I'm just going to say it: It was clear to me Elly was just not that into running today. ("I'm just not that into it, Mommy.") Oh, she was in to being
out and about, but a directed route on task? Not so much. Just taking her with me requires a certain level of patience with the fact that she's, well, a dog. She's going to want to sniff around and, of course, will need to mark some territory now and then. It is my responsibility to accommodate such things. But, sometimes ...
It all began with the first mile being marked so many times that the girl definitely thinks she owns the stretch. Sure, we heard from two other dogs, but they were
behind fences (as they always are)
in their own yards! But, Elly had to stop. And, stop. And, stop. And, stop. I mean, really.
Then, here closing in on a mile and a half, she could not get enough of staring at this garbage bag hanging out in the middle of the road. Nevermind there were three exactly like it about 10 feet in front of us on the side of the road. This misplaced one captivated her, and she wouldn't run straight for a stretch:
I suspect she smelled some tasty morsels ... but, did she really
think we were going to go and get them? |
We took our penny-hopeful route and super scored! Elly made picture taking very difficult as she kept pulling my arm every time I was about to click the button. But, whatever:
I love when they shine in the sun ... makes it so much more
clear that they're pennies and not, say, gum. There were 6 here! |
It was about this point in the run when I realized today's puppy pace was actually a blessing for me as I am still working out the kinks in my left knee. The more she screwed around, the slower I had to go. That was probably the best thing for the ol' knee muscles that couldn't decide if they were going to squeeze and tighten or if they were going to hurt or even where, exactly, they were going to act up. Nothing like a moving issue, but, at the same time, I'm glad it's moving around. That gives me hope for it working itself out!
I was truly digesting the above thoughts regarding the puppy pace and how it has always been a running blessing for me when I looked up just in time to see:
Right here I said to myself, "Oh ... a hole."
Perhaps I should look forward a bit more! |
So, on we went, my canine pal and I, to finish our run. I found one more penny along the way (again, looking down and to the side ... not forward. Thank goodness for no new holes ...), we finished up our 3 miles and called it a day:
No matter how sometimes annoying, I do so love you, Elly. |
Tomorrow's Rest Day will be spent with as much easy stretching as I can do to work with my knee ... it doesn't sound fun, but it sounds necessary! (Couldn't something like this have acted up when I don't have an event around the corner?) Until then, I leave you with today's prizes:
For all of the times she stopped, no poo bags were harmed in
the making of this run. And, those bags are as appreciated as
the coins. Just different. |
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