when you run ... like, "Man! No one to hit!" I'll see you tomorrow on Rest Day with, hopefully!, more peaceful thoughts!
I tip my hat to these people. And, I am thankful the big runs in which I participate fall pretty much in the middle of nothing on the calendar. Excellent!
Today's run felt pretty good all things considered. Elly was all kinds of excited to be out there today and stayed ahead of me the whole way. Clearly, she didn't have a holiday feast plus leftovers, just sayin'. It was 33 degrees and sunny which was perfect weather for running and finding a BB but not for money finding. Drat!
I did spy with my little eye this, though:
Our family plays the Slug Bug game full force which makes seeing one with no one around to punch is always a drag. Seriously, all four of us have that same, "Hey! Aw, crap!" emotion when we are by ourselves and see a VW Bug or a PT Cruiser because we added "PT Punch" to the game. We also made it so the classic Bug makes you immune from being on the receiving end of any punching for that round. We are awesome. Oh, we're also the only four allowed to play to ensure there is no misunderstanding between friends. Just seemed wise.
Well, I would have been the big winner here had everyone been with me. But, with only Elly for company -- who is not a participant -- I just enjoyed the rest of the run.
It's funny the things you think about when you run ... like, "Man! No one to hit!" I'll see you tomorrow on Rest Day with, hopefully!, more peaceful thoughts!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Really Big Score. Really.
Regardless of my lack of desire to get up this morning to run, I did so anyway. In fact, we all did. I even woke PC#2 up to do so. She was mighty pleased.
Getting back into the swing after a holiday is a bag of mixed feelings even though I didn't interrupt my schedule during the holiday. The holiday force is a mighty one! So, it's now that I focus almost entirely on the outcome -- and not on the getting-to the outcome!
We put a mighty big hill in the Family Run route today, and I have to hand it to the young Crewers who made it up without walking even one time! (Have I mentioned it seems a bit -- whine -- unfair that they progress in their running in warp speed compared to their ol' mom? Just sayin'.) We did a mini celebration at the top before continuing on. You have to celebrate!
You also have to smile big -- if not laugh out loud -- when you find a super-score along the way! No, not that one ...
... THAT one!
Let's take another look:
We'd just gone along the part of the route that often has money along it and found nothing, so Aaron finding this just around the corner was simply fabulous!
Good run, big score. What more could I want? It's another running day tomorrow as we all have to return to normal, so Elly and I will see you after!
Getting back into the swing after a holiday is a bag of mixed feelings even though I didn't interrupt my schedule during the holiday. The holiday force is a mighty one! So, it's now that I focus almost entirely on the outcome -- and not on the getting-to the outcome!
We put a mighty big hill in the Family Run route today, and I have to hand it to the young Crewers who made it up without walking even one time! (Have I mentioned it seems a bit -- whine -- unfair that they progress in their running in warp speed compared to their ol' mom? Just sayin'.) We did a mini celebration at the top before continuing on. You have to celebrate!
You also have to smile big -- if not laugh out loud -- when you find a super-score along the way! No, not that one ...
... THAT one!
Let's take another look:
We'd just gone along the part of the route that often has money along it and found nothing, so Aaron finding this just around the corner was simply fabulous!
Good run, big score. What more could I want? It's another running day tomorrow as we all have to return to normal, so Elly and I will see you after!
Family Run Time,
Just Running,
The Pit Crew
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Totally Real
Last night's decision to make today a Rest Day was a good one, and I took full advantage of the morning! For the first time in months, we all slept in!! Ahhh ... that was awesome! I think we're still digesting Thanksgiving if I'm being honest!!
Last night I also I kept thinking about my conversation with Mary Kate and how she's working her Half into her life. And, then I'd think about the struggles she and I have experienced with regard to comparing ourselves to others to determine if what we're doing with running "counts" as being a "real" runner (if you've been there, you get what I just said). All I can say is, to me, there is nothing more real than the balancing act performed by Mary Kate and others of us who totally get we're not heading for the Olympics any time soon. (I mean, ever.) Even though we don't podium place in the race, we also don't "just" cross the finish line. "Just" crossing the finish line doesn't cut the mustard for me; It doesn't get much more real than to finish, period, no matter who you are or how you got there.
