It's a Rest Day for me! So, I'll let Snoopy take over for a sec ...
Could that be more fantastic ?! (No!)
Today is one spent running from here to there with weird pockets of time in between (you know how that goes ...), so I'm spending those pockets doing the this-and-that 'house' cleaning. Not the least of my duties today is to clean out my email inbox, and, in doing so, can I just note how many messages I've received about buying the race photos from GO! St. Louis?! That includes the, "Last chance!" message as well as the, "You can still buy!" messages ... in that order. HA!
Forgetting the fact that their online proofs were so, completely covered with words so as not to be lifted and stolen, the fact is most race photos really suck. Every time I see a new buy-me message come in, I just chuckle. So, this particular task has gone very quickly ... delete-delete-delete-delete-delete ...
May your tasks today be as quick and painless as mine, and I'll see you after the morning run!
Thursday, April 30, 2015
I'll Take Easy Today Because Tomorrow Won't Be
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Role Reversal
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 386 (running: 273.2; walking: 19; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $35.14
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 386 Aaron: 277.5 (b: 251.4; w: 26.1) Elly: 79.8 Total: 743.3
Hello friends!! Elly here!! After mommy's post yesterday, where she got all deep and stuff, I thought I'd provide some levity today! And, really, that's all I really have. I am deep in the heart loving my family, but that's about where it begins and ends. Oh, and I hate the cats. I really hate them. That also runs deep.
But, why focus on the negative when there's so much good!! In today's 'good' category, I decided to take both mommy and daddy on a walk! It was such a nice evening, and I didn't want to miss exploring it! I got to see all kinds of good stuff ...
Right when we started out, a dog crossed my path! As we had just started, I was full of energy, so I wanted to run after it!
I had a great time sniffing!! MAN was my sniffer on overdrive tonight! I really only took a break when it was absolutely necessary, like when I had to wait for my business to be cleaned up.
I was super-duper good when crossing paths with another dog. I just gave it my best "I'm so much cooler than you" smile and went on my way:
I took the folks for two miles, and now I must nap for the rest of the night! I hope you get to hunker down and cuddle up to those you love like I do!
I'll be back to the running soon! Stay tuned ...
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 386 Aaron: 277.5 (b: 251.4; w: 26.1) Elly: 79.8 Total: 743.3
Hello friends!! Elly here!! After mommy's post yesterday, where she got all deep and stuff, I thought I'd provide some levity today! And, really, that's all I really have. I am deep in the heart loving my family, but that's about where it begins and ends. Oh, and I hate the cats. I really hate them. That also runs deep.
But, why focus on the negative when there's so much good!! In today's 'good' category, I decided to take both mommy and daddy on a walk! It was such a nice evening, and I didn't want to miss exploring it! I got to see all kinds of good stuff ...
Right when we started out, a dog crossed my path! As we had just started, I was full of energy, so I wanted to run after it!
"DRAT!! Tethered to the leash!! But, if not for the leash, I wouldn't have any exploring time. So, I guess I can't complain." |
"Faster, Daddy, FASTER!! Places to go! Things to sniff!" |
I took the folks for two miles, and now I must nap for the rest of the night! I hope you get to hunker down and cuddle up to those you love like I do!
I'll be back to the running soon! Stay tuned ...
2015 In 2015 Challenge,
Elly Guest Blog
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
From the Inside
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 384 (running: 273.2; walking: 17; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $35.14
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 384 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 77.8 Total: 737.3
So, my upheaved schedule this week got upheaved again to make it so I didn't have to run today. I could, instead, take a break today and run tomorrow. Then, I thought, why mess with being messed with?, and I stuck to my original, rearranged plan. Besides, this gives me two days to rest before Friday's long run, so I think everything ultimately worked in my favor.
The weather was also hugely in my favor today! It was 62 degrees with a little breeze. It was perfect.
Today's four-mile plan turned in to five miles just because I could. It was one of those outings that had little-to-nothing to do with any kind of (race) goal I have and much more about relishing the fact that I can run at all. For real, there are days I'm so overcome with being thankful for being able to get out there that not pushing myself one more mile feels like a betrayal of a gift.
Perhaps it was the beautiful weather. Perhaps it was knowing I had rest coming, so I knew I could be a little more tired after today's run without any worry. Perhaps it was reflecting about how far I've come no matter how long it took to get here. Whatever it was, this was one of those runs where I felt one -- totally connected -- with everything around me. It was pretty cool, and I love when that happens. I can't explain it any better than that. For some experiences, there are few words.
I can, however, explain that I love my new race shirt so much it makes me want to hug it.
I think it feels my appreciation because it hugs me. Because it's a shirt ...
Yeah, from out of nowhere, I can get a lot deeper about this running gig than one might think. But, if not for that internal connection to make it greater than the steps, it simply would not have continued. Whether you run or not, you totally get what I'm saying if you have a passion about something.
Take some time to reflect upon and feel that passion. Fill yourself up with the feeling; it's good for the soul!
While my soul wallows in the good, my body will embrace and enjoy tomorrow's rest!! I'll check in then ...
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 384 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 77.8 Total: 737.3
So, my upheaved schedule this week got upheaved again to make it so I didn't have to run today. I could, instead, take a break today and run tomorrow. Then, I thought, why mess with being messed with?, and I stuck to my original, rearranged plan. Besides, this gives me two days to rest before Friday's long run, so I think everything ultimately worked in my favor.
The weather was also hugely in my favor today! It was 62 degrees with a little breeze. It was perfect.
Today's four-mile plan turned in to five miles just because I could. It was one of those outings that had little-to-nothing to do with any kind of (race) goal I have and much more about relishing the fact that I can run at all. For real, there are days I'm so overcome with being thankful for being able to get out there that not pushing myself one more mile feels like a betrayal of a gift.
Perhaps it was the beautiful weather. Perhaps it was knowing I had rest coming, so I knew I could be a little more tired after today's run without any worry. Perhaps it was reflecting about how far I've come no matter how long it took to get here. Whatever it was, this was one of those runs where I felt one -- totally connected -- with everything around me. It was pretty cool, and I love when that happens. I can't explain it any better than that. For some experiences, there are few words.
I can, however, explain that I love my new race shirt so much it makes me want to hug it.
I love you, new shirt. |
Yeah, from out of nowhere, I can get a lot deeper about this running gig than one might think. But, if not for that internal connection to make it greater than the steps, it simply would not have continued. Whether you run or not, you totally get what I'm saying if you have a passion about something.
Take some time to reflect upon and feel that passion. Fill yourself up with the feeling; it's good for the soul!
While my soul wallows in the good, my body will embrace and enjoy tomorrow's rest!! I'll check in then ...
Monday, April 27, 2015
It's Great To Be Eight!
