I had a really good talk with a friend today. She was telling me about her week at work and how she went home on Thursday swearing she wasn't cut out for her job and she wasn't going back the next day. Of course, like all of us at some point, she was just needing to vent, and, of course, she went back Friday. And, you know what? Friday was a great day full of reason to remind herself she was not only capable of that for which she'd educated and prepared herself, but she was also really, really good at it.
I couldn't help but make immediate parallels to her story with regard to my running pursuit. I'm sure you can do the same with your activity! How many days have I gone out, had a crappy run and thought, "You're not cut out for this. What are you even doing?" (too many to count, so let's not) And, how many days have I gone back out the next day only to find myself rockin' out on the same route where I'd felt a miserable failure only 24 hours prior?
I'm pretending you're telling yourself to
"stick it," mommy. That's funny. |
In our career paths, there is usually a point in one of our jobs where we very much want to call it quits. Immediately. Tell everyone to stick it, we're done. But, we don't. We return, we dig in and we find redemption. Can't the same principle be applied when we have a workout that blows? I mean, I really have no particular desire to tell myself to stick it about anything. Nor do I have a desire to decide I'm not cut out for something I know I can do. So, I keep tying my shoes (okay, that's a lie, they're always tied), I keep putting my hair back, and I keep running. No matter how long, no matter how hard. And, more often than not, it's awesome!
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