Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 714.7 (running: 538.3; walking: 31.6; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $59.18
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 714.7 Aaron: 432 (b: 382.1; w: 49.9) Elly: 162.1 Total: 1308.8
I came across this in my morning Facebook scan, and it made me grin:
And, THEN, I came across THIS, and, well, no more words are required:
I hope either or both of those help to start your week off just right!! I did get out there for a run which was really good. Fortunately, there was just enough of a breeze that the humidity wasn't terrible. I saw a pretty cool sunrise, but having forgotten to put the memory card back in the camera ... well, it was a little Monday hiccup for me!
I had planned to run 4 miles but went ahead on to 5 seizing the moment when I was feelin' it and not thinking too much about it because I would have done a fine job justifying not going on for the extra distance! I'm thankful for running because it gives me a great opportunity to fight with myself about something that ultimately doesn't matter in terms of running. It does matter, though, in terms of making sure my perseverance gets a good, regular workout because that is applicable in every aspect of life!
Running rules.
Speaking of, it looks like running is on the books for the morning, too, as well as the beginning of the Run For the Dogs virtual challenge (remember how there's a daily or weekly -- or? -- core work challenge that comes with that? Anyone remember why, exactly, I signed up for that?!)! I'll let you know how day one goes ...!
Monday, August 31, 2015
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Little Things
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 709.7 (running: 533.3; walking: 31.6; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $58.69
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 709.7 Aaron: 432 (b: 382.1; w: 49.9) Elly: 162.1 Total: 1303.8
I'm so glad Aaron and I decided to take a quick walk in the neighborhood to start our day, or we wouldn't have seen this:
There were actually two adult cats (one off camera) and two itty bitty kitties (one was camera shy and under the bush). SO CUTE. Elly was totally oblivious to all of them until the little ones startled and darted for safety. Even then, she was only mildly interested. Her sisters have taught her respect.
We also saw these ...
Little bitty flowers just smiling at us! For real, those are just cool.
Starting the day off with two of my favorite beings was also cool:
It was a muggy morning which is just a taste of what this week is supposed to bring. Well, I enjoyed the cooler weather while it was here! But, tomorrow, I need to be ready to dive head first into the gross because it's going to be here for a little while!
Start your week off just the way you want and need, and I'll check in after the morning run!!
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 709.7 Aaron: 432 (b: 382.1; w: 49.9) Elly: 162.1 Total: 1303.8
I'm so glad Aaron and I decided to take a quick walk in the neighborhood to start our day, or we wouldn't have seen this:
We also saw these ...
Little bitty flowers just smiling at us! For real, those are just cool.
Starting the day off with two of my favorite beings was also cool:
It was a muggy morning which is just a taste of what this week is supposed to bring. Well, I enjoyed the cooler weather while it was here! But, tomorrow, I need to be ready to dive head first into the gross because it's going to be here for a little while!
Start your week off just the way you want and need, and I'll check in after the morning run!!
Saturday, August 29, 2015
The Shared Experience
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 708.5 (running: 533.3; walking: 30.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $58.69
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 708.5 Aaron: 430.8 (b: 382.1; w: 48.7) Elly: 160.9 Total: 1300.2
I think there's a saying about how better things are when they're shared. I'm sure there's a saying for that, I just don't know what it is. Perhaps that's because I'm not always up for that notion when it comes to the smaller things in life. For instance, I always want the biggest artichoke, and I hardly ever share even when everyone else has long finished his or hers. I don't always care to share my space when sitting next to someone (room, please!), and I confess it's only recently that I've been willing to share my scrapbook supplies with PC#2. For real. And, I know none of that makes me sound awesome, but I own it nonetheless.
What I highly value -- crave, if you will -- is the shared experience. Whether that's actually engaging in an activity together or walking a mile in another's shoes (so as to understand someone else), it all boils down to that kind of sharing for me.
Aaron and I are heading toward 20 years of marriage on our next anniversary, and this has actually been a topic of both discussion and reflection during the last year. Being married this amount of time and raising a family inherently implies we whiffed sharing everything all the time even with the best of intentions. We tried, but, we're also totally human and blew it now and then. We still have a good chunk of time the whole fam is under one roof, so it mattered to me a lot that we take stock and figure out what things are working and what things need regrouping and refocusing before our chunk of time is but a sliver or gone. I don't want to miss sharing the experience of this time together. I'd even give up my artichoke for it (but, let's face it, that's easy to say wheneveryone's afraid I'd bite their arm if they tried to take mine no one would ever ask that of me).
The shared experience theme was with me all day today as Aaron and I did a whole host of activities together. Often, we had different roles in what we were doing, but we were always on the path together. We arrived here at the end of the day happy and satisfied that, yes, it was just a good day.
And, we started it off together with the morning run:
Just like with most of our endeavors today, we accomplished the end goal of the run in our own ways. We brought ourselves to the table (road, in this case); he walked fast, I ran slow, I mocked him for missing obvious coins in the road, and he provided running commentary about our outing. Most important, we shared the experience of the whole.
And, that is how it's done.
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 708.5 Aaron: 430.8 (b: 382.1; w: 48.7) Elly: 160.9 Total: 1300.2
I think there's a saying about how better things are when they're shared. I'm sure there's a saying for that, I just don't know what it is. Perhaps that's because I'm not always up for that notion when it comes to the smaller things in life. For instance, I always want the biggest artichoke, and I hardly ever share even when everyone else has long finished his or hers. I don't always care to share my space when sitting next to someone (room, please!), and I confess it's only recently that I've been willing to share my scrapbook supplies with PC#2. For real. And, I know none of that makes me sound awesome, but I own it nonetheless.
