So, today's Total Rest Day. "Rest Day." Interesting.
When I started following my running schedule two summers ago -- the one that incorporated the genious concept of Rest Day -- I took those days really seriously. If I didn't have to do something physical, frankly, I didn't. And, for sure, my muscles needed the rest, and they let me know so. Often. To run consitently and for the miles I put in front of myself, I most definitely needed the break.
That was then.
This is now: While I do not run on these days, and I do not do specific resistance training on Total Rest Days, I had to laugh to myself at the "rest" concept when this day began. You know that 26.2 Challenge the junior Crewers have taken on? Well, there are incentive prizes along the way, and PC#3 is gunning for the one at Mile 21. See?
It's his very favorite sandwich place, and there's a cap on how
many they're awarding. PC#3 is motivated. |
As of this morning, we are here:
Seven down! And, that 26.2 looks cool. |
Yes, indeedy, I said "we".
Of course we do it with them! I will tell you, though, there is little
restful about these outings. They're very loud with the random singing-even-though-I-have-no-idea-what-the-words-are bouts. More entertaining are the songs made up along the way. They're also loud. And, this morning, PC#3 decided he was British and spoke to us only in an English accent while he narrated the journey. (Assume the narration had nothing to do with our surroundings or anything close to reality.) He was quiet for a moment when PC#2 and I realized he wasn't next to us anymore. He'd stopped well behind us ... because he was on a crosswalk and "on the cover of Abbey Road." Sure, why not.
In case you need the reference. But,
picture it without the famous people
and insert a little dude just paused in
the middle of the crosswalk in mid-
stride. Because he can. Yup ... 19.2
more miles to go! |
Nope, nothing restful about it.
But, it's awesome. See you after the (much quieter) morning run!
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