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 378.8 (running: 268; walking: 17; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $34.62
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 378.8 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 77.8 Total: 732.1
Remember when I said I was just going to have to embrace and go with a random-but-get-it-done schedule for this training? Well, what better reason to throw today's plan out the window and create a new one than to do so to accommodate bringing Elly?!
Because: IT'S HER BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
So far for her special day, Elly has gotten to run, walk, sniff random and/or gross stuff, and bark to her heart's content at the repair guy. Good golly, with all of that already accomplished, there's no telling what the rest of the day will bring!
Whatever it brings, we're so thankful she's ours. Happy Birthday, sweet girl!! You've earned your rest today ... and tomorrow when I get back out there!
Have a great start to the week, and I'll check in after!
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 378.8 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 77.8 Total: 732.1
Remember when I said I was just going to have to embrace and go with a random-but-get-it-done schedule for this training? Well, what better reason to throw today's plan out the window and create a new one than to do so to accommodate bringing Elly?!
Because: IT'S HER BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
So far for her special day, Elly has gotten to run, walk, sniff random and/or gross stuff, and bark to her heart's content at the repair guy. Good golly, with all of that already accomplished, there's no telling what the rest of the day will bring!
Whatever it brings, we're so thankful she's ours. Happy Birthday, sweet girl!! You've earned your rest today ... and tomorrow when I get back out there!
Have a great start to the week, and I'll check in after!
half marathon training for may 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 375.8 (running: 265; walking: 17; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $34.27
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 375.8 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 74.8 Total: 726.1
When I say my day is so much better if I start it off with a run, I totally mean it. I actually tried to resist this notion when it was becoming more and more clear a couple of years ago, but I'm to the point I know I can't beat it, so I'll join it. I do not know why this is so, but I have enough evidence of my morning experiences to know it's just true.
Perhaps it's as simple as the run shakes out any potential morning crankies. And, not being a morning person, I am prone to have them. If I haven't run, my patience level is down, and my quick problem solving skills aren't quite as quick. But, if I have, I can hit the door afterward ready to take on or deal with anything.
This now-accepted-truth was displayed again today versus yesterday. And, given that fact (and the unfortunate fact that Pit Crew #2 was the recipient of my didn't-run morning mood yesterday), I not only knew I was running today without question, but I also knew I was taking PC#2 with me. We have found definite bonding in our runs on many levels, so, it just made sense we'd have a do-over with not only my personal key to morning success but also doing something we inherently enjoy doing together.
On a really chilly, drizzling morning, she and I covered 4.3 miles, found a collective 27 cents, answered some of life's questions, and (my favorite) had a moment where we were laughing so hard we had to completely stop.
I win.
By the way, the girl hasn't gone out running for at least a week and just cranked out those miles. On the flip side, my hair looked better after I ran than when we headed out. There's your meaningless morning trivia.
Well, it appears my training schedule for my upcoming Half is going to be about as higgly-piggly as the one leading up to GO! Seeing as that worked, I'm just embracing it! To that end, the next couple of days have running on the docket, so I'll check in tomorrow after starting off the week doing just that! Enjoy the rest of weekend in the meantime!
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 375.8 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 74.8 Total: 726.1
When I say my day is so much better if I start it off with a run, I totally mean it. I actually tried to resist this notion when it was becoming more and more clear a couple of years ago, but I'm to the point I know I can't beat it, so I'll join it. I do not know why this is so, but I have enough evidence of my morning experiences to know it's just true.
Perhaps it's as simple as the run shakes out any potential morning crankies. And, not being a morning person, I am prone to have them. If I haven't run, my patience level is down, and my quick problem solving skills aren't quite as quick. But, if I have, I can hit the door afterward ready to take on or deal with anything.
This now-accepted-truth was displayed again today versus yesterday. And, given that fact (and the unfortunate fact that Pit Crew #2 was the recipient of my didn't-run morning mood yesterday), I not only knew I was running today without question, but I also knew I was taking PC#2 with me. We have found definite bonding in our runs on many levels, so, it just made sense we'd have a do-over with not only my personal key to morning success but also doing something we inherently enjoy doing together.
On a really chilly, drizzling morning, she and I covered 4.3 miles, found a collective 27 cents, answered some of life's questions, and (my favorite) had a moment where we were laughing so hard we had to completely stop.
I win.
By the way, the girl hasn't gone out running for at least a week and just cranked out those miles. On the flip side, my hair looked better after I ran than when we headed out. There's your meaningless morning trivia.
Well, it appears my training schedule for my upcoming Half is going to be about as higgly-piggly as the one leading up to GO! Seeing as that worked, I'm just embracing it! To that end, the next couple of days have running on the docket, so I'll check in tomorrow after starting off the week doing just that! Enjoy the rest of weekend in the meantime!
Saturday, April 25, 2015
The Running Evolution
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 371.5 Aaron: 285.5 (b: 261.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 74.8 Total: 731.8
I saw the most disturbing scene today: A woman was walking out of the gas station while putting money into her wallet. Change fell from her hand to the sidewalk, and she didn't miss a beat continuing on her way. She just walked away.
You know I went and got it. That's 7 more cents for the Food Bank in the on-the-counter jar. That seven cents is a meal from the Bank. Totally not kidding, so, thank you, random lady, for unintentionally feeding someone else!
Before that, though, I saw the best scene: I learned Aaron rides the exercise bike while eating his morning cereal. I walked downstairs to stumble upon this revelation. I laughed. Out loud. He praised himself for his multi-tasking. And, by the fact that he was soaked when finished on the bike, I'd say he has it figured out so it works.
I can hardly eat anything before running any distance, yet he can eat while biking his first couple of miles. Just sayin'.
Okay, one more thing for today: This Faux Girl run is evolving and keeps getting better and better!! I realized today I still have some leftover goods from the GO! run! See?
That's authentic post-run food, baby!!! I was saving them for when I really, really wanted them. And, today, I decided Faux Girl day was the best way to utilize the indulgences!! It's like a real race but not!
If you've not tried those chips ... HOLY MOLY they're awesome! I have backed everyone off my bag. And, as you can see, I had to label my peaches. It's just best that way.
As I keep putting pieces of this next run together, I keep getting more excited! I decided, though, I am not excited enough to start the new training schedule and to maintain the one I always use. There's simply not enough time to ramp up the mileage to the degree it does without wearing myself out entirely. I'll reserve that schedule for later this year. For now? It's the tried-and-true to get me through the upcoming, created-on-the-go run!
And, to meet that goal, tomorrow's another run! I'll check in after ... see you then!
I saw the most disturbing scene today: A woman was walking out of the gas station while putting money into her wallet. Change fell from her hand to the sidewalk, and she didn't miss a beat continuing on her way. She just walked away.
You know I went and got it. That's 7 more cents for the Food Bank in the on-the-counter jar. That seven cents is a meal from the Bank. Totally not kidding, so, thank you, random lady, for unintentionally feeding someone else!