What I highly value -- crave, if you will -- is the shared experience. Whether that's actually engaging in an activity together or walking a mile in another's shoes (so as to understand someone else), it all boils down to that kind of sharing for me.
Aaron and I are heading toward 20 years of marriage on our next anniversary, and this has actually been a topic of both discussion and reflection during the last year. Being married this amount of time and raising a family inherently implies we whiffed sharing everything all the time even with the best of intentions. We tried, but, we're also totally human and blew it now and then. We still have a good chunk of time the whole fam is under one roof, so it mattered to me a lot that we take stock and figure out what things are working and what things need regrouping and refocusing before our chunk of time is but a sliver or gone. I don't want to miss sharing the experience of this time together. I'd even give up my artichoke for it (but, let's face it, that's easy to say when
The shared experience theme was with me all day today as Aaron and I did a whole host of activities together. Often, we had different roles in what we were doing, but we were always on the path together. We arrived here at the end of the day happy and satisfied that, yes, it was just a good day.
And, we started it off together with the morning run:
Just like with most of our endeavors today, we accomplished the end goal of the run in our own ways. We brought ourselves to the table (road, in this case); he walked fast, I ran slow, I mocked him for missing obvious coins in the road, and he provided running commentary about our outing. Most important, we shared the experience of the whole.
And, that is how it's done.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Elly's New Adventure
Join me in cheer!!
Because I didn't run this morning, I got just a smidge of extra sleep before starting the day. That was probably a good thing not only because I needed the break but also because my head was all kinds of loaded with allergy goo in my sinuses. YUCK! I'm sure that'll return for tomorrow morning's run; that ought to make Aaron all kinds of excited that he agreed to join me! (*cough*hack*patooey* ... ahhh ... he's certain to fall in love all over again ...)
Before throwing myself in to a day full of things to do, I started it off by going out for a tasty Diet Coke complete with taking my best furry friend for a ride with me!
I'm wanting to teach her what "Go for a ride" means so she can understand (a) why she gets to go into the garage without a leash, and (b) so she can put her expectations of the outing in the right place.
I think part (b) is going to take a while given this is what she looked like when we pulled back into the garage and she'd not gotten out of the car since getting in:
Not to fear, she perked up as soon as she hopped out of the car because that's probably the very moment she totally forgot what bummed her out. In fact, she put her face right in Lizzy's upon crossing the threshold in a, "I got to go somewhere and you didn't" way. Yeah, I think she's fine!
Regardless of Elly's emotional roller coaster, it was a great way for me to start a Friday!! The rest of the day has been busy and productive and seems to be setting the best stage possible to start the weekend!! May your Friday be as good, and I'll check in after the morning run!
Because I didn't run this morning, I got just a smidge of extra sleep before starting the day. That was probably a good thing not only because I needed the break but also because my head was all kinds of loaded with allergy goo in my sinuses. YUCK! I'm sure that'll return for tomorrow morning's run; that ought to make Aaron all kinds of excited that he agreed to join me! (*cough*hack*patooey* ... ahhh ... he's certain to fall in love all over again ...)
Before throwing myself in to a day full of things to do, I started it off by going out for a tasty Diet Coke complete with taking my best furry friend for a ride with me!
Elly says, "YAHOO!!! Here we go an adventure!!!!!" |
I think part (b) is going to take a while given this is what she looked like when we pulled back into the garage and she'd not gotten out of the car since getting in:
"Wait ... that's it?!" |
*super-sulk sigh ...* |
Regardless of Elly's emotional roller coaster, it was a great way for me to start a Friday!! The rest of the day has been busy and productive and seems to be setting the best stage possible to start the weekend!! May your Friday be as good, and I'll check in after the morning run!
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Less Than Ideal
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 704.5 (running: 529.3; walking: 30.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $57.71
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 704.5 Aaron: 426.8 (b: 382.1; w: 44.7) Elly: 160.9 Total: 1292.2
Through the haze, you are looking at shoes I retired from running more than a year ago. They're my default Nikes that I bought in desperation because nothing else had mesh at the toes that would contain my toes. These certainly took me across a number of miles, but they were never super-comfortable past the first few miles. Okay, they hurt. There was no spring in the sole, and they were just ... hard. They're great for walking around, though, and I wear them all the time for that. Well, for that and for the morning's my brain isn't plugged in and I put on the wrong shoes for running.
I was glad to realize this nonsense at a point there was nothing I could really do about it. Once you're in the middle of the run, there's nothing to do from there but finish! And, finish I did, minus any desired spring in my step!
See? There's nothing special required to run. Just the desire. -- True for most anything ...
Tomorrow is a Rest Day for sure. No ifs, ands or buts, I am taking a break 'til Saturday! I hope your Friday gets off on the right foot, and I'll be checking in!
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 704.5 Aaron: 426.8 (b: 382.1; w: 44.7) Elly: 160.9 Total: 1292.2
I set out for my morning run embracing the cool air even though it is wreaking havoc on my sinuses overnight! I'm not doing myself any favors by sleeping with the windows open, but I just have to. I love Fall temperatures even when we're not there yet!
So, my head was a little wonky, but there was still something a wee bit ... off. Something was wrong. I finally figured it out well into my second mile:
My lightening-fast speed made getting this action shot in focus impossible ... |
I was glad to realize this nonsense at a point there was nothing I could really do about it. Once you're in the middle of the run, there's nothing to do from there but finish! And, finish I did, minus any desired spring in my step!
