I think it was just a week ago that I was complaining that we didn't get a "real" Winter and that I missed it. Well, we woke up to the good stuff today!!
There is nothing like snow on a tree that already has buds on it ... |
Clearly, running outside was out of the question, so Aaron set up the treadmill for me (smack in front of the tv, of course! And, I not only hate using the treadmill, I hate moving it into place. Fortunately, I have a very willing Pit Crew to help with such details.), and I hopped on. I'll trade a few runs on the treadmill for snow without issue!!
I had an epiphany on the treadmill, too. I have always been in the camp of, "There must be something wrong with this treadmill because I can totally run my miles faster outside than it takes me inside and I cannot keep up the pace on the treadmill to get the miles finished in my outside time." Today, though, I decided to actually make
a concerted effort to pay attention to my mph, see how it feels and compare that to how I know I feel when I run outside.
First-ever treadmill run I didn't finish with
a big 'ol' list of complaints! Wahoo!! |
The verdict? It turns out there is nothing wrong with the treadmill. What was wrong was in my own brain as I tried to justify why the treadmill feels so much more difficult to maintain mph. What's most likely going on is that outside, I have an average mph vs. having to maintain the entire route. So, if my outside run time translates to 5 mph, then there were points in that run where I was going 4 mph and where I was
blazing at 6 mph (not sure how to acocunt for the other end of 0 mph when I stop for pennies and pictures, but whatever, it all seems to work out in the end). That variable speed makes for a much more delightful run, that's for sure!
Just saying ...
So, it seems my "something's wrong with this machine" theory has to go by way of "The dryer shrank my pants" and "If I don't fill my gas tank the whole way, then it's not as expensive". (Elly lives in the land of denial, too. For instance: "If I stand at my food bowl and look hungry, then I've not been fed.")
So, a run and a productive thought!! I wasn't really sure that ever happened ... nor do I want it to happen too often! Run time is mental down time!! Speaking of down time, see you on a Valentine Rest Day tomorrow!
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