Before that, though, I saw the best scene: I learned Aaron rides the exercise bike while eating his morning cereal. I walked downstairs to stumble upon this revelation. I laughed. Out loud. He praised himself for his multi-tasking. And, by the fact that he was soaked when finished on the bike, I'd say he has it figured out so it works.
I can hardly eat anything before running any distance, yet he can eat while biking his first couple of miles. Just sayin'.
Okay, one more thing for today: This Faux Girl run is evolving and keeps getting better and better!! I realized today I still have some leftover goods from the GO! run! See?
That's authentic post-run food, baby!!! I was saving them for when I really, really wanted them. And, today, I decided Faux Girl day was the best way to utilize the indulgences!! It's like a real race but not!
If you've not tried those chips ... HOLY MOLY they're awesome! I have backed everyone off my bag. And, as you can see, I had to label my peaches. It's just best that way.
As I keep putting pieces of this next run together, I keep getting more excited! I decided, though, I am not excited enough to start the new training schedule and to maintain the one I always use. There's simply not enough time to ramp up the mileage to the degree it does without wearing myself out entirely. I'll reserve that schedule for later this year. For now? It's the tried-and-true to get me through the upcoming, created-on-the-go run!
And, to meet that goal, tomorrow's another run! I'll check in after ... see you then!
Friday, April 24, 2015
Get Over It and Get On With It
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 371.5 (running: 260.7; walking: 17; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $34.00
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 371.5 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 74.8 Total: 721.8
We'll start off with this:
Here is the line of thought that dominated today's run: You know how people can sue others for emotional distress? Okay, so along that line but opposite, there should be a fine imposed on those who cause distress to themselves. You know, self-created drama, that kind of thing. Perhaps that would ward off all of those totally useless, unproductive and often-annoying-to-others thoughts. Then we could spend all of our mental energy merely recognizing (instead of giving in) to thoughts of negativity, then use our time and resources to solve the problem. Or, at least, make the best of the situation.
It's just a thought.
I used my don't-really-want-another-law-dictating-my-behavior-anyway pretend line of thinking to keep away the many, many thoughts I had about jumping into the middle of another training schedule. It's funny how I worked really hard to figure out how to earn the Go Girl medal, even though my schedule prevents me from attending the actual event, only to turn around the very next day and think, "What have I done?" And, I had no one to blame but myself! Drat!!
I had to remember that I've had those exact feelings for the past two years when doing a Half in April then turning it around for May. And, three years ago, I wanted to turn it around, but I wasn't able. So, puh-leez, why was I being such a baby?
It was morning. I'm not a morning person. We'll go with that.
In all disclosure, in the past two years, it did take me two full weeks to come around to the idea of running the Half and thinking it was a decent idea. So, I figured if I got through this morning's 9 miles in any kind of shape (read: standing upright), then I'd be fine.
On this brisk, windy (eww) morning, I entertained myself along the way by soaking in the surroundings:
So, how'd the run actually go? To my genuine surprise, it went really well. My finish time told me things went better they it often felt, but I also knew it was just fine because I was, indeed, completely upright after. That's always a bonus.
And, can I just say that as I've been sitting here writing, I just figured out what I'm calling this upcoming, unconventional Half. Ready? Again, while it's under the Go Girl umbrella, I am calling mine Faux Girl.
TA-DA!!! Hey, it has a better ring to it than when Pit Crew #2 called it Fake Go Girl.
Okay, for real, just having my own name to it totally excited me! That shouldn't surprise anyone; I'm like that.
With that, it's time to settle into the evening!! I'm so happy it's the weekend; I bet I'm in good company there!! Start yours off exactly how you want, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 371.5 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 74.8 Total: 721.8
We'll start off with this:
Here is the line of thought that dominated today's run: You know how people can sue others for emotional distress? Okay, so along that line but opposite, there should be a fine imposed on those who cause distress to themselves. You know, self-created drama, that kind of thing. Perhaps that would ward off all of those totally useless, unproductive and often-annoying-to-others thoughts. Then we could spend all of our mental energy merely recognizing (instead of giving in) to thoughts of negativity, then use our time and resources to solve the problem. Or, at least, make the best of the situation.
It's just a thought.
I used my don't-really-want-another-law-dictating-my-behavior-anyway pretend line of thinking to keep away the many, many thoughts I had about jumping into the middle of another training schedule. It's funny how I worked really hard to figure out how to earn the Go Girl medal, even though my schedule prevents me from attending the actual event, only to turn around the very next day and think, "What have I done?" And, I had no one to blame but myself! Drat!!
I had to remember that I've had those exact feelings for the past two years when doing a Half in April then turning it around for May. And, three years ago, I wanted to turn it around, but I wasn't able. So, puh-leez, why was I being such a baby?
It was morning. I'm not a morning person. We'll go with that.
In all disclosure, in the past two years, it did take me two full weeks to come around to the idea of running the Half and thinking it was a decent idea. So, I figured if I got through this morning's 9 miles in any kind of shape (read: standing upright), then I'd be fine.
On this brisk, windy (eww) morning, I entertained myself along the way by soaking in the surroundings:
Umm ... while it wasn't supposed to rain, this was a wee bit alarming. It reminded me of that Go Girl run two years ago when I saw such a sky and thought, "Nahh ..." only to have the lightening begin ... |
Check this little guy out!!!! |
There was a groundhog that hung outside Aaron's and my first apartment. He visited daily. We named him Mr. Groundhog. True story. |
That's just peaceful. I love this spot. |
And, can I just say that as I've been sitting here writing, I just figured out what I'm calling this upcoming, unconventional Half. Ready? Again, while it's under the Go Girl umbrella, I am calling mine Faux Girl.
TA-DA!!! Hey, it has a better ring to it than when Pit Crew #2 called it Fake Go Girl.
Okay, for real, just having my own name to it totally excited me! That shouldn't surprise anyone; I'm like that.
With that, it's time to settle into the evening!! I'm so happy it's the weekend; I bet I'm in good company there!! Start yours off exactly how you want, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Putting It All Together
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 362.5 (running: 251.7; walking: 17; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $33.68
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 362.5 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 74.8 Total: 712.8
Wow, there is nothing I can complain about on this Rest Day!! Breakfast with a friend, lunch with Aaron and a visit before dinner with another friend? Not to mention, I actually completed all of my work (yes, I do work, it's just an unconventional schedule) and I think I put the pieces of those things I've messed up back together. Even though that doesn't mean we get to do the events I originally wanted us to participate in, it does mean the problems were solved by both creative solution and being extended some grace (Go Girl and Glow Run, respectively).
What this boils down to in terms of immediate action is that I'm back on for a Half Marathon in a few weeks! What kind ofstupid solution was that?! I say that in jest because I really did want to keep up with the long runs for another handful of weeks before I expect I'll poop out, and I have just the plan to do it.