See? There's nothing special required to run. Just the desire. -- True for most anything ...
Tomorrow is a Rest Day for sure. No ifs, ands or buts, I am taking a break 'til Saturday! I hope your Friday gets off on the right foot, and I'll be checking in!
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
National Dog Day: Who Knew?!
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 700.5 (running: 525.3; walking: 30.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $56.84
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 700.5 Aaron: 426.8 (b: 382.1; w: 44.7) Elly: 160.9 Total: 1288.2
And, today ...
Did you know it's National Dog Day? I didn't until a friend of mine posted it on Facebook. And, then, I double-verified it on the Snoopy Facebook page. (Yes, I do know what I just said and the source I used!) Keep in mind how very wrong I was about on what day National Ice Cream Day falls, so I felt the need to do some kind of checking before announcing here!
Anyway, I'm so very glad I decided to take Elly with me on this morning's run. I would have hated whiffing National Dog Day and all. She was pretty stoked to go with me, too:
Because it was only 53 degrees, I decided she was good probably good to go on my 5-mile route, and I was right. She had a wonderful time and even ran almost all of it (versus dinking around and being a distracted runner). She's currently in solid nap mode on her Snoopy blanket. She earned it!
I was glad to have decided (and committed to myself) last night that I would run this morning because I was not feeling it when I woke up! I even had a moment of, "Seriously, I think this is a really bad idea and I should probably sleep a little longer." And, then, I looked at the clock, and it was 1:24 a.m. and realized that was not the time to make such a decision.
How I was even the least bit rational at 1:24 a.m. is beyond me!
I was much better when I got up for real, and the run itself was a great way to start the day! Oh ... one more thing ... remember last Friday when I noted someone was going to be bummed when they reached for their afternoon snack not knowing it was sitting by a curb? Add this person to that list:
You can also add the person who dropped their package of Nature Valley Granola Bars, still in the wrapper, in a parking lot yesterday morning.
May you know where all things you need and want to get through your day are, and I'll check in after the morning run!
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 700.5 Aaron: 426.8 (b: 382.1; w: 44.7) Elly: 160.9 Total: 1288.2
Quick update from yesterday. Or, should I say, quick correction from yesterday: Remember that silver dollar I found and was so excited about? Okay, so, I show it to Aaron who immediately said, "I think that's a 50-cent piece." Aw, MAN! As soon as he said it, I knew he was right! I actually remember having a handful of these when I was a kid (we're talking first grade), and I did remember they were 50-cent pieces. He verified his thought on the internet; I went the most direct route and fished it out of the Food Bank stash to check. Yup. Look what I would have seen yesterday had I ever turned the coin over:
Oh well. It's still super cool. The Food Bank money has been updated, and we're all good!And, today ...
Did you know it's National Dog Day? I didn't until a friend of mine posted it on Facebook. And, then, I double-verified it on the Snoopy Facebook page. (Yes, I do know what I just said and the source I used!) Keep in mind how very wrong I was about on what day National Ice Cream Day falls, so I felt the need to do some kind of checking before announcing here!
Anyway, I'm so very glad I decided to take Elly with me on this morning's run. I would have hated whiffing National Dog Day and all. She was pretty stoked to go with me, too:
Because it was only 53 degrees, I decided she was good probably good to go on my 5-mile route, and I was right. She had a wonderful time and even ran almost all of it (versus dinking around and being a distracted runner). She's currently in solid nap mode on her Snoopy blanket. She earned it!
I was glad to have decided (and committed to myself) last night that I would run this morning because I was not feeling it when I woke up! I even had a moment of, "Seriously, I think this is a really bad idea and I should probably sleep a little longer." And, then, I looked at the clock, and it was 1:24 a.m. and realized that was not the time to make such a decision.
How I was even the least bit rational at 1:24 a.m. is beyond me!
I was much better when I got up for real, and the run itself was a great way to start the day! Oh ... one more thing ... remember last Friday when I noted someone was going to be bummed when they reached for their afternoon snack not knowing it was sitting by a curb? Add this person to that list:
You can also add the person who dropped their package of Nature Valley Granola Bars, still in the wrapper, in a parking lot yesterday morning.
May you know where all things you need and want to get through your day are, and I'll check in after the morning run!
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Good Day, Rainbow Sunshine!
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 695.5 (running: 520.3; walking: 30.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $56.69
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 695.5 Aaron: 426.8 (b: 382.1; w: 44.7) Elly: 155.9 Total: 1278.2
OF COURSE the colors caught my eye! So, I had to stop. I also really liked what that ol' sun had to say on its rays. On the left, it reads:
Oh, and on our walk, as it was quickly getting dark, we encountered a snake:
It demonstrated its 'they're more scared of us than we are of them' thing as it worked on hauling ass (wait ... is that the right thing to say about a snake?) across the road. I helped it by running toward it because it wasn't like the big, huge, scary one Pit Crew #2 and I saw a few weeks back (the one that scared me so much there was no way I would take its picture). And, yes, I was helpingish ... Aaron loves these creatures, and I would have just hated it for him if it got squished by a car.
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 695.5 Aaron: 426.8 (b: 382.1; w: 44.7) Elly: 155.9 Total: 1278.2
So much good came from this morning's run that it completely outweighed the torture of getting up while it was still dark! I'd like to say I'm being dramatic, but, I'm not a morning person. So, 'torture' is appropriately used!
