Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 192 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 908.1 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 460.3 Money Found For Food Bank: $2.96
When I started running in the first place, I had no idea the places it would take me. And, that it has brought me to the world of virtual races, well, color me stunned! But, what a gift these virtual runs have turned out to be because I've gotten to connect even better and share them with my friend
Mary Kate!!
And, Pit Crew #2 has hopped on board for a whole hosts of reasons -- not the least of which the very fun, sparkly cupcake medals we get to earn! -- which means I get to share more time with her.
AND, our whole families have hopped on board and taken part in each of them in some capacity!!
What. A. Gift!!!!
Here are today's players!!
Allow me to introduce you to Mary Kate's husband, Chad!! Mary Kate and I
both had in-person running partners this go around!! Whee!!! |
A run to celebrate the magic of the season further enhanced by the magic of Photoshop ...
And, here's how it came together on this end ...
This particular virtual run snuck up on me not just during the week but also yesterday itself. The young Crewers and I were still working on Christmas cookies ...
This lovely moment comes back to bite me
during my second mile ... something about
eating cookie dough then running ... |
... when I looked at the clock and said to Aaron, "Holy crap! How can it already be 4 p.m.! Hey, do you know we're supposed to run in an hour and a half?!" (Hey, remember when it took me months to train for a 5K, and then I had to focus that morning until it was over? And, then, I needed a nap?)
You can guess everything came together, though. I threw on my running duds and leashed up Elly who had been sensing something exciting was about to happen ... and, she made certain she was front and center ready to join the fun! Also joining us in their own capacity was the male side of the Pit Crew!
Running? Not this time ...
Earlier in the day, Aaron and I were talking about the road conditions which looked fine for the most part, but there were definitely patches of ice here and there. I did manage to remember to buy a new flashlight, but I still ran scenarios about how much it would suck to fall (seeing as PC#3 already fell once and slipped on the very icy grass in an entirely separate incident that morning). Aaron suggested following us in the car just in case someone needed some help ... a great idea that morphed into having Christmas music playing for us as well as the option for a hot chocolate break if so desired (see pink thermos in car ...). It was like planning to run just in front of the vehicle that sweeps people at a race who aren't on pace to finish fast enough only exactly the opposite especially when, on this run, Mary Kate, Chad and I were guaranteed to finish in the top three of our age group!! WE WIN!!
Anyway, the official start of the run call was made ...
That's me talking to Mary Kate ... |
... and, that's Elly telling me to quit my yappin'
and get to steppin'! |
So, we all took off!! Aaron and PC#3 followed a few feet behind us, and the plan for them to do so was more brilliant than predicted because the headlights illuminated much more of the street that I even considered! Seeing as the focus of our original discussion had more to do with the novelty of a hot cocoa break than it did safety, well, you see how I lost sight of that priority! Whoops. Well, fortunately, the running gods were looking out for us because mere seconds after I almost asked PC#2 for the flashlight, we rounded a corner not yet lit by the headlights, and my feet caught a stretch of ice. Elly managed to navigate it, so I was
screwed in position only to go along for the ride!
Legend has it that that particular stretch was about 100 feet, and I glided across with the grace of a ballerina on one foot while singing Christmas carols to PC#2.
Aaron's version of the story is that the stretch was about three feet. What does he know; he was paying attention to driving.
Both stories are total lies. In truth, the moment held about a foot or two of internal terror where I thought, for sure, I was going straight down. Then, there was another foot where I realized, "Wait, I'm sure I can avoid such a calamity." Mind over matter, right? In the next foot, I realized my pound hound was totally and completely pulling me like she was a sled dog completely oblivious of my potential plight. From there, and for about another six feet, I just embraced the moment and went along for the ride!
To be honest, once I was fully present realizing I was quite steady, upright and being pulled by my dog, it was kind of fun. The better moment was it all ending and ending well. I stopped, regrouped my footing situation, took a bow to the boys in the car, and we resumed!
The dramatic reinactment shot ... Oh, but
PC#2 gave me props for not falling. I'll
take the high praise! |
(Speaking of reinactments, here's the ice as it looks in the daylight after being dusted by snow ... while PC#3 demonstrates how one might lose balance on such a treacherous stretch)
See? LONG! And, I rode the whole thing ... |
An-y-wayyy ... close to this time, Mary Kate and Chad were enjoying their adventure! Beautiful sunset, anyone?!
It was Mary Kate's awesome idea to run through Christmas
lights ... I'm glad they got both the sunset and the lights
surrounding them!! It's quite romantic, too ... she didn't tell
me if they stopped and pretended they saw mistletoe ...! |
When not scouring the streets for another ice capade, PC#2 and I took in our sites ...
Yes, indeed, the reason! |
Miles away, as the sun set and lights continued to come on, Mary Kate and Chad were caught by a similar scene!
Just another way I felt totally connected
at a distance on this run!! |
And, how about this from the local end?!
Elly totally dug this one ... I suspect it's
because a male totally dug it in a whole
different way earlier ... |
Meanwhile, the distant-from-us runners were finding a host of goodness and having a lot of fun doing it! See?!
Chad getting his awesome on as part of
the festive display! |
Mary Kate said it was just for me ... (how'd she know? HA!) |
Speaking of larger/inflatable displays, PC#2 and I came upon a large display and just had to check it out ...
We were running so fast, it wasn't in focus. Just. Kidding. |
Santa's in the tent ... Now, I like sleeping, but nothing about
that screams comfort or cozy to me!! Brrrr and yeouuuch on
the icy grass come to mind!! I'm a terrible camper, though, so
what do I know. And, he's inflatable. (Overthinking it a bit?) |
Yeah, they're blurry. 'Wanna know why?! Because of a certain someone:
"You're telling me you can balance on the stretch of ice, but
you can't keep the camera still while I'm yanking the crap out
of your arm? Seriously. Not my fault. SLURP!!" |
Elly was something else on this run, by the way. When she would remember the boys were in the car behind us, she'd run forward while looking backward at them because she wanted to be with
all of us. I reminded her that her miles don't count unless she actually runs them as I pondered putting her in the car except that she would whine the entire way watching us run ... there's no pleasing some, is there?
But, doesn't her new leash look festive and fabulous?
Anyway, before we really knew it, we were in our home stretch ...
... and, so were our friends!
I love this one ... (bravo, Chad!) |
One of my very favorite parts of these distant runs is the call at the end ...
I love swapping the congratulations. I love hearing how excited Mary Kate is and sharing with her my experiences! I love giggling over particular moments we'd otherwise forget in a later email. To be honest, in these calls, we just kind of laugh and gush. And, it's very, very good for the soul!!
Way to go, friends!!
Thank you, PC#2 for wanting to come with me!
And, thank you to my men who took great care of us during our run!! I took care of the young one by letting him get inside where it was warm while the rest of us went to check out one more house not on route ...
Elly says, "I smell cocoa ... gimmee !!" |
An outstanding adventure if I do say so myself made all the better for the people (and, beast!) who joined me!
Oh, and to cap off the evening, dinner was thematic ...
All food in the shape of a cupcake. Or, an actual cupcake.
Sometimes, like when making sure your dinner has a theme,
you just go for broke, amiright ?! |
Thanks for coming along with us!! Virtual spectators for our virtual experience!! Together, the picture is complete!!
Elly and I will be checking in again tomorrow as the magic of the season continues!! See you then!