The fact is: You got there.
Now shift gears with me because I must share a recent LAUGH OUT LOUD viewing around here. The young Crewers love the updated Looney Tunes shows (which can be hysterical by the way ... I don't know if the originals were necessarily broke, but I do love how they fixed 'em!), and in the recent, "The Stud, the Nerd, the Average Joe and the Saint" episode, we follow Daffy Duck as he trains for a marathon ...
My laugh-out-loudest moment was when Daffy lies about his nutrition to his trainer, Speedy Gonzoles, including proclaiming how he replenishes himself throughout the day with protein bars ... known to the rest of us as a tube of cookie dough! HA! To dream!
I loved Daffy's exaggerated form:
His moment of exhaustion 10 feet from the start was also fabulous:
Runner or not, the episode is excellent. It's staying on the dvr for a while!
The rest of the day holds a fire in the fireplace and decking of the halls!! See you tomorrow after an earlier morning ... it's Family Run day after all!
Last night I also I kept thinking about my conversation with Mary Kate and how she's working her Half into her life. And, then I'd think about the struggles she and I have experienced with regard to comparing ourselves to others to determine if what we're doing with running "counts" as being a "real" runner (if you've been there, you get what I just said). All I can say is, to me, there is nothing more real than the balancing act performed by Mary Kate and others of us who totally get we're not heading for the Olympics any time soon. (I mean, ever.) Even though we don't podium place in the race, we also don't "just" cross the finish line. "Just" crossing the finish line doesn't cut the mustard for me; It doesn't get much more real than to finish, period, no matter who you are or how you got there.
The fact is: You got there.
Now shift gears with me because I must share a recent LAUGH OUT LOUD viewing around here. The young Crewers love the updated Looney Tunes shows (which can be hysterical by the way ... I don't know if the originals were necessarily broke, but I do love how they fixed 'em!), and in the recent, "The Stud, the Nerd, the Average Joe and the Saint" episode, we follow Daffy Duck as he trains for a marathon ...
My laugh-out-loudest moment was when Daffy lies about his nutrition to his trainer, Speedy Gonzoles, including proclaiming how he replenishes himself throughout the day with protein bars ... known to the rest of us as a tube of cookie dough! HA! To dream!
When I was really little, I used to pretend chocolate syrup was medicine -- who knew Daffy and I were kindered spirits? |
His being-a-big-weenie noises were awesome, too! |
'Been there, pal ... although I think I got a little farther! |
The rest of the day holds a fire in the fireplace and decking of the halls!! See you tomorrow after an earlier morning ... it's Family Run day after all!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Making It Happen. Anyway.
Okay, whoever made up my running schedule (and, it's wasn't me) is a genious scheduling Friday as the constant Rest Day. Given the day after Thanksgiving is always a Friday, and Rest Day is always supposed to be a Friday, well, that's just good common sense! Last night's dinner was fabulous as was my dessert during our annual viewing of Home Alone, but that's not a good get-up-and-run plan just. sayin'.! I hope your Thanksgiving was fabulous in every way!
There was a lot to be thankful for today, too! It came in very different forms. First, some of the animals around here hit it big on Black Friday:
And, then, I got an AWESOME suprise this holiday break!! Check it out ...
We barely scratched the surface in our non-stop-talk-time (isn't that always the way?!) but it was soooo fabulous to see her in person (it's been 17 years!)!! We spent a bit of time talking about her upcoming Half, and, in my non-expert assessment, she is doing awesome!! I'm totally proud of her, and here's why: In her very real world full of all of the things that tug and require so much of so many of us, fitting in training for a Half Marathon has been a challenge in and of itself. It's a big time commitment, and Life often forgets to step aside when we try to put something new into it (rude!)! Her training hasn't followed how it's written on paper, so to speak, and, you know what? She's making it work her way anyway! She's adjusting as needed, she's being real, she's being smart, and she's going forth. From where I sit, that is impressive!!