First, it was somewhere in the low 50s when I started! That is awesome running weather!! It's the kind of temperature where you can still wear shorts if you want, but capris are also comfortable. And, you break a good sweat, but it's not one that's draining the very life out of your body. It's pretty fantastic!
The weather was so good, in fact, that I went ahead and added a mile to my outing because all factors to support that (namely, the weather and the fact that I started to wake up) were in place. I enjoyed all parts of my outing including those moments I needed to stop-and-scoop. No, not doggie doo (I can't say I ever enjoy that) ... this:
Another $1.70 to the Food Bank stash!! |
When is the last time you have even seen a silver dollar much less found one? I KNOW!! And, just as a status report, last year, I found a total of $63.64 for the Food Bank. I am within less than $10 of that, and I still have 3 months to add to the stash! Buh-BAM!!
Another fun moment was when running along a strip of businesses and seeing this in the window:
The window glare doesn't do it justice, but you get the basic visual. |
"I've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around
to remind me who I'm supposed to be."
On the right, it reads:
"So it's easier to remember who I am."
Good golly, how many ways can you apply that to your life, past or present?!
Between pondering the rainbow sun's quote and trying to figure out my running schedule for the rest of the week, I had a great last mile to my finish! With regard to my schedule, I'd almost settled on not running tomorrow because I think I need to Thursday and Friday, but then I saw my mileage counter is at fewer than five miles to turn the overall movement miles into the 700s. So, I think I must run. At least, that's where things sit right now ...
Even though the weather was awesome, it wasn't a great day to take Elly. Don't feel too bad for her, though, because she took us on a walk last night ... but not before I got her picture in front of my fantastic patch of zinnias!
To get her to sit before going for a walk is a trick in and of itself, so there was no way she was going closer to the flowers!Oh, and on our walk, as it was quickly getting dark, we encountered a snake:
Aaron declareed, "Snake!!" and it scared the crapazoid out of me! |
So, I think I'm running tomorrow. Or, I'm not. I need to decide by early evening tonight so I can get it solid in my brain. I certainly can't decide in the morning because I already know the answer will be a resounding no especially as the change in temperature, while welcome, has fired up the ol' sinuses! I'll check in tomorrow with the verdict! Until then, I hope every part of your Tuesday is a great one!!
Monday, August 24, 2015
Strong Start!
WHEW!! What a Monday!! I've been non-stop busy since getting up today, and I'm surprised pleased to report that it's been a really productive and happy day even though I didn't start it off with a run! I began to notice a pattern around here that my better days started with running; I was beginning to think I'd better start moving every morning to ensure better odds for a happy day! And, if I didn't do it, it crossed my mind that the fam might consider shoving my shoes on me and leaving me outside until I did go run ... hahahaha ...!
ANYWAY, I hope the start to your week has been equally good. So much of mine has been spent in front of the computer which is less than ideal but very necessary. Fortunately, I have a number of fun things that sit on the computer desk and stare at me that make me happy. This is the latest member of the gang:
It's Origami Yoda that Pit Crew #3 made about 4 or 5 years ago. He recently brought it to me in a massive room clean-out asking if I wanted it because, if I didn't, it was going in the trash.
Was he out of his mind considering throwing it in the trash?! At least he's wise enough to first ask ...!
Okay, aside from all of the dailies around here, I wanted to share the latest event I signed up for!
The entire (only $5.95!) registration fee goes directly to Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs, an organization that trains and donates medical service dogs to many returning veterans who have PTSD and/or other disabilities. The virtual run is sponsored by Run the Edge (the same group sponsoring the 2,015 in 2015 Challenge Aaron, Elly and I are doing). The virtual challenge is both a run and a 30-day challenge of core work, September 1-30.
*gulp* Consistent core work. I'm both excited and not about this part of it. But, like I told Aaron, maybe this will be a good kick start to actually incorporating more cross training into my routine because leaving me up to my own devices just isn't going to make it happen! Who'swithmethere?!
So, I've signed up for the challenge, and I'll keep you posted! I don't really even know what to expect for the core stuff, so here's to a great mystery!
The groove of the day hasn't stopped, so I need to get back on the ride! Take care of what you need to make your week start off great, and I'll check in after the morning run!
ANYWAY, I hope the start to your week has been equally good. So much of mine has been spent in front of the computer which is less than ideal but very necessary. Fortunately, I have a number of fun things that sit on the computer desk and stare at me that make me happy. This is the latest member of the gang:
It's Origami Yoda that Pit Crew #3 made about 4 or 5 years ago. He recently brought it to me in a massive room clean-out asking if I wanted it because, if I didn't, it was going in the trash.
Was he out of his mind considering throwing it in the trash?! At least he's wise enough to first ask ...!
Okay, aside from all of the dailies around here, I wanted to share the latest event I signed up for!
The entire (only $5.95!) registration fee goes directly to Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs, an organization that trains and donates medical service dogs to many returning veterans who have PTSD and/or other disabilities. The virtual run is sponsored by Run the Edge (the same group sponsoring the 2,015 in 2015 Challenge Aaron, Elly and I are doing). The virtual challenge is both a run and a 30-day challenge of core work, September 1-30.
*gulp* Consistent core work. I'm both excited and not about this part of it. But, like I told Aaron, maybe this will be a good kick start to actually incorporating more cross training into my routine because leaving me up to my own devices just isn't going to make it happen! Who'swithmethere?!
So, I've signed up for the challenge, and I'll keep you posted! I don't really even know what to expect for the core stuff, so here's to a great mystery!
