I found it something of serendipitous that I was driving home from yesterday's run to hear an ad on the radio about a sale on Asics running shoes. I perked up big time; I have tried to refrain from complaining about my need to replace my shoes, but, suffice it to say, I've needed to replace them for at least a month. At least. And, while I've been poking around trying to find a new pair, I have been running into the large mesh issue -- the very one that's not strong enough to restrain my wicked-strong big toe.
Remember that crap after only having them three weeks or so?
'Twas very disappointing!! |
There aren't as many options out there right now without this design that are also affordable (another key issue), so I've been taking my sweet time looking all the while going forth with my Nikes that have certainly held up well. But, they're no Asics to these feet ...
And, then I heard the ad. Asics -- that I love and have missed terribly -- normally $100 for $60? I
had to check it out! I have to admit, 5 years ago, there is no way I would have paid $60 for shoes. Shoot, I wouldn't have done it 2 years ago. It has finally sunk in that I'm serious enough about this that, perhaps, spending a little more on quality shoes is worth it!
So, after a shower and a bagel (of course), Aaron and I were there. And, they were beautiful ...
Can you hear the angel chorus in the background? I CAN!! |
Tighter mesh, totally friendly and knowledgable sales dude, guarantee of recourse should my toe go through (which will stun me if it does) and they're beautiful? That's the triple threat of awesome!! Oh, and they felt great!! Have you ever heard your feet sigh? I heard mine at the store ...
So, I bought two pair. Yes, indeed, I hope to spare myself and others of shoe angst for quite some time!
NOT TO MENTION they totally go with the shoe strings Pit Crew #2 bought me for my birthday!!
The coordination is way more clear in
person and when not distracted by the
display of what I'm really wanting to do
most mornings ... be in my jammies and
slippers on my way back to bed! |
This was a serious score perfectly timed after just completing my year's goal! Also perfectly timed in my world is tomorrow's virtual evening run amidst the Christmas lights!! I'm looking forward to both that and the after!! The new shoes, however, will make their debut in January. I don't want the Nikes to feel like they've put in their sweat, tears and time only for the Asics to swoop by and put in the last piece of the puzzle ... which is a whole different way of saying I'm not mucking up the brand new shoes in the Wintery mix slop that's been handed to us!
PC#3 and I will see you after the evening run!
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