And, now, I need to execute it.
Thinking about it tonight made me tired, though. So, I decided to go for a walk to have some gal pal time:
Elly was most contrary, but that's allowable on a walk. If I get to run tomorrow morning (as it might or might not rain), she won't get to go, so tonight was the perfect time to indulge her. And, I got caught up on the details of my girl's life, so that's a perfect outing at any pace.
May you end up your week better than it began no matter how it began! (I do hope it was better than mine!) I'll check in tomorrow after the morning move ...
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 362.5 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 74.8 Total: 712.8
Wow, there is nothing I can complain about on this Rest Day!! Breakfast with a friend, lunch with Aaron and a visit before dinner with another friend? Not to mention, I actually completed all of my work (yes, I do work, it's just an unconventional schedule) and I think I put the pieces of those things I've messed up back together. Even though that doesn't mean we get to do the events I originally wanted us to participate in, it does mean the problems were solved by both creative solution and being extended some grace (Go Girl and Glow Run, respectively).
What this boils down to in terms of immediate action is that I'm back on for a Half Marathon in a few weeks! What kind of
And, now, I need to execute it.
Thinking about it tonight made me tired, though. So, I decided to go for a walk to have some gal pal time:
Elly was most contrary, but that's allowable on a walk. If I get to run tomorrow morning (as it might or might not rain), she won't get to go, so tonight was the perfect time to indulge her. And, I got caught up on the details of my girl's life, so that's a perfect outing at any pace.
May you end up your week better than it began no matter how it began! (I do hope it was better than mine!) I'll check in tomorrow after the morning move ...
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
My Amazing, Virtual Motivator
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 360.8 (running: 251.7; walking: 15.3; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $33.68
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 360.8 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 73.1 Total: 709.4
Sometimes, I feel like a total wuss when I fully admit running three days is a row makes Day 3 kind of suck. At the same time, when not running my usual training schedule, I often run three days in a row before a break. 'Seems I have no room to complain when I do it to myself ...
I also had trouble complaining about running this morning (oh, don't worry, I still complained to myself) given the fact that I received a message from virtual running partner extraordinaire Mary Kate who was up in the wee, wee hours (trust me; this was bleary-eyed time) getting herself out there running before taking on her day. She admitted she wasn't too hip to the idea -- although she sent another 'totally worth it' message when it was finished -- but, she had much more room to gripe than I. So, I kept my complaints to myself, I leashed up the dog, and I used Mary Kate as this morning's motivator.
It's just good she couldn't see my face and the contortions I was putting it through.
The run was a good one, though, and in between picturing what a stud Mary Kate is for running when the rest of us wouldn't consider it, I also had running advice I recently acquired going through my head. That advice was to make sure the short runs are the fast ones and that the long ones are the slower ones (to ensure you cover the distance). I think, lately, I've instinctively been heading that direction, but it was nice to see in black and white so I had something else to run through my head and hold on to.
While I was doing that, and making good use of the advice, Elly (aka: interval trainer, at your service) did awesome except for her scaredy-cat shenanigans all during the last mile.
She's doing exactly what you think she's doing and what any toddler would do: She stopped, hid behind mommy's leg and froze. Because the big, scary bus was about 15 feet to our side and 20 feet back on the road while we were on the sidewalk, so of course it was going to plow us down, right? Sheesh.
I took the intervals for what they were worth and called it good.
We ran, we rejoiced-ish, and we are ready for a Rest Day tomorrow!! I'll be checking in ... hopefully with some new running plans for the upcoming weeks ...!! See you then ...
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 360.8 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1) Elly: 73.1 Total: 709.4
Sometimes, I feel like a total wuss when I fully admit running three days is a row makes Day 3 kind of suck. At the same time, when not running my usual training schedule, I often run three days in a row before a break. 'Seems I have no room to complain when I do it to myself ...
I also had trouble complaining about running this morning (oh, don't worry, I still complained to myself) given the fact that I received a message from virtual running partner extraordinaire Mary Kate who was up in the wee, wee hours (trust me; this was bleary-eyed time) getting herself out there running before taking on her day. She admitted she wasn't too hip to the idea -- although she sent another 'totally worth it' message when it was finished -- but, she had much more room to gripe than I. So, I kept my complaints to myself, I leashed up the dog, and I used Mary Kate as this morning's motivator.
It's just good she couldn't see my face and the contortions I was putting it through.
The run was a good one, though, and in between picturing what a stud Mary Kate is for running when the rest of us wouldn't consider it, I also had running advice I recently acquired going through my head. That advice was to make sure the short runs are the fast ones and that the long ones are the slower ones (to ensure you cover the distance). I think, lately, I've instinctively been heading that direction, but it was nice to see in black and white so I had something else to run through my head and hold on to.
While I was doing that, and making good use of the advice, Elly (aka: interval trainer, at your service) did awesome except for her scaredy-cat shenanigans all during the last mile.
She's doing exactly what you think she's doing and what any toddler would do: She stopped, hid behind mommy's leg and froze. Because the big, scary bus was about 15 feet to our side and 20 feet back on the road while we were on the sidewalk, so of course it was going to plow us down, right? Sheesh.
I took the intervals for what they were worth and called it good.
We ran, we rejoiced-ish, and we are ready for a Rest Day tomorrow!! I'll be checking in ... hopefully with some new running plans for the upcoming weeks ...!! See you then ...
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 356.1 (running: 248.7; walking: 13.6; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $33.66
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 356.1 Aaron: 273.8 (b: 251.4; w: 22.4) Elly: 70.1 Total: 700
Snoopy and the Peanuts gang are on a streak this week:
So, today's groove actually started from an email conversation I had with a friend last night. I'd mentioned my many, recent foibles to her to which she responded: "Anyone can be perfect. A real woman takes a situation, messes it up, then finds a way to make it work. It makes for way better stories." Words to live by from my sweet friend, Juli.
As tongue-and-cheek as I took that, I totally went with the overall, intended theme of making the best of whatever it is I did and not wallowing in it. I'm not one to wallow anyway, so it totally resonated. It also inspired me to start acting on/trying to better work out a situation for the upcoming Half I screwed up. I was certainly motivated to at least try to figure what it is I should be learning from and actually doing (if anything) with the situation, and I went to bed totally embracing that it doesn't need to bring me down nor otherwise demotivate my stride.
I woke up not yet having resolve on the upcoming Half mess up, but I didn't let it get in the way of my run. Unlike yesterday, I actually wanted to run this morning. I didn't have a great plan, I didn't have a particular mileage goal, but I did not want to give in to fleeting feelings that would only bring me down but change nothing. And, yes, it's sometimes hard to get out there when there's not a specific end-point goal on the calendar. But, I could not allow that to get in my way today when I've not yet had time to reevaluate any upcoming potential goals.