The groove of the day hasn't stopped, so I need to get back on the ride! Take care of what you need to make your week start off great, and I'll check in after the morning run!
Sunday, August 23, 2015
'Feels Like It's Over Just When It Began!
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 689.5 (running: 515.3; walking: 29.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $54.99
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 689.5 Aaron: 425.8 (b: 382.1; w: 43.7) Elly: 154.9 Total: 1270.2
We'd made plans earlier in the week to not only get up and run on Saturday morning to also make our finishing point a place where we wanted to do some shopping! (Not clothes shopping: Not to worry! That would be nasty after a run.) We were looking forward to it all week. Even when it was thundering about 20 minutes before we planned to head out the door, we remained optimistic that it would pass. We hung out an extra 10 minutes later than planned, and we fulfilled our plans completely unscathed by weather! Whee!!
That is not to say the run was without pushing some of my own limits, though, seeing as I started off with some worn out legs. The run didn't really help that, but it was good to get moving. The 5 straight hours of walking and standing I did for Saturday afternoon did a good number on them again, though. So, rest was in order for this morning!
As temperatures continue to fluctuate, this is the time of year they at least start to point toward a major comfort zone when it comes to morning runs! I love Fall and am ready to run head-first into it! WHO'S WITH ME?!
I'm taking another Rest Day tomorrow to regroup and rest up a little more from the weekend! That'll be a great day to share my next, upcoming endeavor! Start your week off just the way you want! I'll see you as we all kick off Monday!!
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 689.5 Aaron: 425.8 (b: 382.1; w: 43.7) Elly: 154.9 Total: 1270.2
The weekend is almost over!! MAN!!! Where'd it go?!
Well, it most certainly was an awesome one over here which was kicked off by a morning run yesterday with Pit Crew #2!!
Yahoo!! |
That is not to say the run was without pushing some of my own limits, though, seeing as I started off with some worn out legs. The run didn't really help that, but it was good to get moving. The 5 straight hours of walking and standing I did for Saturday afternoon did a good number on them again, though. So, rest was in order for this morning!
As temperatures continue to fluctuate, this is the time of year they at least start to point toward a major comfort zone when it comes to morning runs! I love Fall and am ready to run head-first into it! WHO'S WITH ME?!
I'm taking another Rest Day tomorrow to regroup and rest up a little more from the weekend! That'll be a great day to share my next, upcoming endeavor! Start your week off just the way you want! I'll see you as we all kick off Monday!!
Friday, August 21, 2015
Seriously. These Animals.
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 685.3 (running: 511.1; walking: 29.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $54.53
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 685.3 Aaron: 416.6 (b: 372.9; w: 43.7) Elly: 154.9 Total: 1256.8
It's like she put herself in a kitty jail. She's kinda dorky like that.
Speaking of dorky, I had the Queen of all Dorkdom with me this morning on my run ...
She's not looking forward because she's in the thick of her I-just-know-I'm-gonna-get-hit-by-a-car-on-this-sidewalk paranoia. So, as usual when she gets like this, she's constantly looking backward which also creates a strong resistance for me. I could look at it as good resistance training, but I don't. It's very annoying.
I. Rock.
Tomorrow is another morning run! With Pit Crew #2 by my side and a specific agenda in mind, it'll be a great start to the day! I also have new upcoming plans and goals that I'll share soon ... I'm actually pretty excited!!
I hope your Friday was fantastic!! I'll be checking in after the morning run!
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 685.3 Aaron: 416.6 (b: 372.9; w: 43.7) Elly: 154.9 Total: 1256.8
I came home from my run today to see this:
Oh for real. |
Speaking of dorky, I had the Queen of all Dorkdom with me this morning on my run ...
She's not looking forward because she's in the thick of her I-just-know-I'm-gonna-get-hit-by-a-car-on-this-sidewalk paranoia. So, as usual when she gets like this, she's constantly looking backward which also creates a strong resistance for me. I could look at it as good resistance training, but I don't. It's very annoying.
I have to take pause when she pulls this, though, because the fear is very real to her. And, it's not like I haven't conjured up things in my head to make myself all paranoid about, and, the fact is, the dog has loved me through a number of those moments. So, what can I do but slow down when I need on her behalf even if that means coming to a complete halt. My love for her far outweighs my annoyance of this adult-onset weirdness.
We did a quick three miles today (scoring more than 10 cents per mile: BAM), so it was a great start to this Friday! Not so great is for the person who lost this:
I know it's just an apple, but you know someone was counting on that at some point in the day. And, when that point came, all they could do was look around wondering how in the world they misplaced an entire apple. Their search would be ... wait ... for ... it ... fruitless.I. Rock.
Tomorrow is another morning run! With Pit Crew #2 by my side and a specific agenda in mind, it'll be a great start to the day! I also have new upcoming plans and goals that I'll share soon ... I'm actually pretty excited!!
I hope your Friday was fantastic!! I'll be checking in after the morning run!
Thursday, August 20, 2015
The Rules
So, the day was way too busy to run, but it was not too busy to think about running. While that doesn't count for my mile goals, it does count for motivation!
I took a few minutes today to read this article because I just had to know if I fell into any of the law-breaking categories while out running. I wanted to know just what level of scofflaw I am. Here's the breakdown:
run from the law!
I took a few minutes today to read this article because I just had to know if I fell into any of the law-breaking categories while out running. I wanted to know just what level of scofflaw I am. Here's the breakdown:
- Jaywalking: Yeah, I totally do that. Whoops.
