Okay, as promised, this Rest Day held a trial run for a new recipe, and it was a
WINNER! Here it goes:
It all started Friday night when I got out my
issues of Runner's World magazine and looked
for inspiring recipes ... |
I found a handful and made a list of things
to get. These are from different recipes, by
they way ... weird if all put together, huh?! |
After deciding to focus on one recipe at a time, I decided we'd
make "Shrimp and Chorizo Paella." Do you know it took quite
some time to find chorizo? Even the guys at the butcher counter
weren't quite sure where it was. We finally found it tucked into
that back corner, so if you're ever looking, peek in a corner ... |
There it is in its glory! The recipe called for 2 ounces. I have to
admit we put in 4 fearing it wouldn't be enough. Spoiler alert: 2
would have been plenty! Lesson: Don't rewrite recipes until first
tasting them! (duh) |
The recipe called for slicing it, but mine was not of slicing
consistency. That worried me a bit, but I forged on ... |
While the chorizo and garlic got their groove on, I measured out
the next ingredients for the pot (note the Diet Coke back there ...
some cook with wine ... I with my Diet Coke!) |
A little checking in the pot to make sure things are crankin' ... |
Next in line for the pot, diced tomatoes to stew. I was a bit afraid
the end result would be too "tomato-y". Another spoiler alert: It
wasn't. I think I need to start trusting recipes ... You can also see
I also was low on Diet Coke by this point. *sigh* Anyway, after
the tomato, in go the shrimp ... |
... and peas! By the way, a can opener is not effective in opening
a bag of peas if you were ever wondering ... |
Almost ready! Mmmm ... the kitchen smelled just scrumptious! |
There's my dinner! We were having a carpet picnic so we could
watch the recap of the New York Marathon I'd recorded. And, I
learned just yesterday that my favorite Olympian was running the
race -- Apolo Anton Ohno!! He was sponsored by Subway ... so
we went all out for the theme as you can see! I was so excited! |
The verdict: Yeeeeeeeee-Hawwwwwwww, it was fabulous!!!
So very yummy! Every one of us loved it! It was a bit spicy
seeing as I used too much chorizo, but it didn't keep us from
eating it! Lesson learned, and we'll do it again the right way! |
There's Apolo! Yes, I took a picture of the tv. I'm a dork like that.
Subway donated $26, 200 to Special Olympics in recognition of
his participation in this race. How cool is that?! |
Here's the recipe! So very good!! Between this dinner and watching the Marathon, I'm
totally inspired for my morning run! That is subject to change given the rain in the forecast,
but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it! Cheers, everyone! See you in the morning! |
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