So, off I went. I didn't take Elly so I could just run as long (or short) as I wanted without factoring her in. It was a beautiful 50-degree morning with little wind, and getting out there felt free.
Almost as soon as I started, I knew I would go at least four miles which was exactly the time I decided I would go five. I wanted that extra push, and it was probably the best thing I could have done to keep my head in the right game, not in any contrived head games.
I finished feeling most excellent both physically and mentally. Not to mention, I also came up with another potential solution for my situation. I now have Plans A through C: A, Someone (who is in the calendar-checking phase of the process) does a transfer of registration with me; B, I convince the race people to let me do it virtually and I pick up my shirt and medal after, or C, I get half the registration money back (per the event rules), and we all go about our business.
I just like that there are options and that none are terrible. I, of course, prefer A or B. Time (within the week) will tell the outcome.
In the meantime, as I've planned a Rest Day for Thursday, I'll be back at it again for a short run. That means Elly will get to come, too! It's her favorite way to start the day especially when she gets a day's break in between runs. So, here's to new thoughts, new perspectives and a great morning run! I'll see you after ...
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 356.1 Aaron: 273.8 (b: 251.4; w: 22.4) Elly: 70.1 Total: 700
Snoopy and the Peanuts gang are on a streak this week:
![]() |
But, sometimes, I don't want to be ... |
As tongue-and-cheek as I took that, I totally went with the overall, intended theme of making the best of whatever it is I did and not wallowing in it. I'm not one to wallow anyway, so it totally resonated. It also inspired me to start acting on/trying to better work out a situation for the upcoming Half I screwed up. I was certainly motivated to at least try to figure what it is I should be learning from and actually doing (if anything) with the situation, and I went to bed totally embracing that it doesn't need to bring me down nor otherwise demotivate my stride.
I woke up not yet having resolve on the upcoming Half mess up, but I didn't let it get in the way of my run. Unlike yesterday, I actually wanted to run this morning. I didn't have a great plan, I didn't have a particular mileage goal, but I did not want to give in to fleeting feelings that would only bring me down but change nothing. And, yes, it's sometimes hard to get out there when there's not a specific end-point goal on the calendar. But, I could not allow that to get in my way today when I've not yet had time to reevaluate any upcoming potential goals.
So, off I went. I didn't take Elly so I could just run as long (or short) as I wanted without factoring her in. It was a beautiful 50-degree morning with little wind, and getting out there felt free.
Almost as soon as I started, I knew I would go at least four miles which was exactly the time I decided I would go five. I wanted that extra push, and it was probably the best thing I could have done to keep my head in the right game, not in any contrived head games.
I finished feeling most excellent both physically and mentally. Not to mention, I also came up with another potential solution for my situation. I now have Plans A through C: A, Someone (who is in the calendar-checking phase of the process) does a transfer of registration with me; B, I convince the race people to let me do it virtually and I pick up my shirt and medal after, or C, I get half the registration money back (per the event rules), and we all go about our business.
I just like that there are options and that none are terrible. I, of course, prefer A or B. Time (within the week) will tell the outcome.
In the meantime, as I've planned a Rest Day for Thursday, I'll be back at it again for a short run. That means Elly will get to come, too! It's her favorite way to start the day especially when she gets a day's break in between runs. So, here's to new thoughts, new perspectives and a great morning run! I'll see you after ...
Monday, April 20, 2015
Did I Really Do That? Yes. Yes, I Did.
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 350.9 (running: 243.5; walking: 13.6; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $33.16
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 350.9 Aaron: 273.8 (b: 251.4; w: 22.4) Elly: 70.1 Total: 694.8
And, Snoopy nails it again:
* I was in a far superior mood last Monday, so you might want to skip this one, and go back to that one ...
Man, I SO DID NOT want this to reflect my Monday, but there it was right from the beginning! I not only had to pry myself out of bed, but I had to do whatever the equivalent is of prying yourself out of bed, but you're not getting out of bed, you're putting on your clothes. But, you don't want to. Because you want to get back in the bed you just pried yourself out of.
Snoopy would say: *sigh*
Contributing to my Monday morning attitude included all kinds of revelations about things I've messed up lately, and a good handful of them come in the form of double-booking myself on top of runs for which I have registered. Yes. I've now done that twice. It annoys me so much that I don't even want to talk about it.
I take that back. I'll talk about the up sides because there actually are some. Both double-booking instances are for other activities more important to me than running. Bonus times two. The other immediate bonus is that -- if I'm being honest -- I didn't necessarily want to jump into another training schedule. I most certainly would have, and it would have been fine. But, I did feel a little relief in not having to this morning although it left me a wee-bit directionless.
I was too tired and cranky to give the whole morning run much thought, so I figured I'd sign on for three miles, take Elly with me and call it good until I can get my head back on. I don't know how I managed to convince myself to actually go run when I really was less than inspired to do so, but I counted on the post-run feeling of, "Ahhh ... much better," that I tend to get and headed out.
Hey, could someone have warned me it was flippin' windy out there?
Elly looked like she was about to lift off for the first mile and a half as we ran straight into the wind. And, it was in the mid-40s. Can we say cold? Yuck.
It was, indeed, good to get out there and clear my head, though. I've seen it on shirts, I've read it online, and I will confirm: Running is cheaper than therapy.
And, so, we ran.
And, then I had to imitate Elly:
Tomorrow's another day. And, it's another run. We'll see you after ...!
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 350.9 Aaron: 273.8 (b: 251.4; w: 22.4) Elly: 70.1 Total: 694.8
And, Snoopy nails it again:
* I was in a far superior mood last Monday, so you might want to skip this one, and go back to that one ...
Man, I SO DID NOT want this to reflect my Monday, but there it was right from the beginning! I not only had to pry myself out of bed, but I had to do whatever the equivalent is of prying yourself out of bed, but you're not getting out of bed, you're putting on your clothes. But, you don't want to. Because you want to get back in the bed you just pried yourself out of.
Snoopy would say: *sigh*
Contributing to my Monday morning attitude included all kinds of revelations about things I've messed up lately, and a good handful of them come in the form of double-booking myself on top of runs for which I have registered. Yes. I've now done that twice. It annoys me so much that I don't even want to talk about it.
I take that back. I'll talk about the up sides because there actually are some. Both double-booking instances are for other activities more important to me than running. Bonus times two. The other immediate bonus is that -- if I'm being honest -- I didn't necessarily want to jump into another training schedule. I most certainly would have, and it would have been fine. But, I did feel a little relief in not having to this morning although it left me a wee-bit directionless.
I was too tired and cranky to give the whole morning run much thought, so I figured I'd sign on for three miles, take Elly with me and call it good until I can get my head back on. I don't know how I managed to convince myself to actually go run when I really was less than inspired to do so, but I counted on the post-run feeling of, "Ahhh ... much better," that I tend to get and headed out.