- Tossing an empty Gu packet or water bottle in someone else's trash can or on the ground: On the ground? Um, no, not unless it's an official race where they staff the stations to pick up after we who don't have the mad skills to shoot our cups into the trash cans. And, I don't use Gu, so this one doesn't apply anyway, right? Wrong. This girl often has to carry her dog's poo. And, I totally use someone else's trash IF, and only if, I can put the poo bag into their trash through a loosely tied opening. I'm not going to dig around or otherwise disturb someone else's garbage. That just seems weird. And, gross. I'd rather carry my dog's poo.
- Public urination: You've got to be kidding me. Only Elly is this kind of culprit.
- Spitting: Well, I'm not exempt from this one BUT I do make every effort to hit grass or other area where people aren't going to walk. I don't always make it, but, more often than not, I do. Paaa-tooey!
- Running on the wrong side of the road: Okay, if I'm reading the article correctly, the last resort place to run is actually doing so against traffic (so, all the way over to the left). I do that religiously. I am absolutely guilty of ...
- Running in the road when sidewalks are available: I do that because that's where money lives. I don't think that'll help me out if I'm stopped by an officer, but I'd give it a shot. (Can't you hear it now ...) I only do thist when there's no traffic, though. Duh. While I am a fan of finding money, I'm a bigger fan of living.
- Running at night when under the age of 18: Not applicable on either factor, nighttime or age.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Happy Surprises!
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 682.3 (running: 508.1; walking: 29.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $54.15
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 682.3 Aaron: 416.6 (b: 372.9; w: 43.7) Elly: 151.9 Total: 1250.8
That's my former boss and still friend! She's so cool that she didn't even care how much I might smell before giving me a hello hug! Fortunately for both of us, I'll restate the fact that today was almost 20 degrees cooler than it has been ... Anyway, she is one of the best life cheerleaders I know. Everyone needs one of her in your personal circle of friends!
While I was stoked for my happy surprise, Elly was suddenly all about being alert in her surroundings:
She'd just gotten some ear-rubbing and love from my friend, which is so lulling for a hound, so I knew there was something actually on her radar. I followed her gaze and cracked the code:
Soon after the kitty non-encounter (and passing through a whole host of dogs barking from inside houses, behind fences and from inside cars!), Elly and I finished our four, and we called it good.
Tomorrow's a day to rest before heading back out Friday! Enjoy getting over the week's hump -- and make sure you have at least one cheerleader on your behalf -- and I'll be checking in!
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 682.3 Aaron: 416.6 (b: 372.9; w: 43.7) Elly: 151.9 Total: 1250.8
I channeled my early-morning friends today and got out and about much earlier than usual! I wasn't out as early as some, but, for me, it was a whole new groove! I haven't been out running that early in at least a year ... I can't say I really liked it, but it was kind of nice to have it finished and behind me so as to have more of the day to look forward to! Ah, the perpetual give-and-take rhythm of the world!
It was almost 20 degrees cooler today than it was just yesterday, and that meant Elly could come along for the ride!! WAHOO!! She enjoyed every run and every rest:
"Resting is pretty fantastic, mommy, especially when its purpose is to not get hit by the big, scary cars ..." |
By the way, don't you love when a flower grows out of some random crack like is happening above?
The humidity and temperature drop made for a whole new run, and it felt great. It made me look very forward to running in the Fall, and it even showed me that better weather really is coming, so it just might be possible to stretch myself enough to hit that year-end goal. Um, we'll see, but it's nice to feel the possibility! Speaking of ... while I didn't add on the mile I considered running yesterday, I did up today's intended route with an additional one. It all ended up working out over these two days! I love when happy surprised happen!
Speaking of!
While on my route, I ran into one of my very favorite people ever:
YAHOO!!! |
While I was stoked for my happy surprise, Elly was suddenly all about being alert in her surroundings:
She'd just gotten some ear-rubbing and love from my friend, which is so lulling for a hound, so I knew there was something actually on her radar. I followed her gaze and cracked the code:
Oh, yes. Very, scary kitty. Ohhh, Elly ... |
"Good? Mommy, that was awesome!" |
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Just Enough
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 678.3 (running: 504.1; walking: 29.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $53.90
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 678.3 Aaron: 416.6 (b: 372.9; w: 43.7) Elly: 147.9 Total: 1242.8
Indeed: It looks like 4 was plenty today!
The day continues to move along, and I need to get back on the ride!! Unless it's raining tomorrow, I'll be out there running!! Have a great slide into your hump day, and I'll check in after the (hopeful!) morning run!
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 678.3 Aaron: 416.6 (b: 372.9; w: 43.7) Elly: 147.9 Total: 1242.8
I was wack-a-doo busy yesterday (which means I could hardly remember what day it was, and the stuff I was supposed to actually do routinely probably didn't even get done), so I'll just restart the week for myself on this Tuesday! If your Monday was crazy like mine, I hope it was equally fun!
Part of yesterday's agenda was hanging out with Pit Crew #2 while not running! Look what we found (and I had to have)!
With Fall just around the corner, I couldn't resist!
After two days of not running, though, I was ready to get back at it today. However, I discovered that Saturday's run + Sunday's outing + 3 big days of pool volleyball = some sore legs! The legs were weak, but the mind was sound, so I went ahead and ran while throwing in an extra walk break as a compromise. I considered adding a mile to the route to get that mileage counter pushing toward the year-end goal, but I knew I needed to mow the lawn, so I decided to not wipe myself out before it even hit noon!