I think the winners in the world are those who know how to take in their environment, weigh the pros and cons of their choices, understand the cost-benefit factors (take that, economics professor!) and make decisions based on what's in front of them, not based on a mental picture they've stubbornly locked on to. Those pictures are great starting points and certainly serve as inspiration, but, often strictly adhering to that picture requires living in a bubble immune from the demands of our lives. I find more often than not, the picture needs adjustments of sorts all along the way! Besides, who's to say the adjusted picture isn't better than what we came up with in the first place?
So, I tip my hat to my Full of Perseverance friend, and I can't wait to hear about the rest of the journey and its outcome!! Besides, her family is not only totally behind her (yeah!!!), but they are also counting on celebratory pancakes following that race!! (Sounds like a certain Pit Crew, does it not?!) THAT'S a part of the picture that needs no fine tuning because everyone wins!!
Keep on keepin' on, Mary Kate, and anyone who has started something and finds changes necessary along the way! I'm right in there with you! In the meantime, I'm dialing it back to one day of running on the weekends, and you know I'm reserving that for Family Run time!! We already decided that is happening on Sunday, so, I'll see you then!
There was a lot to be thankful for today, too! It came in very different forms. First, some of the animals around here hit it big on Black Friday:
"I am Lizzy. And, I claim this in the spirit of being The Queen." |
The kitties got a new climber! Elly is walking away because she didn't get anything. |
Aaaaaaand, down. It's time for a kitty to rest. She'll pick up with the bothering others later. |
It's my about-to-run-her-first-Half friend!!!! WAHOO!!! |
I think the winners in the world are those who know how to take in their environment, weigh the pros and cons of their choices, understand the cost-benefit factors (take that, economics professor!) and make decisions based on what's in front of them, not based on a mental picture they've stubbornly locked on to. Those pictures are great starting points and certainly serve as inspiration, but, often strictly adhering to that picture requires living in a bubble immune from the demands of our lives. I find more often than not, the picture needs adjustments of sorts all along the way! Besides, who's to say the adjusted picture isn't better than what we came up with in the first place?
So, I tip my hat to my Full of Perseverance friend, and I can't wait to hear about the rest of the journey and its outcome!! Besides, her family is not only totally behind her (yeah!!!), but they are also counting on celebratory pancakes following that race!! (Sounds like a certain Pit Crew, does it not?!) THAT'S a part of the picture that needs no fine tuning because everyone wins!!
Keep on keepin' on, Mary Kate, and anyone who has started something and finds changes necessary along the way! I'm right in there with you! In the meantime, I'm dialing it back to one day of running on the weekends, and you know I'm reserving that for Family Run time!! We already decided that is happening on Sunday, so, I'll see you then!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Laying Trax!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!!
Once upon a time, for many Thanksgivings past, I hoped to sleep in as late as possible on Thanksgiving -- it being a holiday and all. Right? Then, we had babies, and that blew sleeping in to smithereens (not complaining, just sayin'). And, then there's now ... I have the possibility to sleep in past normal time, but I choose, instead, to go out for a Turkey Trax run with the fam!! Who knew that would become part of our Thanksgiving traditions and that all four of us would look forward to it?! You can count one, two, three, four people here who would never have predicted this as a desired Thanksgiving morning activity!! But, we're so glad it is because look at the fun we had!!There's our crew! We're ready to hit it! (You simply have to have cool headwear for this run, by the way! At least we think so!) |
There's the pie stash for the age division winners ... |
Remember our friends who participated in their first event at the Komen Run?! I think they've caught the 5K bug!! And, who wouldn't want to do so when you can wear such kicky hats!! Theirs were fabulous!! (Don't worry -- I've already put the Jingle Bell Run idea in their ears, so be on the lookout!!) |
And, we're off!! Have I mentioned Aaron can cruise at his fast walking pace?! |
There were lots of festive touches throughout the crowd ... like this family of turkey tails!! The woman's mom made them for her crew! |
We're closing in on the mile mark here while PC#2 makes sure her turkey visor doesn't go by way of the wind! |
You gotta hand it to her for going all out! |
All finished! A bit smelly but totally happy! |
And, there were more hats to enjoy in the crowd! Here's one ... |
... and, another ... |
... and, this one! |
It was perfect weather and a perfect way to start the day! This morning's efforts will be countered with a lovely feast this evening (let's be honest!), and we're totally looking forward to it!! After all, tomorrow's Rest Day, too!! That's well timed if you ask me!