Hey, could someone have warned me it was flippin' windy out there?
Elly looked like she was about to lift off for the first mile and a half as we ran straight into the wind. And, it was in the mid-40s. Can we say cold? Yuck.
It was, indeed, good to get out there and clear my head, though. I've seen it on shirts, I've read it online, and I will confirm: Running is cheaper than therapy.
And, so, we ran.
And, then I had to imitate Elly:
Tomorrow's another day. And, it's another run. We'll see you after ...!
Sunday, April 19, 2015
I know I said I wasn't posting over the weekend only to do so both days, but both days had irresistible messages. Especially this one:
Ahhh, Snoopy.
I am, however, resisting looking at tomorrow's training schedule. I admit I'm a bit intimidated by what I remember of it! So, I figure I'll just be surprised -- kind of like when I don't look at the course map before a race and get surprised along the way.
That doesn't usually turn out in my favor, by the way, but at least I understand and accept the strategy I've chosen!
Here's to a fantastic Sunday for all!! I'll see you after the morning run!
Ahhh, Snoopy.
I am, however, resisting looking at tomorrow's training schedule. I admit I'm a bit intimidated by what I remember of it! So, I figure I'll just be surprised -- kind of like when I don't look at the course map before a race and get surprised along the way.
That doesn't usually turn out in my favor, by the way, but at least I understand and accept the strategy I've chosen!
Here's to a fantastic Sunday for all!! I'll see you after the morning run!
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
This and That
Ahhhhh ... FRIDAY!!! I know I don't have to convince anyone how great it is that it's FRIDAY!! It's been a super-busy week coupled with quite a bit of body recovery, so I'm not only happy for the weekend break but also for my late-night decision to make this a 3-day weekend in the form of no running! I most definitely pushed myself as much as my body could take this week, and it's very politely telling me to take a break before starting up the new training schedule. I decided to listen instead of pushing. I don't need a muscle rebellion, and I am ready to embrace a stretch of rest!!
That is, if you call cleaning the house restful ...
I was able to accomplish a ton of this-and-that things (you know, all of those little "I'll get to that later" piles that stick around the house ... including unpacking the bag-o-goods from the Expo last week. Yeah, still hadn't done that! I even forgot I'd bought a sweet, new wicking headband!
It has all sorts of stuff written around it, and there's hardly a chance of anyone ever reading it when squished on my sweaty brow. But, I liked it. And, that I forgot I'd even bought it is a clear indication of how this week was!
Anyway, I decided today was for cleaning and regrouping and reorganizing which included finally getting a little container for our nutritional yeast addition ...
I found this lovely piece in a hardware store. Yes, yes ... a hardware store. I really shouldn't be that surprised, though, seeing as one of my very favorite picture frames came from a clothing store ...
In our recent food overhaul, I learned about some benefits of adding nutritional yeast to your food. Most notably (this is from my brain of what I remember reading, so do your due diligence if you want to find out the more scientific chiz ...), it can help maintain a healthy metabolic rate and is really good to help keep blood sugar levels chilled out (see why you should check out the info for yourself? This is simply how I remember stuff.). It tastes delish ... kind of nutty, kind of cheesy. Pit Crew #2 and I routinely put it on eggs, so a container from which we could spoon and sprinkle became very necessary. You can also put it in a shaker, but I found the flakes just big enough that I shook my arm off to get just a smattering, and that's after Aaron drilled the holes bigger than they came! So, I landed this awesome little crock for the nutritional yeast, and into the bigger-holed shaker went my chia seeds!
This was yet another kitchen problem solved, by the way, because I was having trouble using the scoop that comes with the chia to sprinkle the seeds on eggs or salad. No matter how hard I tried, they just slid on out of it with a thump and one, big pile. The reassigned shaker took care of that. BAM.
For sure, it's the little things!
Not so little is looking ahead to 2 more days of down time!! I almost can't believe it's true as our family calendar matches the running calendar ... there's nothin'!! I'll savor it while it's here! Enjoy every part of your weekend while I take mine off entirely!! I'll see you again on Monday ...!!
That is, if you call cleaning the house restful ...
![]() |
Not restful, but, oh my how very necessary! I do so love rediscovering the color of our furniture ... |
It has all sorts of stuff written around it, and there's hardly a chance of anyone ever reading it when squished on my sweaty brow. But, I liked it. And, that I forgot I'd even bought it is a clear indication of how this week was!
Anyway, I decided today was for cleaning and regrouping and reorganizing which included finally getting a little container for our nutritional yeast addition ...
I found this lovely piece in a hardware store. Yes, yes ... a hardware store. I really shouldn't be that surprised, though, seeing as one of my very favorite picture frames came from a clothing store ...
In our recent food overhaul, I learned about some benefits of adding nutritional yeast to your food. Most notably (this is from my brain of what I remember reading, so do your due diligence if you want to find out the more scientific chiz ...), it can help maintain a healthy metabolic rate and is really good to help keep blood sugar levels chilled out (see why you should check out the info for yourself? This is simply how I remember stuff.). It tastes delish ... kind of nutty, kind of cheesy. Pit Crew #2 and I routinely put it on eggs, so a container from which we could spoon and sprinkle became very necessary. You can also put it in a shaker, but I found the flakes just big enough that I shook my arm off to get just a smattering, and that's after Aaron drilled the holes bigger than they came! So, I landed this awesome little crock for the nutritional yeast, and into the bigger-holed shaker went my chia seeds!
This was yet another kitchen problem solved, by the way, because I was having trouble using the scoop that comes with the chia to sprinkle the seeds on eggs or salad. No matter how hard I tried, they just slid on out of it with a thump and one, big pile. The reassigned shaker took care of that. BAM.
For sure, it's the little things!
Not so little is looking ahead to 2 more days of down time!! I almost can't believe it's true as our family calendar matches the running calendar ... there's nothin'!! I'll savor it while it's here! Enjoy every part of your weekend while I take mine off entirely!! I'll see you again on Monday ...!!
Thursday, April 16, 2015
For Real This Time: Last Ones!
I just realized I never specifically showcased the bling from last weekend's race! Take a look:
It seemed appropriate to show this today as I promised two weekend stories, both of which were in the very, last stretch of the run!
Story One: So, there I was, having finally found and rounded the corner to the finish. From corner to finish line was that last tenth everyone loves and hates. Both sides of the street were lined with people anxiously looking for their loved ones. I knew mine were there somewhere especially as I'd already heard, but not yet seen, Aaron (not an unusual situation in our family!).
