We all know that yesterday was Valentine's Day. It was also a Rest Day. And, it was a day that we were looking very forward to the Valentine gift made for each of us by Pit Crew #2. We were only about an hour away from receiving them when Pit Crew #3 walked into the family room and saw the unfortunate demise of the gifts. Here's the aftermath cleaned up:
I spy with my little eye ... destruction ... |
Yup, we were each to receive 3 home made oatmeal cookies. In fact, by "each" I mean all four of us because PC2 made a bag for herself (smart girl!). Unfortunately, while I was away at the class party, the hound discovered the treats and took it upon herself to eat them. All of them. One. Dozen. Cookies.
What? |
So, I have to admit that two things crossed my mind about today's run. One: This one is going to be
really good for Elly exercise-wise. (One dozen cookies?
Really?!) And, Two: Good thing I have a great supply of the best poo bags ever! (I mean, let's face it ... the cookies were oatmeal ...)
Bread bags are the best bags ever for picking up the poo ...
a friend even saves hers for me to add to our stash because
they're that good. (Think about it ... no holes and thicker
plastic to keep the bread fresh! And, as can guess, holes
in a poo bag are a problem for the picker-upper ...) |
And, she's off!
It was, indeed, a good run, and, oh yes, Elly put a bag to use. Fortunately, she did it convenient to the only trash can on the route. I hate when she overshoots ... Anyway, it was also a good outing because just when I'd chosen to not diverge from my route in the hopes of finding a penny or so, I stayed on my beaten path, looked to my right and ...
Ta-Da! It was actually shining on the sliver of sun that was out
at that very moment. Just for me! |
How many times have I reminded myself that I can't make finding money happen, I have to let it happen?! That's a difficult concept for me to remember because I prefer to make my experiences more than just seeing what happens. By and large that works for me, but there are certainly times I need to let go and discover what else could be. Finding that balance is hard!!
The hound and I finished up our run, and I was again rewarded. I took my last step, turned, looked down, and ba-da-bing! A dime!!
I was trying to get Elly to smell it to see if she'll just start sniffing
out money for me, but she was having none of it. I guess if it doesn't
smell like cookies, she's not going to be interested! |
I'll take that good fortune and run with it for the rest of the day! Have a very fortunate day on your end, and we'll see you after the a.m. outing!
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