I'm so crazy thankful for so many blessings in my life -- topping my list is this family!! Who else would indulge me in my let's-get-up-on-a-holiday-and-run-in-awesome-hats ideas?? These three are the best!! I hope you, too, are surrounded by those you love!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Getting Ready!
It's the day before Thanksgiving!! Wahoo!!! I do so love this particular break and holiday!! There are a lot of yummy aromas floating around our house in preparation for tomorrow ... better keep my run on to keep my world in a bit of balance then, huh?!
I did manage to get myself up on this first day of break and run. The weather was perfect, so Elly and I headed on out after sleeping in a little extra. It felt great to get back outside; it's been a while!! It was a short, easy run which was perfect since I'm still working on getting the last of my whatever-I-caught last week out of my system. It's such a drag how long it takes to feel back to 100%!! But, I'm getting there, and that's the good thing.
The bummer of the morning would have been actually getting hit by the van that I didn't see (and whose driver never saw us). I had just found a penny to reboot the Food Bank finds for 2013 only to take two steps forward and just catch out of my peripheral vision the reverse lights of the van. The van backing out of its yard. Yup, yard. It was on the other side of the two cars parked in its driveway, and it never crossed my mind to look past those cars to see what might be coming my way from the yard. I guess that showed me. So, let's add to this year's list of being thankful that Elly and I didn't get squished by the yard van.
In way-better news, we four are all set for tomorrow's Turkey Trax!!
Kentucky Derby Pie minis anyone? Oh-so good ... and so much better for you with sugar-free chocolate chips, right?! (ha!) |
The bummer of the morning would have been actually getting hit by the van that I didn't see (and whose driver never saw us). I had just found a penny to reboot the Food Bank finds for 2013 only to take two steps forward and just catch out of my peripheral vision the reverse lights of the van. The van backing out of its yard. Yup, yard. It was on the other side of the two cars parked in its driveway, and it never crossed my mind to look past those cars to see what might be coming my way from the yard. I guess that showed me. So, let's add to this year's list of being thankful that Elly and I didn't get squished by the yard van.
Had we been squished by the van, we wouldn't have seen this frosty dandelion ... what a bummer that would have been, huh? |
I love the fronts with that turkey! |
Cool back, too! |
Elly can tell there's a buzz in the air and senses she's not going to get to participate. It's kind of like how she keeps smelling stuff that's yummy only to be repeatedly told, "No, Elly, not for you." It's a hard life for a puppy:
Elly spent a lot of the day practicing her don't-look-at-me-while- I'm-pretending-to-be-indifferent face. |
Numbers, chip timers and shirts are all in hand, so we are ready to go!! It's going to be a really fun morning! I hope your Thanksgiving morning starts off great, and I'll see you after the Trax!
Just Running,
The Pit Crew,
Turkey Trax 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Spreading the Love and the Wealth
So, evidently it's Hug a Runner Day!! Who knew?! (And, who decided?!) Well, given it's out there just waiting to be celebrated, what are you waiting for? Hug yourself a runner! Did you run down the street, to the neighbors, to the store (even in the car! I mean, c'mon, running to the store is sometimes a drag and needs reward!)? Today, it should all count! Get your hug on!!
I'm sure I just blew the sentiment of the day, but I was really trying to spread the love! In the meantime, here's a peek at one of my favorite post-run moments:
Okay, so that's not a hug as much as a smooch. MAN, I really am not properly acknowledging this day, am I?!
