All things being different anyway, I chose to run on a street I don't often utilize. I'm so glad I did because look at the fancy fire hydrant I found! I honestly just think this is fabulous. So colorful!! I realize it's just old layers of paint. I still think it's awesome.
While the sight seeing was fun (and a little necessary to keep my mind off of how cold it was), the wind was wicked and biting my face, so I cruised along as fast as was reasonable to just finish. It was a short enough run to pull that off, so I took full advantage of the opportunity!
The cold did not deter me from stopping and getting a Diet Coke on the way home, though. The weather and Diet Coke are not mutually exclusive variables. It's ice cold, and it's delicious!
I did come home to a warm puppy, though. She's not thrilled that she didn't get to go with me today. Fortunately for me, she's very forgiving. See you on tomorrow's Rest Day!! I have some kitchen tid bits to share! WooHoo!! Rest up for a long run on Saturday!
Oh, mommy, you can do no wrong ... except for making me sit out here in the cold! Let's go in!
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