My morning has been chock full of things unexpected! Here we go!
I knew the temperature was quickly dropping, but I did not think
we'd need to get out the gloves and ear warmers today! I love gloves
and ear warmers, though, so that made me happy ... |
What did not really make me happy was that it started raining this
morning when our forecast gave us zero warning for that. Grrr...
It was a very light rain, though, so I went out anyway (it was that
or the mean-machine treadmill ... I opted for getting a little wet!). |
I'm so very glad I went out, because I would have missed THIS!! |
These are all on someone's lawn, and there are a slew of orange
leaves still on the tree above them! I can't imagine how beautiful
that lawn is with sun coming through the leaves still hanging.
I hope it's sunny tomorrow; I'll take the same route if so to find
out! I was thankful for good, smooth sidewalk here because I
was not paying any attention to my feet on this stretch! |
I also did not expect to find this today! Cha-ching! The big bank
showed itself right at the 3.5 mark!! (Sidenote: I also did not expect
that when I pulled out the gloves and ear warmers this morning
that they were in need of a wash ...) |
So, then I get home and did expect Elly to
greet me at the door. Not so much! It seems
the warm, cozy couch trumped the greeting,
so she whacked her tail on the couch to let
me know where she was ... then I could go
to her to give her some lovin'! Smart doggie.
I guess I don't get the love when I don't take
her with me. Eh, whadda ya do. |
And, in my last unexpected of the morning, check out these bad boys!
They're huge! (and the one on your right is mighty heavy!) I had to get
them. I'm not sure which makes a person feel more awesome: Running
double-digit miles (not today, but other days!), or lifting one of these!
I vote: Both! |
So, there you have it. Just when I thought it was just another day to run, I stumbled upon goodness every time I turned around. You cannot beat when that's what happens in your day! More miles tomorrow -- I can't wait to see what happens!
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