I did do something right today, though. In fact, we all did -- it's the annual Food Bank Thanksgiving drive today, so it was off to one of the donation locations to deposit our giving money!
It was really fun emptying the Food Bank Snoopy Bank today, and it all starts over tomorrow! I'm hoping to find something to start it all off with a bang! Besides, the Food Bank Snoopy Bank is lonely now ...! Here's to hoping! See you on the eve of Turkey Trax!!
I'm sure I just blew the sentiment of the day, but I was really trying to spread the love! In the meantime, here's a peek at one of my favorite post-run moments:
2009 Jingle Bell Run! |
I did do something right today, though. In fact, we all did -- it's the annual Food Bank Thanksgiving drive today, so it was off to one of the donation locations to deposit our giving money!
Every little bit counts! And, there was a good stash of a lot of little and big bits in there!! Wahoo!! |
There goes the money found running! |
Give money, get homemade cookies! I had one of those Magic Cookie Bars ... whoever made 'em knew what they were doing! Su-Per-Yum! |
Food Bank Donation Day,
Rest Day,
The Pit Crew
Monday, November 19, 2012
Just Because I Can Doesn't Mean I Should
Okay, SO THANKFUL for the big haul for the Food Bank yesterday because look what the weather was this morning!
Bu-mmer!! It was clear it was off to the treadmill for me! Elly needed some consoling as well:
Before hopping on the mean machine, I did some emailing and secretly hoped I'd take long enough that the rain would stop and I could run outside. Then, I thought better of it -- I'm better but not completely well, and, truth be told, chilly air is hurting every part of my nasal cavity. As I sat and wrote some notes, I thought it best that I plan on the treadmill no matter what the weather was like when finished.
Fortunately, I'm good at sticking to pre-made plans when they're made in a solid foundation because the rain had stopped, but I still headed to the treadmill. I could have gone out, but I knew I shouldn't. *sigh* I will note, though, this is quite possibly the first treadmill run I've finished where I didn't complain to myself even one time while on it. I'd say that's because I'm starting to be a grown up about it, but it's really because it was that clear to me that going outside wasn't a good idea. I want to be well this week especially with Thanksgiving and Turkey Trax coming!! The treadmill was a small price to pay to work toward Thursday!
When I finished my miles, I sat in the recliner to finish the show I was watching while running, and I had a little suprise:
Not quite so sweet was what I came home to after making the third, "NOW we have everything we need for Thanksgiving" run to the store:
Is it just me, or is she giving me the same "feel bad for me" look she gave me this morning when she knew we weren't running together?
That wraps up the last run before donation day!! It'll be fun to turn in the extra tomorrow -- see you after!
Bu-mmer!! It was clear it was off to the treadmill for me! Elly needed some consoling as well:
Before hopping on the mean machine, I did some emailing and secretly hoped I'd take long enough that the rain would stop and I could run outside. Then, I thought better of it -- I'm better but not completely well, and, truth be told, chilly air is hurting every part of my nasal cavity. As I sat and wrote some notes, I thought it best that I plan on the treadmill no matter what the weather was like when finished.
Fortunately, I'm good at sticking to pre-made plans when they're made in a solid foundation because the rain had stopped, but I still headed to the treadmill. I could have gone out, but I knew I shouldn't. *sigh* I will note, though, this is quite possibly the first treadmill run I've finished where I didn't complain to myself even one time while on it. I'd say that's because I'm starting to be a grown up about it, but it's really because it was that clear to me that going outside wasn't a good idea. I want to be well this week especially with Thanksgiving and Turkey Trax coming!! The treadmill was a small price to pay to work toward Thursday!
When I finished my miles, I sat in the recliner to finish the show I was watching while running, and I had a little suprise:
Not quite so sweet was what I came home to after making the third, "NOW we have everything we need for Thanksgiving" run to the store:
Seems Elly had a good time while I was out ... |
"I'm sorry, mama ... not enough to stop doing it, but I'm sorry right now ..." |
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