The run was good, though. I was glad to opt for my original plan because it definitely produced quality over quantity! I'll have plenty of opportunities to push the mileage before long! Besides, 4 seemed to be more than enough if you judge by this:
Okay, so, what happened was that the flash was set to fire (therefore, forced even if not needed) which delays the click of the shutter. I took the camera away at the very moment it decided to kick in. And, that's the result.Indeed: It looks like 4 was plenty today!
The day continues to move along, and I need to get back on the ride!! Unless it's raining tomorrow, I'll be out there running!! Have a great slide into your hump day, and I'll check in after the (hopeful!) morning run!
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Day Of Play
While there was no running today, there was plenty of fresh air, sunshine, and walking around while we played many outdoor games including mini golf!!
Pit Crew #2 and I tied for first place with scores of 79.5! Yes, .5 -- we did that. We both did that and tied in part because of it!
In case you were wondering, par for the 18-hole course is 72. We did pretty well considering that! My score of 11 in the first hole, which was a par 4, really hurt me. I'd say: Nice recovery! She and I even had our favorite colored balls; that must have been part of the magic!
We all had a fantastic time! It was the perfect break in routine for us all! Most important, it was a good time to play together! We carve out as much play time together as possible, but who doesn't want more?! It was an excellent Sunday, indeed ... I love these people!
In case you were wondering, par for the 18-hole course is 72. We did pretty well considering that! My score of 11 in the first hole, which was a par 4, really hurt me. I'd say: Nice recovery! She and I even had our favorite colored balls; that must have been part of the magic!
We all had a fantastic time! It was the perfect break in routine for us all! Most important, it was a good time to play together! We carve out as much play time together as possible, but who doesn't want more?! It was an excellent Sunday, indeed ... I love these people!
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Too Close To Let Sit
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 674.3 (running: 500.1; walking: 29.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $53.50
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 674.3 Aaron: 416.6 (b: 372.9; w: 43.7) Elly: 147.9 Total: 1238.8
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 674.3 Aaron: 416.6 (b: 372.9; w: 43.7) Elly: 147.9 Total: 1238.8
I didn't plan to run this morning. Then I looked at my mileage and saw I was less than two miles away from rolling 500. Being that close was unacceptable. So, I put my running shoes on ...
My year-end running goal is 900 miles, and I've been pretty sure I'm behind on that. But, then, I see where I'm at, and I'm not so sure it's as unattainable as I thought. By my quick calculations, it will require about 95 miles a month. I'm pretty comfortable at 80 a month and have never aspired to log more.
It's now time to decide how uncomfortable I want to be ...
In the meantime, the morning run was good for its purpose. All of the Change Hounds participated (and all who could speak articulated feeling a little more stiff from yesterday than anticipated!). I rolled my mileage counter, and miles were added to the year-long goal. And, sometimes, that's enough.
"That was plenty for me, mommy!" |
The next two days are full from top to bottom, and I'm taking them off from running. I'll be back at it Tuesday! Enjoy the next few days, and start your week off just the way you want! I'll be checking in soon ...!
2015 In 2015 Challenge,
Just Running
Friday, August 14, 2015
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 672.9 (running: 498.7; walking: 29.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $53.49
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 672.9 Aaron: 415.2 (b: 372.9; w: 42.3) Elly: 146.5 Total: 1234.6
It was a great way, indeed, to start our day and inspire some morning groove!! I'm already looking forward to the next one! That gives me something to contemplate as the running continues ...
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 672.9 Aaron: 415.2 (b: 372.9; w: 42.3) Elly: 146.5 Total: 1234.6
While I didn't spend a lot of time on build-up and fanfare (because it's Summer and I hardly ever know what day it is much less surround them with frills!), today was the day for the Family Run I envisioned a number of months back! Spoiler alert: This one went so well, and we all enjoyed it so much, that there's another vision of one brewing in my brain to accomplish before the end of the calendar year! WooHoo!!
To be honest, there isn't a whole lot to report about the runs themselves. Everyone was fully prepared, the weather completely cooperated (read: low on the humidity), and even though alarms had to be set and, in some cases accidentally turned off without waking up to get up, all participants eagerly participated.
BAM. That's pretty perfect!
Pit Crew #2 and I got in a quick pic before heading out for our 6.1 miles ...
The boys didn't get a pic at their start, but I got them coming in:
Remember yesterday when I said he would be the goofiest? It's like I know him ... |
Here comes a proud duo! |
Elly was absolutely the most excited of all of us. See?
Here's the real money shot, though:It was a great way, indeed, to start our day and inspire some morning groove!! I'm already looking forward to the next one! That gives me something to contemplate as the running continues ...
Family Run Time,
running with my girl,
The Pit Crew
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Ready, Set, BLING.
I'm just saying that I keep thinking today is Friday. But, it's not.
No matter what the actual day is, I do know that tomorrow is our Family Run!! WooHoo!! I've mapped everyone's routes, taking careful consideration to map the best route for the scared-of-traffic dog, and we've set our start times!
Pit Crew #2 and I should come in about 15 minutes before the boys and dog, so we will be able to cheer them to their finish! My predictions: Aaron will be the sweatiest; Pit Crew #3 will be the goofiest, and Elly will be the happiest!
Okay. Yes. It is about the refusal to be stopped which was imperative for me when I started running. And, the speed thing, also true. That couldn't be a factor for me or I would have spent all of my time making sure I noticed there were other people better at this than I instead of focusing on what would make it fun and have staying power.