As I got closer to the finish line, the crowd cheering notably escalated. I could hear the announcer but was paying no attention to what he was saying. As far as I knew, he was calling out the names of those finishing, but I was not quite there, so it meant nothing to me. As I got closer to the finish, I clued in to what was happening: The winner of the marathon had just come up behind me (in the marathon lane) and was about to cross the line. And, before I quite got to the finish, the second place marathoner crossed. Right there next to me. These two dudes just finished a full marathon seconds under my Personal Record finish for a Half.
I think that makes three in a row across the finish line in spectacular form, don't you?
Story Two (which is also my favorite): I love and hate something else about these races, and that's the few moment right after crossing the finish. The love part is probably obvious; the hate part comes from the fact that all of my leg muscles start to clench and scream and make me want to sit down only to hurt to sit for long only to really hurt when standing back up ... It's a little dance my body does. An awkward dance. But, it's well earned, and my family is used to it enough by now that no one worries if I'm okay or if I totally broke myself on the course.
As my internal body parts were going through their own motions, I enjoyed spending a good spell of time on some stairs (stairs = awesome. It's easier to get up.) sharing my post-race food with the Crew. I pointed out the man in the "I may be 60 but I feel like 13.1" shirt to my fam, and they made sure I noticed someone just got engaged near us on the stairs. We checked out the food trucks and got our respective Kona Ices and smoothies before meandering back to the racing field.
We passed right by the finish, so I took the opportunity to stop along the gates and watch people come in. For perspective, I must mention these runners were an hour behind me. Most wore that hour on their faces. Some of the marathoners were bounding in (um, how, exactly?), a handful of marathon relay teams were smiling and laughing while trotting 4-across together to the finish, an older couple finishing the Half was shuffling along together, and every, single person had their heart on their sleeve.
One Half runner caught my eye. If you looked only at her body language, you'd think she was in incredible pain. Her knees were together, her feet were barely propelling her forward, and her arms were clenched tightly to her sides. And, then, you look at her face: She was beaming. And, then she saw her crew which was a group of about 10 people crammed together and leaning as far as they could over the gates to hug her. Just when I thought her smile couldn't get any bigger, she stopped and hugged them all. And, she cried. She was probably 15 yards from the end, and she stopped. Those hugs meant more than whatever time she earned. It took her a moment or two to peel herself away to go finish, and she did so with a smile bigger than I've ever seen. The whole scene was absolutely beautiful.
This is for her:
Have a great slide into Friday, and I'll check in tomorrow ...
It seemed appropriate to show this today as I promised two weekend stories, both of which were in the very, last stretch of the run!
Story One: So, there I was, having finally found and rounded the corner to the finish. From corner to finish line was that last tenth everyone loves and hates. Both sides of the street were lined with people anxiously looking for their loved ones. I knew mine were there somewhere especially as I'd already heard, but not yet seen, Aaron (not an unusual situation in our family!).
As I got closer to the finish line, the crowd cheering notably escalated. I could hear the announcer but was paying no attention to what he was saying. As far as I knew, he was calling out the names of those finishing, but I was not quite there, so it meant nothing to me. As I got closer to the finish, I clued in to what was happening: The winner of the marathon had just come up behind me (in the marathon lane) and was about to cross the line. And, before I quite got to the finish, the second place marathoner crossed. Right there next to me. These two dudes just finished a full marathon seconds under my Personal Record finish for a Half.
I think that makes three in a row across the finish line in spectacular form, don't you?
Story Two (which is also my favorite): I love and hate something else about these races, and that's the few moment right after crossing the finish. The love part is probably obvious; the hate part comes from the fact that all of my leg muscles start to clench and scream and make me want to sit down only to hurt to sit for long only to really hurt when standing back up ... It's a little dance my body does. An awkward dance. But, it's well earned, and my family is used to it enough by now that no one worries if I'm okay or if I totally broke myself on the course.
As my internal body parts were going through their own motions, I enjoyed spending a good spell of time on some stairs (stairs = awesome. It's easier to get up.) sharing my post-race food with the Crew. I pointed out the man in the "I may be 60 but I feel like 13.1" shirt to my fam, and they made sure I noticed someone just got engaged near us on the stairs. We checked out the food trucks and got our respective Kona Ices and smoothies before meandering back to the racing field.
We passed right by the finish, so I took the opportunity to stop along the gates and watch people come in. For perspective, I must mention these runners were an hour behind me. Most wore that hour on their faces. Some of the marathoners were bounding in (um, how, exactly?), a handful of marathon relay teams were smiling and laughing while trotting 4-across together to the finish, an older couple finishing the Half was shuffling along together, and every, single person had their heart on their sleeve.
One Half runner caught my eye. If you looked only at her body language, you'd think she was in incredible pain. Her knees were together, her feet were barely propelling her forward, and her arms were clenched tightly to her sides. And, then, you look at her face: She was beaming. And, then she saw her crew which was a group of about 10 people crammed together and leaning as far as they could over the gates to hug her. Just when I thought her smile couldn't get any bigger, she stopped and hugged them all. And, she cried. She was probably 15 yards from the end, and she stopped. Those hugs meant more than whatever time she earned. It took her a moment or two to peel herself away to go finish, and she did so with a smile bigger than I've ever seen. The whole scene was absolutely beautiful.
This is for her:
Have a great slide into Friday, and I'll check in tomorrow ...
Go St. Louis Half Marathon 2015,
Rest Day
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Keeping It Loose
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 347.9 (running: 240.5; walking: 13.6; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $32.67
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 347.9 Aaron: 264.4 (b: 242; w: 22.4) Elly: 67.1 Total: 679.4
I keep looking at the forecast for the week justhoping knowing I'm going to get rained out some morning, so I hopped on a clear forecast for today. I know I could decide to take some time off, but with another Half coming fast, I feel the need to utilize the inertia concept!
Besides, it was a perfect day to take Elly with me. The temp was reasonably cool, I was going her perfect distance, and I didn't care how much interval training she implemented because I was probably going to appreciate the multiple stops anyway. To that end, I even changed shirts so as to totally gal-pal it up and color coordinate with her:
Today's run felt better than yesterday's although I did opt to walk up one of the hills. I found a new training schedule that's kind of intimidating me but I'm considering using in modified fashion next week, so I internally justified figured I'd not completely exhaust myself this week only to screw myself entirely for the start of next.
For real, this new schedule is intense even though it is, allegedly, for beginners. I'm just saying that if I'd seen it before running my very first Half, I would have been so intimidated that I might not have tried. You have only one Rest Day (versus my three), and there are significantly more double-digit runs than my current schedule. Not to mention, there's speed work and ... umm ... and ... well, there's something else that I can't remember (because I probably don'tcare do it). I'll share more details later as I go, but for now know that more of the schedule appealed to me than didn't, so it's worth a real look. For sanity's sake, I might amend it so I have an additional Rest Day, though; that seems a worthy compromise since the mileage aspect increases significantly.
