I decided for this week that I would just run. I wouldn't clock a route ahead of time. Rather, I would mentally picture where I wanted to venture and then find out later how far that was. This is a rewarming week anyway, so my mileage isn't the focus. However. Unlike last year post-Half when I purposely stuck to 3-milers in a "just start over" mindset (which was totally fine!), this year, that wasn't working for me. Somehow, predetermined distances seemed more limiting than goals to hit. So, I decided to just run.
I am stoked to report that that translated this morning into 5.7 miles!
Booyah! Totally take
THAT, used-to-be-me! I would have never,
ever gone that distance this time last year post-Half.
Never. This year, it's a whole new ballgame!
In the meantime!!! Check it out!! Out of the gates ... Three pennies from a bus stop!! (I found the other penny at the gas station ... where I got myself a Diet Coke after chugging all of my water ...)
Yup, still working on the shoes ... patience ... patience ... |
And, if you look close, there's a weed stuck to my shoelace from the run. I first thought it was a caterpillar and was excited because then Winnie would get a treat. But, then I thought, why would a caterpillar be stuck to my shoelace? (Speaking of wildlife, I'm going to have to start a road kill count. This morning was utterly disgusting, but keeping count helps dull the pain ...)
Okay, moving on, after getting the pennies, check out what I saw:
One word: AWESOME.
It was a fabulous run with all sorts of great (and gross) things to see. It would not have been possible to do this route, though, if not for the new sidewalk system our city just put in near us. It's soooooo great!!
Those sidewalks go on and on and on and connect us to the existing ones ... there's hardly a place not connected anymore! We used to feel like we were the only ones landlocked in a boating community; now, we can set sail with everyone! It's so much fun!! Kudos to the city for this improvement!
By the way, I came home to my dear friend and trainer who was happy to see me until she remembered, "
Hey, you didn't take me with you this morning," and promptly gave me her best pouty face:
I'd feel bad for her, but I'm not the one who came home and barfed all over the kitchen floor after our last run. Tomorrow, my friend ... your day is tomorrow ...
There's something you've done today already that is awesome ... celebrate it!! See you tomorrow!