Last Night: I was working really hard to get/stay psyched up for this morning's 12. I had my route planned (even though Aaron finally voted to have my route end at the bagel place, no sooner did he vote than I trumped him and routed myself home. I do things like that. It worked for him, though, because I said we could go
after I showered. Everyone -- and, I mean
everyone, strangers alike -- wins with that plan!). I figured out what stupid-early-for-a-Saturday time I needed to get up. And, I jazzed up my nails for additional psyching up:
'Same polish I used for October's Half ...
I totally love it, and it makes me
feel awesome! Meanwhile, Elly was
practicing her resting skills. |
Overnight: I slept awesome which is good with that many miles ahead of me. I've run 'em on an empty sleep tank
even shutting my eyes periodically along the route, and it's not fun! Aaron, however, tossed and turned knowing the alarm was set on an unusual day for a specific purpose. I'm usually the one paranoid about it not going off, so I totally appreciated that he took one for the team and let me sleep well! He slept well over an hour more after I got up, though, so it seemed to turn out okay.
Today: I learned from last week and did better with my clothing choices. It was 38 degrees this morning, so no shorts and short sleeves for this girl! I went in between on the longer clothes (light but long materials) hoping it would work out. After stretching -- for real! -- and getting together my other gear ...
A full water bottle, grapes-in-the-pocket supply and gloves.
All set. |
... I kissed Elly, who didn't even raise her head off the couch because she knew it was too early a time for her to be included, and headed out.
Miles 1-3: It was during this time I had to face the fact that I have eaten mostly like crap this past week. I'd blame myself, but I just had to spend some time blaming PC#2 for making the most delicious home made cookies last weekend. (Really, if you're going to blame your kid for something, that's not a bad something ...) I'd show you a pic of them, but
they're gone. I most definitely did my fair share of that demolition, and there was no denying it this morning. There are two good things that came out of my realization, though. First, the cookies are gone. No worries about those this week! And, second, I entertained myself "blaming" her instead of berating myself (or, worse, being in denial about what I ingested which I mastered in my past life). Instead, I reflected, (re)learned the lesson and moved on.
Miles 4: So, I was running along when I came across a discarded McDonald's fry carton. Right now, McD's has a scratch-and-win thing going on celebrating Month of Non-Stop Basketball. The game piece had not yet been scratched, and the carton was totally clean (probably discarded only hours prior by some after-bar kiddos with the munchies), and
you know I picked it up. I also crossed the street to utilize the trash can that was merely yards away (seriously, people!) which is also where I came within inches of stepping on the dead ground hog I didn't see.
Question, which is better: Not stepping on the big, dead ground hog but still being startled by its very being,
or stepping on the little and definitely dead-for-a-while frog I nailed in my first mile?
Mile 5: While I'd already scored a couple of pennies, not to mention my scratcher game piece, this is where I realized there was a restaurant drive-thru on my path that I didn't anticipate but
had to investigate.
Ba-da-bing and
cha-ching, that was 11 more cents to add to my stash!
Mile 6-8: Ah, now here's where I put my brain to work. It wasn't yet working back in Mile 3 when I was trying to calculate just how long this run might take (seriously, I can never work the numbers
while I'm running). I was more awake at this point, so I put serious thought in a question a friend posed on her Facebook page. The question, effectively, was asking what our favorite guilty pleasure song is (for instance, hers is Wham!'s "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" ... an outstanding piece of our youth). After 2 miles of thinking, here's what I determined for myself: my long-standing/life long guilty pleasure music is Neil Diamond (LOVE him ... but, not in that way); for the past few years, I've rocked to Big Time Rush and have them on at least 4 of my 5 running play lists (LOVE them ... but, not in that way), and, as a singular song, I love me some LMFAO "Sexy and I Know It."
I also spent some of this time remembering how it's as though you're not allowed to say you love something when you're little because some other kid will inevitably say, "
Oh, then you're going to
marrrrrrrrrry it" and torture you with their obnoxiousness. I'm glad to be a grown-up because I don't want to have anyone suggest I want to marry the boy band members of Big Time Rush. And, in addition to Neil Diamond, other people I've had to add the "Not in that way" caveat have included Apolo Anton Ohno and Dr. Phil.
Yup, thought about
all of that during this time!
Mile 9: There was a Mile 9?
Mile 10: This was a good one. As noted, next week's long run is only 10 miles, so it is always fun to hit 10 when running 12 and remind myself that I'll be finishing here the very next week. And, with only 2 to go, that's like doing a short-run Thursday. I picture myself heading on out with Elly for a quick 2, and it feels more doable than thinking how many miles I've already put on my legs.
Here's what Mile 10 looked like, by the
way ... still standing, still smiling! |
Miles 11-12: There's quite a bit of self-talk that happens in the last 2 or 3 miles when I'm in the double digits. I remind myself of how far I've come (not just today). I remind myself that I'm almost finished, and the rest is just not that big of a deal. For the last few tenths, which are up hill and a hill that, for some reason, has a particularly painful incline, I had a great musical gig going on in my head: While I sang one of my favorite Big Time Rush songs, I interspersed their lyrics with hearing Denise Austin say, "Condition your body without punishing it." It was quite the musical arrangement. Very early-90s dance mix. You've heard the kind, but it really makes no difference how much sense this makes. It worked for me!
My very biggest fan. Huggin' his sweaty
lady ... |
I made it home exactly on my Half Marathon pace time which was a bit surprising given the week's fuel and my overall lack of excitement to set sail, but I took it! I was also surprised and pleased to see my shirt had very clear evidence of soaked-through sweat ... I hoped it explained a few things for anyone driving by me in that last half mile!
No matter how fast or slow, no matter the distance, I'm always stoked to finish a run. And, I'm so lucky to have a fan base waiting for me! Both kiddos accepted kisses upon my return home, but I think PC#3 questioned his judgement allowing it because I think his hair stuck to my mouth. From sweat. And runner's nose. Look, I'm just unintentionally getting him back for a few booger bombs he presented me when he was a baby.
Aaaaand, the stash ...
Suh-weeeeeeet ! |
And, the verdict:
l.o.s.e.r. Bummer. |
Okay, check this out ... You can only scratch one, and I was TOTALLY going to scratch the upper-right one. Then, I second-guessed myself and went for the lower left. Doh! I would have been the winner of a free soft drink. Oh well, we get ours at a greatly discounted rate by bringing in our own cups, so it wasn't a total heart break. (But, still!)
If you can believe it, there is significant snow in tomorrow's forecast!! At least I'm not scheduled to run. I did indulge myself today in something
fantastic for running, so I'll share that tomorrow! Until then, enjoy every part of your weekend no matter the weather! And, make sure you do at least one thing to make yourself feel like a
rock star! It doesn't matter what it is, just make it something!! I'll see you tomorrow!