The medal situation? Well, that's a different story. Sometimes I want the motivating bling! And, to that end, here's what's waiting for us at our finish:
It's true. I enter virtual races then run them whenever I feel like it. Or, someone else runs them. Everyone. Wins.
I'm looking forward to my long-term vision to come to fruition tomorrow!! Do whatever you need (or, want!) to motivate yourself, I'll see you after the morning run event!
No matter what the actual day is, I do know that tomorrow is our Family Run!! WooHoo!! I've mapped everyone's routes, taking careful consideration to map the best route for the scared-of-traffic dog, and we've set our start times!
![]() |
And, in my case, running with the fam!! |
Okay. Yes. It is about the refusal to be stopped which was imperative for me when I started running. And, the speed thing, also true. That couldn't be a factor for me or I would have spent all of my time making sure I noticed there were other people better at this than I instead of focusing on what would make it fun and have staying power.
The medal situation? Well, that's a different story. Sometimes I want the motivating bling! And, to that end, here's what's waiting for us at our finish:
For Aaron. Previous virtual race sponsored by US Road Running -- organization promoting the benefits (and, fun!) of running and cycling! |
For Pit Crew #3. It's a long story as to how this medal from a recent US Road Running virtual race is perfect for him! |
Previous virtual race created by Team Turtle Training to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Her name is Holly, by the way. And, she says, "Oh, Darling, Just Run." !! |
OF COURSE Elly has one coming! Previous virtual race organized by Barking Mad About Running to fundraise for Muscular Dystrophy. |
I'm looking forward to my long-term vision to come to fruition tomorrow!! Do whatever you need (or, want!) to motivate yourself, I'll see you after the morning run event!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
You've Been There
So, I walked past the microwave and saw this:
But, I hadn't even yet been in the kitchen much less had cooked anything.
You know what that means.
Hey, Aaron: Remember that side dish I was heating up for you for last night's dinner? Found it!
We've all been there, done that, haven't we? Whoops. That was a bowl of that fantastic Fiesta Cauliflower recipe that I found in March or so. It's fantastic; that it is still around since March is an awesome indication of it's staying power! Anyway, I recently figured out to make the whole recipe on the stove top instead mixing it all on the stove top only to pour it into a baking dish to bake for 25 very hot, heating-up-the-house-with-the-oven minutes. No need for baking.
I'm a genius.
Anyway, it was a Rest Day today as it will be again tomorrow right before the Family Run on Friday!! I have some planning to do to get ready! I'll check in with the progress tomorrow ...
But, I hadn't even yet been in the kitchen much less had cooked anything.
You know what that means.
Complete with temperature-testing finger indentations ... |
We've all been there, done that, haven't we? Whoops. That was a bowl of that fantastic Fiesta Cauliflower recipe that I found in March or so. It's fantastic; that it is still around since March is an awesome indication of it's staying power! Anyway, I recently figured out to make the whole recipe on the stove top instead mixing it all on the stove top only to pour it into a baking dish to bake for 25 very hot, heating-up-the-house-with-the-oven minutes. No need for baking.
I'm a genius.
Anyway, it was a Rest Day today as it will be again tomorrow right before the Family Run on Friday!! I have some planning to do to get ready! I'll check in with the progress tomorrow ...
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Hiding In Plain View
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 665.8 (running: 492.6; walking: 29.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $53.16
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 665.8 Aaron: 412.1 (b: 372.9; w: 39.2) Elly: 143.4 Total: 1222.3
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 665.8 Aaron: 412.1 (b: 372.9; w: 39.2) Elly: 143.4 Total: 1222.3
You know those things in your life that you've seen a hundred times but you've never really seen? That's this for me:
I've passed this little walkway countless times while running and never really focused in. In fairness, I think my mind's eye blows it off because, to take it, it would send me back the way I just came from. I am a bit back-track hater, so maybe my oblivion was for my own emotional protection. But, today, for whatever reason, I zeroed in. Oh, and, yes; I ran it. All 15 or so steps of it! And, it was delightful!
It was a good run overall, but that little path was my very favorite part. It was just for a moment, but it was lovely!
I hope your day was full of fun, little surprises! I'll be checking in tomorrow ...!
Monday, August 10, 2015
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 661.8 (running: 487.6; walking: 29.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $53.03
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 661.8 Aaron: 412.1 (b: 372.9; w: 39.2) Elly: 143.4 Total: 1217.3
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 661.8 Aaron: 412.1 (b: 372.9; w: 39.2) Elly: 143.4 Total: 1217.3
Okay, this blanket of humidity thing is really starting to get on our nerves! Pardon the broken-record message when I say this morning's run was just gross. It was the kind that I had enough sweat pouring off of me that it made it to the end of my ponytail which meant that in one false move, the ponytail was stuck to and wrapped around my neck.
Unfortunately, the humidity really drained Pit Crew #2 today to the point she felt it most of the day. It really can just zap the energy from you deep on the inside -- these are the days to be most careful!

PC#2 was a champ about it all, though. Either that, or she was just so distracted by the fact that she had to use the bathroom for the last 2.5 miles of our 3-mile outing (yeah, that sucks ...) that she didn't think about the humidity hammering her. It was her personal plight that also made her impatient with Elly when the dog decided to be scared of traffic that was nowhere near her for a solid half mile of the run. Super duper!
All three of us made it back in tact, though. Was there ever really a doubt?
Tomorrow's another day, and it's another run! My fingers are crossed about the humidity lifting a bit, but I'm enough of a realist to know I just need to be prepared to take what comes! Have a great start to your Tuesday, and I'll see you after the morning run!
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