Anyone who knows me knows I hate wind. I just hate it. Cranky, yes ... but honest. So, you can imagine running in the wind -- especially
against the wind -- makes for a tough go. Old Glory here tells you what it was like out there today:
The only weather condition I have put on my running is that I will not go out in the rain or run on ice. Otherwise, it's on the calendar, and I'm going. No whining allowed. (Wait, that's not true ... no
bailing out allowed. My attitude is my problem as long as I
A mile into our run, we turned the corner heading straight into the wind. It was a major chore, and I am just sure there's some mathematical formula that could tell me how much more effort it was to run against those gusts than on a day without wind. But, not only do I not know that formula, I quickly found myself highly entertained by my canine wind indicator:
Those floppy ears are about to do some tricks ... |
Ready ... set ... |
... We have lift off! |
And now they're just going nutty! I love those ears! Thank you
for the great distractor in that wind tunnel!! |
By the way, for all of the complaining I did going into the wind, I was shameless in my use of it when it was at my back, and I ran like a superstar for that stretch ... crediting myself, of course. Ha!
We finished and got in the car which is when I noticed my new do:
It's a good look ... always good to be stylish. |
No pennies today darn it! My bank is lonely. Oh well ... speaking of money, my I Have An Idea campaign is making a step today as I'm meeting with my former boss/current idea mentor in just a bit! I can't wait to see what comes of the meeting! If I can actually use my miles for a greater good, well, I'm not even sure how excited I would be! I'll report on the meeting on Rest Day!!
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