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Seriously, that's fantastic. Totally my kind of humor! |
The unpredictable weather has prompted repeated questioning from Pit Crew #2 regarding the weather on the day of the Half because, usually, we assume (even if wrong) that the weather will be along the lines of "what we've been having." With no recent patterns, it's just that less predictable! And, to that end, I have been pondering the "what to wear" question. I usually wear -- you guessed it -- "what I've been wearing," but I suspect (hope!) by then, I'll be out of the long pants/second skins and into ... capris? Shorts? Seriously, there's no telling!
The biggest what-to-wear issue should come as no surprise to you: Unless there is a definite weather shift one way or the other (serious cold snap or sudden warm up; both always possible), I'll need to meet it in the middle by wearing capris. However, you also know (even though I've not complained about it for about a year which is some kind of miracle) that I don't own nor have I been able to find capris with a normal sized pocket. Normal = can hold my camera. Ugh!
I've actually dreaded the idea of running that distance without my camera ... UNTIL YESTERDAY ... I actually found capris with normal, real-life-people-sized pockets. Ahhhhh ... Aaron and I were at the
store together when I found them. And, because he's that awesome, he kept going back and forth from me to whatever aisle we actually needed something from (you know, what we actually went to the store to get). He kept leaving me the cart even though he was the one who needed it. It was probably a hint to go ahead and fill the cart with as many capris-with-pockets as I could find so I would stop complaining about it. (Picture a cart completely full of capris ... Now picture a cart completely full of crappies because if you make a typo with capris, it basically becomes crappies.)
So, anyway, Thank You, Danskin. You've been my favorite brand of running pants for the duration of my endeavor, so I do so appreciate my new pants with pockets made by you!!
It's the little stuff ...! And, now I can put this 4-year search to rest for now. YAHOO!
I'm glad to have all options for the lower half ready to go. Now, if we could all agree on what the Pit Crew shirts are going to say and finalize my own, we'd be covered!! Two weeks to go with a 10-mile run at the end of the week -- both amount to plenty of time to get some thinking done!
In the meantime, I have one more thing to share off today's topic. So, yesterday, I made reference to the rampant cupcake theme that has taken on a life of its own everywhere including in the running world. Personally, I love it, by the way ... I think it's cute, I've loved my cupcake virtual race medals, and the theme itself inspired PC#2 to join me on a number of runs. Totally winning! Anyway, in a parallel relation to this theme, I saw this on the I Love To Run Facebook page yesterday and had to show you:
'Cracked me up!!
From the different sources where I've gathered information, by the way, you can burn an average of 100 calories per mile, just fyi. There are all sorts of calculators and tables on the Web to show how this works for you as it is based on pace, weight and distance (and, not all agree, but they are all very close). In the meantime, I thought this was hysterical, so I had to share!
With that, it's on to the rest of a busy Monday with all kinds of Monday things to accomplish! But, tomorrow? We run! It's the last 5-miler on the schedule (not counting the upcoming 10-miler), and Elly and I ready to hit it! Enjoy the rest of the start to your week, and we'll check in when we finish!
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