Before then, though, I'll continue to take each day this week as it comes! I do know tomorrow's a Rest Day as the ol' schedule prevents a morning run, so I'll check in then with two of my favorite non-pictured stories of the weekend! (Just when I said I'd wrapped up the weekend ... seems not!)
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 347.9 Aaron: 264.4 (b: 242; w: 22.4) Elly: 67.1 Total: 679.4
I keep looking at the forecast for the week just
Besides, it was a perfect day to take Elly with me. The temp was reasonably cool, I was going her perfect distance, and I didn't care how much interval training she implemented because I was probably going to appreciate the multiple stops anyway. To that end, I even changed shirts so as to totally gal-pal it up and color coordinate with her:
Even her tongue coordinates. What an awesome gal-pal effort on her part! |
For real, this new schedule is intense even though it is, allegedly, for beginners. I'm just saying that if I'd seen it before running my very first Half, I would have been so intimidated that I might not have tried. You have only one Rest Day (versus my three), and there are significantly more double-digit runs than my current schedule. Not to mention, there's speed work and ... umm ... and ... well, there's something else that I can't remember (because I probably don't
"Sounds intense, mommy. And, that tends to mean I can't go with you. So, let's stop such talk and smell some lilacs." |
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Wrapping Up the Weekend Round Up!
Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 344.9 (running: 237.5; walking: 13.6; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $32.58
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 344.9 Aaron: 264.4 (b: 242; w: 22.4) Elly: 64.1 Total: 673.4*
* Average monthly mileage required to hit year-end goal: Completed!
Here we go, here we go, here we go again!! Let's talk stuff as it pertained to the running weekend! Come with me through THE EXPO!
We had business to take care of first -- bib and shirt pick-up! Hey, do you know it's super-helpful if you arrive at the Expo with your bib number? Yeah, they even sent it to me ahead of time. I seemed to miss this detail. But, because I am not the only tool in the box, this is a predictable situation to the race directors who wisely set up laptops so we can first retrieve our numbers then get in line. Whoopsie!
Well, whatever, it was taken care of, and we were IN!
The Expo here was pretty fantastic. We finished taking care of business with the The Crew getting their shirts ...
... and, I got mine!
With business behind us, it was time to scope! There were a handful of new (to me) vendors there as well as a number of predictables. You know I love checking out the shirts, so let me share some of my faves this time:
I don't know why so many on black caught my eye, but there you go.
I always love scoping out this kind of vendor. You know, the one with all of the little stuff:
And, if you have a teenage boy, you'll understand that the Run Naked sign made us stop and laugh more than I would have had I not been with a teenage boy. It's just true.
You can see the 0.0 sticker up there, but I really, really liked this one at another booth:
I'd not before seen a vendor with shoe charms:
They were cute but too big. They were in the ballpark diameter of a penny, and I'm not down with that. Besides, I still have my awesome running girl Mary Kate got me, so I'm not in need.
Pit Crew #2 has two particular parts of the Expo she looks forward to. First, there are the headband people ...
... and, then there are often food samples. There was only one actual 'dish' sample this time (not counting the beef people with the jerky sticks or the oatmeal concoction). I don't know what place was hosting this ...
My verdict? It was terrible. The kale killed it. The dry chicken didn't help matters. But, I wasn't there for the sampling, so Pit Crew #3 and I passed ours to those who would eat it (guess who?!) and went on with our shopping!
I guess 'shopping' is a bit of an exaggeration because I love looking, but we as a family must be a huge disappointment to the vendors. The headband people tend to like us, but that's about where it begins and ends. I did pick up a few little things I'd not before seen with these purchases, that I got between bibs and shirts, being my top picks:
We'll see what happens this week as I will run when I can and not worry about it when I can't! Next week kicks off the training schedule for May, and we'll deal with that next week. For now, I'll deal with what comes and make the very best of it! Thanks for running, cheering and shopping with me! It's back to normal tomorrow ... see you then!
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 344.9 Aaron: 264.4 (b: 242; w: 22.4) Elly: 64.1 Total: 673.4*
* Average monthly mileage required to hit year-end goal: Completed!
Here we go, here we go, here we go again!! Let's talk stuff as it pertained to the running weekend! Come with me through THE EXPO!
We had business to take care of first -- bib and shirt pick-up! Hey, do you know it's super-helpful if you arrive at the Expo with your bib number? Yeah, they even sent it to me ahead of time. I seemed to miss this detail. But, because I am not the only tool in the box, this is a predictable situation to the race directors who wisely set up laptops so we can first retrieve our numbers then get in line. Whoopsie!
Well, whatever, it was taken care of, and we were IN!
... and, I got mine!
LOVE my shirt. Everything about it was awesome! I love when that happens. |
Elly approved. |
That really needs to be on the back of the shirt, just sayin' ... |
I always love scoping out this kind of vendor. You know, the one with all of the little stuff:
And, if you have a teenage boy, you'll understand that the Run Naked sign made us stop and laugh more than I would have had I not been with a teenage boy. It's just true.
You can see the 0.0 sticker up there, but I really, really liked this one at another booth:
I'd not before seen a vendor with shoe charms:
They were cute but too big. They were in the ballpark diameter of a penny, and I'm not down with that. Besides, I still have my awesome running girl Mary Kate got me, so I'm not in need.
Yes. I said 'need.' I'll say it again: NEED. |
... and, then there are often food samples. There was only one actual 'dish' sample this time (not counting the beef people with the jerky sticks or the oatmeal concoction). I don't know what place was hosting this ...
Feta, pepper things, olives, tomato, garbanzo bean, quinoa, kale, chicken ... and, I think there were some other things in there mixed in a vinaigrette. |
I guess 'shopping' is a bit of an exaggeration because I love looking, but we as a family must be a huge disappointment to the vendors. The headband people tend to like us, but that's about where it begins and ends. I did pick up a few little things I'd not before seen with these purchases, that I got between bibs and shirts, being my top picks:
There was one more weekend purchase that didn't happen at the Expo but is a must-see nonetheless. Ready?
I saw him, and I had to. That is all.
Speaking of 'had to,' I found myself feeling the need to run this morning. I thought it would be a good idea to do some shaking out from the weekend, so I opted for a casual run. Besides, I had to try out my new shirt, right?!
It wasn't the greatest first half of the run. In fact, the first two miles felt like the dumbest idea I've ever had. But, the last two made me feel a little more normal again, so I'm glad I went. Every day through next Monday has rain in the forecast, so I figured I'd get a run in while I knew, for certain, I could. Besides, today's run took us over the monthly goal for our 2015 challenge, so it was most definitely well spent! I also found enough money to go past $32. Booyah.We'll see what happens this week as I will run when I can and not worry about it when I can't! Next week kicks off the training schedule for May, and we'll deal with that next week. For now, I'll deal with what comes and make the very best of it! Thanks for running, cheering and shopping with me! It's back to normal tomorrow ... see you then!
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